UNDP Romania - news                     United Nations Development Programme  Romania          Home About  UN System in Romania UNDP in the World UNDP in Romania Legal Framework and Management   Focus Areas  Social Inclusion Promotion and Protection of Global Public Goods International Development Cooperation   Our Work  Projects Database Partners and Donors   Operations  IPSAS Employment Opportunities Tender Announcements Human Resources Finance Procurement   MDGs  MDGs in Romania Basic Facts about MDGs   Rio+20 Media Room  News Newsletters Press releases Publications Press Clips Movie Clips   Contact            Millennium Development Goals for Romania  Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger   Achieve universal primary education   Promote gender equality and empower women   Reduce child mortality   Improve maternal health   Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases   Ensure environmental sustainability   Develop a global partnership for development  Related UN Links   UN Romania UN Information Center Bucharest UN Global UNDP Global UNDP Europe and CIS MDG Monitor UN Global Compact UN Correspondents Association      News  ESCOs in Romania - a solution to a wider accessibility to energy efficiency measures especially in poor areas 18.11.2014 The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Romania, with the support of European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Romania, organized in Bucharest, on 17 November 2014, the workshop “Opportunities and Challenges: ESCOs in Romania - a solution to a wider accessibility to energy efficiency measures especially in poor areas”.

 The event was attended by more than 50 participants from public administration and business sector, and benefited from the input of several technical experts invited as keynote speakers from EBRD office in Romania, UNDP Regional Center in Istanbul and WWF Hungary, presenting case studies and practical lessons learned aimed to raise awareness and contribute to information exchange on feasibility of ESCO investments.

 The workshop presentations focused on ESCO best practices, as a mean to stimulate energy efficiency measures, possibly alleviate fuel poverty and enable a wider access to financing energy efficiency measures:

  Brief presentation of the UNDP-GEF project “Improving the Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Households and Communities in Romania” ESCO Demo Projects in Ukraine ESCO/EnPC in Romania ESCO/EnPC in Romania – EBRD Pilot Project (GEF) ESCO Demo Projects in Hungary and Ukraine with local communities for fuel poverty mitigation ESCO Development Experience-based Best Practice and Cost Analysis  Further details on the workshop rationale are available here and the conclusions of the meeting can be read here. 

 This initiative is part of a series of events on Energy Efficiency and Fuel Poverty - organized within the framework of the project “Improving Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Areas and Households of Romania”, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by UNDP in Romania.

  Call for Communications and Advocacy Projects and Activities in the Field of Development Cooperation 08.07.2016 With the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is launching a call for communication and advocacy projects and activities in the field of development cooperation

 Interested organizations are invited to submit their proposal/s by Monday, 8 August 2016, by using the narrative and budget templates provided in Annex 3 and Annex 4, respectively. Proposals should be sent via e-mail to Teodora Zafiu, at teodora.zafiu@undp.org and Anca Stoica at anca.stoica@undp.org.

 When preparing your applications, please be guided by the Terms of Reference attached as Annex 1 and the evaluation criteria available in Annex 2 of the appplication guidelines.

 For any questions and inquiries, please contact Teodora Zafiu via e-mail at teodora.zafiu@undp.org .

 The application guideliness are available here.

 Annex 3_Editable narrative application form

 Annex 4_Editable budget form

    Results of the EYD2015 communication and development education grant programme 08.06.2015 We are pleased to announce the seven projects that have been selected for funding from the communication and development education grant programme, launched within the European Year for Development 2015. The selected projects are:

  Carpaterra Association for the project ”Play to learn. An alternative educational tool for schools” Centre for International Cooperation and Development Studies (IDC) - Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest, for the project "PrindeTRENdul-Train4AID [Training and public awareness-raising campaign on global solidarity]  Civicus Association for the project ”Comunicarea Cooperării în Dezvoltare se face cu GRAFFITI în mileniul trei!!!” European Actors Association (EurActiv), for the project ”We develop! – Romanian initiative on International Development Cooperation” Romanian Association for International Cooperation and Development (ARCADIA), for the project ”Multiplied information, greater impact” Romanian Centre for European Policy (CRPE), for the project ”Investing in quality journalism on international development – a sustainable approach to raising public awareness on development cooperation and global issues” Romanian Peace Institute (PATRIR), for the project ”Say it, Play it, Think it forward! The Blueprint of a Movement”  We would also like to thank all those interested in the programme and who applied to this call. Following the launch of the call for proposals, 58 applications have been received from 53 Romanian organizations. The full list of applicants can be downloaded here. The evaluation process has been conducted by the UNDP project team, according to the selection criteria provided in the call for proposals. The selected projects will be financed by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission within the European Year for Development 2015 national work plan and implemented in partnership with the UNDP Regional Centre for Europe and Central Asia.

