- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 311
Area is the quantity that expresses the extent of a two-dimensional figure or shape, or planar lamina, in the plane. Surface area is its analog on the two-dimensional surface of a three-dimensional object. Area can be understood as the amount of material with a given thickness that would be necessary to fashion a model of the shape, or the amount of paint necessary to cover the surface with a single coat. It is the two-dimensional analog of the length of a curve (a one-dimensional concept) or the volume of a solid (a three-dimensional concept).
The area of a shape can be measured by comparing the shape to squares of a fixed size. In the International System of Units (SI), the standard unit of area is the square metre (written as m2), which is the area of a square whose sides are one metre long. A shape with an area of three square metres would have the same area as three such squares. In mathematics, the unit square is defined to have area one, and the area of any other shape or surface is a dimensionless real number.
In the performing arts, a scenario (UK /sɪˈnɑːrioʊ/, US /sᵻˈnɛərioʊ/; from Italian: that which is pinned to the scenery; pronounced [ʃeˈnaːrjo]) is a synoptical collage of an event or series of actions and events. In the Commedia dell'arte it was an outline of entrances, exits, and action describing the plot of a play, and was literally pinned to the back of the scenery. It is also known as canovaccio or "that which is pinned to the canvas" of which the scenery was constructed.
Surviving scenarios from the Renaissance contain little other than character names, brief descriptions of action, and references to specific lazzi with no further explanation. It is believed that a scenario formed the basis for a fully improvisational performance, though it is also likely that they were simple reminders of the plot for those members of the cast who were literate. Modern commedia troupes most often make use of a script with varying degrees of additional improvisation.
In the creation of an opera or ballet, a scenario is often developed initially to indicate how the original source, if any, is to be adapted and to summarize the aspects of character, staging, plot, etc. that can be expanded later in a fully developed libretto, or script. This sketch can be helpful in "pitching" the idea to a prospective producer, director or composer.
The San Francisco Bay Area is a populous region surrounding the San Francisco and San Pablo estuaries in Northern California. The region encompasses the major cities and metropolitan areas of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, along with smaller urban and rural areas. The Bay Area's nine counties are Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma. Home to approximately 7.44 million people, the nine-county Bay Area contains many cities, towns, airports, and associated regional, state, and national parks, connected by a network of roads, highways, railroads, bridges, tunnels and commuter rail. The combined statistical area of the region is the second-largest in California (after the Greater Los Angeles area), the fifth-largest in the United States, and the 43rd-largest urban area in the world.
The United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB) does not use the nine-county definition of the San Francisco Bay Area. The OMB has designated a more extensive 12-county Combined Statistical Area (CSA) titled the San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA Combined Statistical Area which also includes the three counties of San Joaquin, Santa Cruz, and San Benito that do not border San Francisco Bay, but are economically tied to the nine counties that do.
Summoners War Ep.2: Grinding The Scenario Areas!
DnF Ascension Metro Area Scenario Showcase
WoW "Isle of Thunder" Stage 3 Area Opening Scenario
The scenario of primary education in hard to reach area Part 1
Exploring Europe's biggest disaster scenario
Der Sound von Scenario: Blackout Area
Road to Southwark - Scenario area
Necrons vs SpaceWolves HD Bay Area Scenario 2012
Nuclear Attack Scenario of My Area
hill area traveling using local vehicle | Beautiful natural scenario
Ehasa Conquest scenario in military training area @ Padasjoki, FIN
WOLF - Timber Region - Survive in Enemy Area (Scenario #6)
Tekken 6 Scenario Campaign - Unlock Hidden Area
lol scenario box/grid area
JAM Project NAWABARI ~Haitoku no Scenario~
FAME Application Scenario E: Home Area Networks
Area 51 Scenario Paintball Game
A scenario of flood in our area
IMPACT Bay Area Walk Away Scenario
Troves of the Thunder King (Loot grab scenario) first room secret area with two large chests
Vijayawada at Krishnaveni Ghat Area-Scenario at Night 11.15 Pm-14.08.2016
Vijayawada with Bhavanies on 22.12.2016 at Durga Ghat Area-The Scenario
Jala Brat - La Martina (Official Video) 4K
Jala Brat - SKANDAL (4K VIDEO)
Buba Corelli - Fetis (Official Video) 4K
gonna be a few days before i can unlock slayer on all these dungeons so for now have some scenario to get a feel for this place
Hey guys, sorry for the delay in videos but here is one! This is a quick show off of the stage 3 scenario intro and showing you where the quest hub is. Hope you enjoy, like comment and Subscribe for more :) Cheers. Thanks to Raven Design for the intro!
This report has been produced after visiting the very remote area of Ruma and Thanchi upazila of Bandarban district.
In a disused power station in Kent in the UK, Europe's largest disaster training exercise was held involving more than 175 staff from London Ambulance Service including paramedics and specialists from the Hazardous Area Response Team (HART). Organised by the London Fire Brigade and funded by the EU, the unique training scenario involved more than 1,000 casualty and ran from February 29 - March 3, 2016.
Im Rahmen unserer Serie war die Crossover-Band Blackout Area aus Castrop-Rauxel zu Gast in unserer Scenario-Lounge. Die Band stellte sich den Fragen unserer Jugendredakteurin Karo Jankowski und machte am Ende noch ein bisschen Partymusik in der Lounge! Übrigens: Merkt euch den 20. März. Da kommt das Album "Wir sind anders"!
Please Rate, Like, and Subscribe Please visit www.FrontlineGaming.org your place for 20% off everyday!
I urge preppers to do the same and have a little think of how their area could be effected by targets for an unlimited exchange
hill area traveling using local vehicle | Beautiful natural scenario Please subscribe for Awesome videos ➤ ❤️ https://goo.gl/nBSwrQ ❤️ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow Us on Social Media: Facebook➤ https://www.facebook.com/Thecrazyworld-1259495920833635/ Google Plus:➤https://plus.google.com/b/116715147383900033220/116715147383900033220 Twitter➤ https://twitter.com/TheCrazyWorldyt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Chevrolet belongs to Jan, Tresoft
Download link for the game (completely safe and legal): http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/531.... Click the download button to start the download. This game can run on both Windows (using DOSBOX) or Mac OSX (using DOSBOX or Boxer, the latter of which I prefer as its much easier.) Follow the instructions for DOSBOX or Boxer to set up the game, or look at tutorials on youtube.
http://plaguedoctorphilosophy.simplesite.com/430645176 http://lockongaming.blogspot.com A quick demonstration showing the route you need to take to unlock a hidden area in Tekken 6's Scenario Campaign mode.
Artist - JAM Project Album - AREA Z Released - 2016.06.29 Tracklist 1 Gate of Territory *2 NAWABARI ~Haitoku no Scenario~ 3 AREA Z~ Song for J-Riders~ 4 Yaiba ~the divine blade~ 5 ASESINA 6 WE ARE ONE 7 Survive 8 Treasure in the sky 9 Magical Mystery Spice ~Magic Spice no Theme~ 10 THE HERO!! ~Ikareru Kobushi ni Hi wo Tsukero~ 11 Guiana Kouchi 12 Fragile 13 J-RIOT 14 Growing up 15 SHORT STORY-life is beautiful- http://jamjamsite.com/
This is some of the highlights from the 24 hour scenario game Area 51 that was played at Wayne's World of Paintball in Ocala, Fl.
The flood situation in Dhubri district of Assam,India.Which was happened on last July month.
This is a scenario where an assailant comes at a person from behind. I am laughing at the end because I turned around and punched the suited instructor, which is the first thing they taught us not to do in class. But you can see that I hit him hard enough for him to go down after two strikes. (The second heel palm is the correct move that we are taught)
Fraps started making me lag at the end of the video so i disabled it and didnt get the recording of my full run, but this vid at least shows off the hidden area that lets you skip all the booby traps and grab a couple of the big black chests
IMPERIA: ✔ SUBSCRIBE: http://ley.la/IMPYT BUY ON: itunes ---- http://goo.gl/0VIjru Google play ---- http://goo.gl/LKVWLp Amazon ---- http://goo.gl/ur01gx LISTEN ON: Spotify ---- http://goo.gl/N4rAzj Deezer ---- https://goo.gl/pwP4Tr . IMPERIA Predstavlja Produkcija Area 7 Entertainment www.facebook.com/Area7Entertainment Scenario/rezija/ Jasmin Pivic Kamera/ Dino Sehic Montaza/ Dino Sehic Kolor korekcija/ Dino Sehic Menadzer produkcije/ Jasmin Smajic Sminka/ Kornijela Pivic Rasvjeta/ Elfad Barucija Behind the scenes/ Sanel Bulut Model/ Elmina Mbandolo Tekst/ Jala Brat Muzika/ Jala Brat Aranzman/Mix Master/ KC Blaze Jala Brat: ✔ Facebook: http://ley.la/JALAFB ✔ Instagram: http://ley.la/JALAIN Buba Corelli : ✔ Facebook: http://ley.la/BUBAFB ✔ Instagram: http://ley.la/BUBAIN YouTube...