    “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities” Competition Results 02.03.2015 The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Romania announces the winners of the competition “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities”. The evaluation panel established the following ranking:

 1. Vulcan Local Administration, Hunedoara County;

 2. Brad Local Administration, Hunedoara County;

 3. Galicea Mare Local Administration, Dolj County.

 Targeting the local administrations in Dolj and Hunedoara counties, “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities” competition was organized within the GEF-financed project “Improving Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Households and Communities in Romania”, implemented by UNDP Romania, in partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration (MRDAP), the Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests (MMAP), Association of Energy Auditors for Buildings (AAEC).

 The evaluation of the submitted applications was made by an evaluation panel consisting of one representative from each partner institutions - MDRAP, MMAP, AAECR, UNDP - and an independent expert in the project.

 The prizes for the local administrations ranked in the top three consist in the provision and installation of a sustainable heating system for an institution (school, nursery, home for the elderly, etc.) in their respective municipalities: 1st prize - heating system maximum amount of $ 20,000, 2nd prize - heating system maximum amount of 17,500 dollars, 3rd prize - heating system maximum amount of $ 15,000.

    UNDP Launches Competition: “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities” 29.01.2015 The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Romania launches between 29 January-20 February 2015 the competition “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities” which targets the local administrations in Dolj and Hunedoara counties.

 Organized within the project “Improving Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Households and Communities in Romania”, the contest aims to involve as many communities in the pilot areas of the project and aims to reward the efforts of local authorities on energy efficiency measures and use of energy from renewable resources.

 To this end, local administrations are invited, as of 29 January 2015 until 20 February 2015 to submit their applications, which must evidence the energy efficiency measures undertaken in their City Hall buildings and use of alternative energy in these buildings.

 The prizes for the local administrations ranked in the top three will consist in the provision and installation of a sustainable heating system for an institution (school, nursery, home for the elderly, etc.) in their respective municipalities: 1st prize - heating system maximum amount of $ 20,000, 2nd prize - heating system maximum amount of 17,500 dollars, 3rd prize - heating system maximum amount of $ 15,000.

 Further details regarding the competition and application rules may be found here.

 The GEF-financed Project "Improving the Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Households and Communities in Romania" is implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Romania), in partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration (MRDAP), the Ministry of Environment, Association of Energy Auditors for Buildings (AAEC) and six local municipalities in Dolj and Huneadoara counties.



 The United Nations in Romania in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs celebrated the United Nations Day 2014. More than 100 representatives of the Romanian Government and Parliament, central authorities, ambassadors, key opinion leaders, representatives of academia, corporate sector, NGO’s and media attended the event hosted by the Romanian Diplomatic Institute.

 The United Nations Day – 24 October - has been celebrated since 1948 to mark the anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter in 1945. With the ratification of this founding document by the majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, the United Nations officially came into being.

 “The United Nations is needed more than ever at this time of multiple crises. [...] At this critical moment, let us reaffirm our commitment to empowering the marginalized and vulnerable. On United Nations Day, I call on Governments and individuals to work in common cause for the common good”, said UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon.

 Romania joined the UN in 1955 and the first UN agency opened an office in Bucharest in 1970. The partnership between the UN and Romania has been longstanding and fruitful.

 “Romania, as a democratic and peaceful country, and as an EU Member State, has an important role to play in promoting the values enshrined in the UN Charter. The participation of the Prime Minister in the General Assembly last September is a symbol of Romania’s strong commitment to the principles of the UN”, declared Sandie Blanchet, Acting UN Resident Coordinator and UNICEF Representative.

 The UN Country team members – the IMF, IOM, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF, the World Bank and WHO - support Romania’s reforms to promote the social inclusion of vulnerable people (including very poor people, Roma people, children, people with disabilities, migrants and refugees); better access to quality health, education and social protection services; a more sustainable use of natural resources; stronger governance and human rights observance –among others.

 Next year will be of particular importance for several reasons:

 - Celebration of 70 years of partnership between Romania and the UN;

 - Counties will report on progress against the Millennium Development Goals;

 - The UN will adopt the post-2015 agenda. It will be the first time that the world endorses a truly universal agenda that addresses all the dimensions of sustainable development: social,economic and environmental.

 The expected adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in September 2015 will be an important landmark that will galvanize the partnership between Romania and the UN, both in the country and beyond its borders. 


    UNDP Launches Competition: “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities” 05.09.2014 The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Romania launches between 5 September - 20 October 2014 the competition “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities” which targets the municipalities in Dolj and Hunedoara counties.

 Organized within the project “Improving Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Households and Communities in Romania”, the contest aims to involve as many communities in the pilot areas of the project and aims to reward the efforts of local authorities on energy efficiency measures and use of energy from renewable resources.