IMPERIA: ✔ SUBSCRIBE: http://ley.la/IMPYT Produkcija Area 7 Entertainment www.facebook.com/Area7Entertainment scenario/rezija/ Jasmin Pivic kamera/ Dino Sehic montaza/ Dino Sehic kolor korekcija/ Dino Sehic menadzer produkcije/ Jasmin Smajic sminka/frizura/ Semina Civic rasvjeta/ Elfad Barucija heli/ Dado Ruvic/ Dron.ba asistenti/ Suad Barucija/ Benjamin Hazic tekst/ Jala Brat muzika/mix/master/ Jala Brat aranzman/ Tedi Lazarevic / Dj Comi Jala Brat: ✔ Facebook: http://ley.la/JALAFB ✔ Instagram: http://ley.la/JALAIN Buba Corelli : ✔ Facebook: http://ley.la/BUBAFB ✔ Instagram: http://ley.la/BUBAIN YouTube Partner with: EMDC Network http://www.emdcnetwork.com info@emdcnetwork.com Veliko hvala osoblju hotela Dubrovnik Zenica
IMPERIA: ✔ SUBSCRIBE: http://ley.la/IMPYT Produkcija Area 7 Entertainment www.facebook.com/Area7Entertainment Scenario / Režija / Jasmin Pivić Kamera / Dino Šehić Kolor korekcija / Dino Šehić Menadžer produkcije / Jasmin Smajić Šminka / Frizura / Semina Čivić Rasvjera / Elfad Baručija Aerial / Dado Ruvić / dron.ba Model / Emina Karišik https://www.facebook.com/ekarisik?fref=ts Plesačica / Esme Tulić https://www.facebook.com/esme.tulic?fref=ts Veliko hvala osoblju Etno sela ''Čardaci'' i ekipi iy SRK ''Tvrđava''. Muzika / Buba Corelli Mix i mastering / Buba Corelli Aranžman / Buba Corelli Buba Corelli : ✔ Facebook: http://ley.la/BUBAFB ✔ Instagram: http://ley.la/BUBAIN Jala Brat: ✔ Facebook: http://ley.la/JALAFB ✔ Instagram: http://ley.la/JALAIN YouTube Partner with: EMDC Network h...
Welcome to the channel and Cities Skylines, The Natural Disasters DLC that was released late November 2016. The release included a free scenario editor. Scenarios introduce win targets that challenge your city building skills. Floodland is a scenario where the player is challenged to keep a city alive and growing while dealing with ever rising flood water.
00:06 Preferred Land Use - Jobs - Housing Connection Scenario 30:25 MTC/ABAG Discussion/Questions 49:50 Tom Bates - Alameda County Cities 57:36 Public Comment 1 - Sam Tuckerman 00:01 Public Comment 2 - Scott Peterson 1:02:46 Public Comment 3 - Marilyn Millender 1:05:07 Public Comment 4 - Dave Campbell 1:06:15 Public Comment 5 - Stephanie Reyes 1:08:34 Public Comment 6 - Charles Cagnon 1:10:57 Public Comment 7 - Vince 1:13:26 Public Comment 8 - Tim Frank 1:15:35 MTC/ABAG Follow-up discussion/questions 1:27:51 Public Comment 9 - Perisa Fatea Video by Steve Kemp In April and May of 2011 One Bay Area had hosted" public input" meetings and an additional set of in January 2012 to showcase their vision and to solicit public feedback. This is one of those meetings. Led by Heather Gass, con...
Please read before watching. Also, don't wear headphones while watching this, or if you are... don't leave the volume too high. SYNOPSIS: In 1900, the City of Galveston was destroyed by Category Five hurricane. To prevent further tragedies, Galveston decided to build a seawall to protect the city in 1902. This seawall was continually worked on until 1963. To this day, the seawall, even in cases where water went over the top of the wall, prevented massive damage and saved lives. However, recent events such as Hurricane Ike in 2008 have suggested that the wall might have some flaws. This scenario presents the following question... what if the wall was destroyed during a storm? What could happen? Most of the scenario takes place in the City of Galveston before and during the hurricane, tho...
Let's Play Cities Skylines the TOURISM CHALLENGE. In this scenario you will have to build a big tourism resort and attract tourists to your city. You will face some setbacks in your mission. Enjoy & share :-) ➤Please consider supporting my Channel through Patreon: - http://www.patreon.com/Biffa2001 ➤Where to FOLLOW Me: - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/biffa2001 - 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BiffaPlays - Twitter: @biffa2001 - Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/biffa2001 PLAYLISTS ➤Cities Skyline Natural Disaster Comedy Short "DISASTER STRIKES LONDON!": https://youtu.be/ysY0glb22x4 ➤Cities Skyline Natural Disaster: https://goo.gl/hgXj4c ➤Cities Skylines Unlimited Mods: https://goo.gl/LBzkua ➤Cities Skylines: Snowfall DLC: https://goo.gl/jD8g5G ➤Cities Skylines: After Dark DLC...
Please visit http://e.globis.jp/ Professional Seminar: "Scenario Planning" - Thinking Differently about Future Innovation (and Real-World Applications) Speaker: Mr. Woody Wade, Principal, Wade & Company Time and Date: 19:00-21:00, Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Venue: GLOBIS Tokyo Campus, Japan Language: English Duration: 1:18:13 Event Outline Today's globally intertwined, fast-moving world is filled with uncertainty. One thing that is certain is that the future will be very different from the present and impossible to "predict." That is precisely why it has become ever so more important to identify and prepare for "potential" changes in the global, long-term business environment. Enter scenario planning. Today every organization must build its capacity to anticipate for long-term, "multipl...
Let's Play Cities Skylines Natural Disasters: Now it's the "Tornado Country" scenario, which starts out tough! Building up our Tourism area & keeping up with the Traffic :-) ➤Please consider supporting my Channel through Patreon: - http://www.patreon.com/Biffa2001 ➤Where to FOLLOW Me: - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/biffa2001 - 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BiffaPlays - Twitter: @biffa2001 - Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/biffa2001 PLAYLISTS ➤Cities Skyline Natural Disaster Comedy Short "DISASTER STRIKES LONDON!": https://youtu.be/ysY0glb22x4 ➤Cities Skyline Natural Disaster: https://goo.gl/hgXj4c ➤Cities Skylines Unlimited Mods: https://goo.gl/LBzkua ➤Cities Skylines: Snowfall DLC: https://goo.gl/jD8g5G ➤Cities Skylines: After Dark DLC: https://goo.gl/MCNlgW ➤Cities Skyl...
Cities Skylines Green Cities Scenario Clean Up Crew. Cities Skylines, With Green Cities, Mass Transit, Natural Disasters, Snow Fall, and After Dark expansions it’s a city building game from Colossal Order and Paradox. This is the first day of the new Cities Skylines Green Cities expansion so I will not be using mods or extra assets for the first set of scenarios. I will be getting directly in to the scenario Clean Up Crew series by LMG going for the win on the first try. Cities: Skylines - Green Cities is adding new ways for players to build earth-friendly towns. The expansion adds 350 new assets to the core game, adding a massive selection of new visual options, complete with eco-friendly buildings, organic shops, electric vehicles, and new services designed to make pollution a quai...