 To this end, municipalities are invited, as of 5 September 2014 until 20 October 2014 to submit their applications, which must evidence the energy efficiency measures undertaken in their City Hall buildings   and use of alternative energy in these buildings.

 The prizes for the municipalities ranked in the top three will consist in the provision and installation of a sustainable heating system for an institution (school, nursery, home for the elderly, etc.) in their respective municipalities: 1st prize - heating system maximum amount of $ 20,000, 2nd prize - heating system maximum amount of 17,500 dollars, 3rd prize - heating system maximum amount of $ 15,000.

 Further details regarding the competition and application rules may be found here. The press release may be found here.

 The GEF-financed Project "Improving the Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Households and Communities in Romania" is implemented by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Romania), in partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration (MRDAP), the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMSC), Association of Energy Auditors for Buildings (AAEC) and six local municipalities in Dolj and Huneadoara counties.

    Call for participants: First Global Forum on Youth Policy, Baku, Azerbaijan, 28-30 October 2014 01.08.2014 The first Global Forum on Youth Policy will take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, on 28-30 October 2014. The Forum is being co-organized by the Office of the Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth, UNDP, UNESCO, and the Council of Europe with support from www.youthpolicy.org. It will re-visit the global blueprint for national youth policies provided by the World Programme of Action for Youth, develop a common understanding of the needs for and rationales of systemic and cross-sectoral approaches to youth policy, and develop guiding principles for integrated youth policy development. 

 The Global Forum on Youth Policy emerges from the need to provide a physical platform for youth poli-cy stakeholders around the globe to discuss and respond to the key questions outlined above. The Forum will be a true global expert gathering of around 700 youth policy practitioners to give a new impetus to evidence-based, inclusive, participatory and effective youth policies.

 The Forum seeks to address these five key objectives:

 •To advance a current overview of the state of youth policy and a reflection on the social and devel-opmental role of youth policies, particularly in view of the post-2015 period;

 •To develop a common understanding of the needs for and rationales of systemic and cross-sectoral approaches to youth policy;

 •To share experiences and examples of participatory and evidence-based youth policies, their ration-ales and realities, their successes and shortcomings;

 •To build a common understanding of guiding principles for integrated youth policy development and of the dynamics between concerned stakeholders at different levels;

 •To share plans for follow-up and to develop a shared commitment to take youth policy forward.


 For each of these key objectives, the Forum aims to deliver the following related key outcomes:

 •A current overview of the state of youth policy and its relation to development frameworks;

 •A shared understanding of rationales underpinning and principles guiding youth policy worldwide;

 •A lively community spanning governmental, nongovernmental and research networks and experts;

 •A strong commitment of that community of experts to integrated, participatory policy frameworks;

 •A realistic set of follow-up activities with shared responsibilities to improve youth policies globally.


 How can you apply to participate in the Forum?

 The Forum seeks to bring together around 700 participants. Apply to be one of them!

 You can browse our site right here for more information about the Forum, or download the concept note and the draft programme in pdf-format.

 Before applying, please download and read the open call.

 The call further specifies eligibility and selection criteria.

 To apply, submit your online application by August 27, 2014.

 Once you got started, it takes about 45 minutes to complete an application. You cannot save an incomplete form, so we recommend to first read once through the entire form, then get the documents you need, in particular the reference letter, and only start filling the form in when you have got everything prepared.

    Announcement of the communication, awareness raising and development education projects selection results 29.07.2014 Thank you all for your interest in the call and congratulations to the following organizations and educational institutions that have been selected for funding, within the call for communication, awareness raising and development education projects launched on 23 May:

 Asociatia ROPOT (6,000 USD)

 Asociatia Tinerilor Bucuresteni (5,600 USD)

 Asociatia Valoare Plus (6,000 USD)

 College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University (6,000 USD)

 Global Focus Centre (6,000 USD)

 Romanian Center for European Policies - CRPE (6,000 USD)

 Following the launch of the call for proposals, 129 applications have been received, out of which 6 projects have been selected for funding. The full list of applicants can be downloaded here. The evaluation process has been conducted by the UNDP project team, according to the selection criteria provided in the call for proposals.The selected projects will be financed by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the Official Development Assistance budget and implemented in partnership with the UNDP Regional Centre for Europe and Central Asia.

    Final Conference on Financial Sustainability of Carpathian Protected Areas Project 13.06.2014 The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Romania and the National Forest Administration ROMSILVA have organized, on 12 June 2014, the final conference of the project “Improving the Financial Sustainability of the Carpathian System of Protected Areas”, financed by GEF and implemented by UNDP Romania and NFA ROMSILVA, in partnership with WWF Romania.

 The UNDP-GEF project closure event was organized back to back with the final event of the BioREGIO project “Integrated Biodiversity Management and Ecological Connectivity in the Carpathians”.