Welcome to the fairy dreamland, where all your dreams come true! Help more people join the fun by liking and sharing this video, much appreciated Legends! Also, also if you're new here don't forget to subscribe!! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Previous: https://youtu.be/xCTchREqj_c PO BOX: http://bit.ly/1LCfKij Twitch: http://twitch.tv/kryticzeuz Twitter: https://twitter.com/KryticZeuz Instagram: https://instagram.com/KryticZeuz Console Capture Card: Elgato HD60 Pro
Please read before watching. Also, don't wear headphones while watching this, or if you are... don't leave the volume too high. SYNOPSIS: Political dissent. It's the problem every government has, regardless of the system. How governments deal with it can affect everything in the nation. The issue is, some political dissidents tend to take it too far. While the United States has, for the most part, avoided political dissidence of this nature throughout its history in the Modern Era, that doesn't mean that it still couldn't happen. What will happen when it finally does occur? This EAS scenario, with the exception of a news broadcast and a shootout outside the city, takes place entirely within the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area. In addition to having pitch changes on the text-to-speech c...
Support on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AviationPlus Read Below ================== Lesson 23 This lesson we are practicing under the hood work. I was given scenarios to simulate being lost when the area is IMC and I would have to find an airport that is VMC so I can land. I use VOR and references to find where to go. 21:15 Under Hood 25:00 Direct Palmdale VOR 35:20 Under hood scenarios 52:30 Find Auga Dulce Airport Follow the largest Aviation Page on Google Plus: http://goplus.us/AviationPlus Now on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aviationplusyt Instagram: @gjprimus Snapchat: primusgj Subscribe to my personal Channel https://goo.gl/EcWTwe 3 GoPro 3+ Silvers SONY ICD PX333 Digital Voice Recorder
Episode Victor is the second chapter for Zombie Scenario: Season 6. The story depicts the disappearance of Victor's squad during the transportation of Phobos' DNA in Desert Storm operation area. Do you remember 'Condemned Criminal'? The guy who was locked in a truck by Counter-Terrorists in Battle Rush mode. Now he's back and right here :) Music: - continuing suspense (Sword Art Online II OST) - another state of emergency (Sword Art Online II OST) - she's a knockout! (Sword Art Online II OST) - Will Be Venus (Megadimension Neptunia VII OST) Read more: http://cso.wikia.com/wiki/Episode_Victor
Lets play Tavern Tycoon! Design a tavern and welcome adventures in so you can milk their spoils with ale, food, music and a bed! ◙ Tavern Tycoon playlist: http://taverntycoon.fixxxer.tv ◙ Buy Tavern Tycoon on steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/439340/ If you enjoyed this series, check out these other series: ◙ Astroneer let's play: http://astroneer.fixxxer.tv ◙ To The Moon let's play: http://tothemoon.fixxxer.tv ◙ Moon Hunters let's play: http://moonhunters.fixxxer.tv ==================== Social stuffs: =================== Twitter: @FixxxerTV Stream: http://twitch.tv/fixxxertv Website: http://Fixxxer.tv By word, by book, the tales of the brave and mighty are told in reverie. Every warrior is remembered, his stories spreading like a magician’s flame. But, what happens after the ...
Il webinar analizza le novità in materia di aggregazioni e centralizzazione delle committenze introdotte dai D.lgs. n. 50/2016 e n. 56/2017, approfondendo gli aspetti organizzativi e funzionali delle Centrali Uniche di committenza. SCARICA LE SLIDE: https://goo.gl/MdE7VC Relatore: Claudio Lucidi - Esperto in materia di appalti pubblici e coordinatore del ciclo di eventi dedicato al nuovo codice dei contratti pubblici Luciana Mellano - Responsabile Area Tecnica – Comune di Lombardore (TO)
Let's Play Cities Skylines Natural Disasters: Now it's the "Tornado Country" scenario, which starts out tough! Meteors & Planes don't mix! Enjoy & share :-) ➤Please consider supporting my Channel through Patreon: - http://www.patreon.com/Biffa2001 ➤Where to FOLLOW Me: - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/biffa2001 - 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BiffaPlays - Twitter: @biffa2001 - Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/biffa2001 PLAYLISTS ➤Cities Skyline Natural Disaster Comedy Short "DISASTER STRIKES LONDON!": https://youtu.be/ysY0glb22x4 ➤Cities Skyline Natural Disaster: https://goo.gl/hgXj4c ➤Cities Skylines Unlimited Mods: https://goo.gl/LBzkua ➤Cities Skylines: Snowfall DLC: https://goo.gl/jD8g5G ➤Cities Skylines: After Dark DLC: https://goo.gl/MCNlgW ➤Cities Skylines: Heavenly Is...