 The final project results were presented and the participants were introduced to key aspects related to the added value for UNDP-GEF Projects in the area: ground breaking studies, creating paths for sustainable development, new opportunities opened by the project, etc. Furthermore, a workshop on sustainable financing for protected areas was held, with a focus on the link between financial analysis, business plans, eLearning course, strategic implementation of management plans and partnerships at the level of Carpathian Convention towards joint cooperation and common vision for the future.

 The main project results were also presented through an infographic and were shared with the press representatives who attended the press conference.

 “For the last four years, UNDP Romania has been providing assistance to the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in the implementation of this GEF Project, which is part of the UNDP 2010-2012 Country Programme, which aims, inter alia, at increasing the capacity of Romania to contribute to the promotion and protection of global and regional public goods. I wish to express my trust that with this project results and the commitment of the governmental partners towards the sustainability of all the implemented projects’ results, the Romanian Carpathian protected areas and the CNPAs will be on the path to an increased financial sustainability”, Mrs. Monica Moldovan, Head of Programme Unit UNDP Romania, said.

 “During the past 15 years, National Forest Administration Romsilva has built a strong partnership with the United Nations Development Programme Romania and together we have implemented environment related projects that promoted important changes for our country and the entire region. With an innovative approach, this project managed to strengthen the institutional capacities of protected areas administrations and to generate the economic and social arguments around the economics behind the biodiversity management. Following these arguments, our project drafted several legal amendments, which aim at developing a long term financing strategy and at strengthening local management, in order to access funding sources for the protected areas”, Mr. Dragos Mihai, Project Manager and Head of Protected Areas – NFA Romsilva, said.

 The press release presented during the press conference can be found here.

    Improving Energy Efficiency Project, Shortlisted in CE Sustainable Energy Europe Awards 09.06.2014 Improving Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Households and Communities in Romania Project has been shortlisted in the Living category of the European Commission’s prestigious competition, Sustainable Energy Europe Awards 2014.

 First launched in 2006, the SEE Awards recognise and promote outstanding projects in energy efficiency, renewable energy and clean transport. The SEE Awards gather projects that contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and have a proven impact.

 For this year, a total of 342 entries were submitted, from sustainable energy projects across Europe. From those, a total of 30 nominees have been selected by a set of nine technical experts under the supervision of the European Commission’s Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME).

 The SEE Awards integrate five different categories according to different policy strands: awareness-raising (Communicating), educational programmes (Learning), buildings (Living), energy savings (Consuming) and clean mobility (Travelling).

 The Living award is presented annually to a best-practice project which aims at making buildings more efficient or which incorporates the on-site generation of renewable energy systems.

 Improving Energy Efficiency in Low-Income Households and Communities in Romania Project, nominated for the Living category, aims to dismantle the barriers to implementing energy efficiency measures among poorer households and communities in Romania and thereby help alleviate fuel poverty.

 ‘The project is proving to be highly relevant at the national and regional levels as fuel poverty represents an issue of increasing concern for many countries across the European Union, particularly at a time of rising fuel prices and diminishing household spending power coupled with increased vulnerability to climate change. The project meets several pressing development objectives, including climate change mitigation and poverty alleviation through increasing energy efficiency measures and strengthened policy focus on poor households and areas in Romania’, Mihai Moia, project coordinator at UNDP, explains.

 The 30 nominees are now evaluated by a high level jury (with representatives from European institutions, local governments, energy agencies, specialised media, and industry associations), in order to decide the overall winners. The winners for each category will be presented at the Awards Ceremony hosted by EU Energy Commissioner Günther H. Oettinger, to be held on 24 June, within EU Sustainable Energy Week.

 EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), an initiative of the European Commission, showcases activities dedicated to energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions. It is designed to spread best practices, inspire new ideas and build alliances to help meet the EU’s energy and climate goals.

 Additional information on this year’s SEE Awards can be found here.

    total results 354 1 2 3 4 5     News08 July 2016Call for Communications and Advocacy Projects and Activities in the Field of Development Cooperation

08 June 2015Results of the EYD2015 communication and development education grant programme

02 March 2015“Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities” Competition Results

29 January 2015UNDP Launches Competition: “Energy Efficiency Begins with Local Communities”

18 November 2014ESCOs in Romania - a solution to a wider accessibility to energy efficiency measures especially in poor areas

Openings and AnnouncementsEurope & CIS VacanciesEurope & CIS Procurement NoticesNewsletters24 September 2012 CSR Newsletter September 10 - 16, 2012 Haberler

18 September 2012 CSR Newsletter September 1-9, 2012

31 August 2012  CSR Newsletter August 1-31, 2012

16 July 2012 CSR Newsletter July 9 - 15, 2012

09 July 2012 CSR Newsletter July 2 - 8, 2012

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