Shop "The Club"! http://thepreparedmind.club/ The more you buy there, the more we can give to charity! Get Prepared for whatever comes your way at the Club! to Fund JOHN"S efforts go to paypal at : https://www.paypal.me/johnsfanfunding or go to Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=5240146 Hey, I'm on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/ThePreparedMind Get top notch antibiotics for your "aquarium" and SHTF preps here! https://efishmox.com/?rfsn=760803.cea25 Want to help out without costing you a thing? Use this link when you do your shopping on Amazon and they'll throw a bone my way. https://www.amazon.com/shop/thepreparedmind
I think I rushed around a little to much in this replay and should of just focussed on one area of the battle at a time. To many cool thing where happening so I didn't want you guys to miss it. If you enjoyed this make sure to drop a LIKE and a COMMENT. Download this Battle!: Multiplayer: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9rewco1qr85wgic/Battle_of_five_MPv3.rar Singleplayer: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qgd7hgz7jx5m804/Battle_of_five_M.rar Check out Pixi Poo https://www.youtube.com/user/PixelatedApollo1 ----------------------------------------------------------- Follow me on twitter ! https://twitter.com/JackieFishhh Join my steam group ! http://steamcommunity.com/groups/JackieFish Contact me jackiefishhh@gmail.com _ Current Series playlists Call Of Warhammer Total War: [V...
Mariina from Colossal Order is in the studio to help cKnoor through some of the new features coming to Cities Skylines with the Natural Disasters expansion.
The Command Modern Air/Naval Operations WOTY playthrough of 'Under African Skies' begins! In this fictional scenario based around a state-sponsored act of terrorism against the USA, France, and UK in 2017, DrZaius takes command of the initial US and British response to degrade the ability of the former-Nigerian state to respond as a cohesive force while balancing the tenuous threat of the Nigerian-friendly Chinese forces in the area. This is a wonderfully crafted scenario that I've had a lot of fun watching and playing myself and if you'd like to try your own hand at it, here is the link to download the scenario from the Matrix Games forums: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tm.asp?m=3700311 ► Follow the Series Playlist Here • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2NGeE0l2kcpq323-WK...
Let's Play Cities Skylines: End of the World Challenge Scenario. The coming End of the World has put some obstacles in your way mayor. Luckily you have been saving $ over the years with your intense focus on the end of days! You shall not be defeated! Enjoy & share :-) ➤Please consider supporting my Channel through Patreon: - http://www.patreon.com/Biffa2001 ➤Where to FOLLOW Me: - Indie Games: https://www.youtube.com/biffa2001 - Minecraft: https://www.youtube.com/c/BiffaPlays - Twitter: @biffa2001 - Livestream: http://www.twitch.tv/biffa2001 PLAYLISTS ➤Cities Skyline Natural Disaster Comedy Short "DISASTER STRIKES LONDON!": https://youtu.be/ysY0glb22x4 ➤Cities Skyline Natural Disaster (inc Scenarios): https://goo.gl/hgXj4c ➤Cities Skylines Unlimited Mods: https://goo.gl/LBzkua ➤Cities ...
Check out the SQUAD lead here for more ArmA 3: https://www.youtube.com/user/IamNoice On October 31st 2015 FBI SWAT was sent into Worlds End State Forest, located in U.S. Pennsylvania to investigate the worst paranormal case on record. Overnight, an entire town population vanished without a trace. Thousands of missing person cases unsolved, an entire area turned into a ghost town with no evidence of any kind to explain this strange phenomenon Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=Y6G5VV3G8XVYG Donate to this amazing creator!: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=Y6G5VV3G8XVYG Social Networks; - Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/kzk9zbc - Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaucyNe...
All of these hands, they are holding me back
Pushing to the storms of regret
I tell them no, they won't let go
Still they plague my mind with this.
Leaving empty compromises I cannot complete
But now I leave this room feeling so freaking obsolete.
But they outnumber us, those with the false dreams
Never to be seen again after today.
Washes away with the tide every day
Every night a new breed
Trying to tear our lives apart
Sickening it is
From the start
Right is wrong with you
You don't see things through
Things said proved untrue
Give me one good reason why
I should listen
You don't have to listen to
Find a way to escape their
Do not ever hurt yourself
Live life the way that you would
Who are you to tell me who to be?