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Beauty is in the streets
Дата регистрации: август 2009 г.


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  1. Закрепленный твит
    27 июн.

    Remember a few weeks ago when massive teachers strikes in multiple states forced Republican administrations to grant major concessions?

  2. ретвитнул(а)
    1 июл.
  3. ретвитнул(а)
    10 часов назад

    Legal Support and Fundraising Needed for June 30th Patriot Prayer Counter Protesters!

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  4. 7 часов назад

    Only socialists are advocating for an updated INS like structure.

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  5. ретвитнул(а)
    9 часов назад

    St Mary's Hospital (Harrow Road) work-in and occupation 1981 via

  6. ретвитнул(а)
    15 февр.

    Lorenzo Kom'boa Ervin discusses intercommunalism in 'Anarchism and the Black Revolution', where he discusses his break with Marxist Leninism but also his frustrations with many anarchists

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  7. 10 часов назад

    Ruhle travelled to Russia in 1920, met with Lenin. "The great respect and high admiration that we have for him, and that through this discussion were raised even further, did not prevent us telling him our opinions"

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  8. ретвитнул(а)
    11 часов назад

    Occupational therapy: the incomplete story of the University College Hospital strikes and occupations of 1992-4 via

  9. 12 часов назад

    Hopefully they'll use a new stock photo next time they get outraged at us tweeting about identitarians being hospitalised by anti-fascists.

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  10. 12 часов назад

    The racist fake news merchants at Breitbart keep writing about us. 😎

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  11. ретвитнул(а)
    14 часов назад

    The goal of Patriot Prayer is to direct violence against the public unimpeded. In mid-June, two PP followers randomly attacked a man in PDX & last year a PP attendee stabbed 2 people to death. Yesterday, antifa defended PDX from PP & their threats to "cleanse" the streets.

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  12. ретвитнул(а)
    1 июл.

    1 July 1919 prohibition of the sale of alcoholic drinks in the US was due to begin. 100,000s of workers voted to strike on this day if the law had been enacted. They wore pins declaring "No beer no work", commemorated in our new fundraising merch:

  13. ретвитнул(а)
    29 июн.

    Only QTing to say stop giving money to these people. Thank you.

  14. 18 часов назад

    Alt-right types are telling us punching Nazis is a bad strategy. 🤣

  15. ретвитнул(а)
    18 часов назад

    Winning at Work - IWW help bar worker win £700 in unpaid holiday pay! helps bar worker get holiday back pay after refusal by bosses to pay her what she was owed! Being in a union pays....!

    , , и еще 5
  16. 18 часов назад

    Migration, refugees and labour - In depth analysis of EU migration and the 'refugee crisis' in relation to labour market restructuring and working class composition

  17. 18 часов назад

    Solidarity doesn’t end at borders: Fear and hatred towards refugees should be turned towards those who put them in their situation.

  18. 19 часов назад

    The struggle against fascism begins with the struggle against Bolshevism - Otto Ruhle

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  19. ретвитнул(а)
    22 часа назад

    STAND UP FOR THE ELEPHANT - TUES 3RD JULY - Delancey Get In The Bin!! Join us at Southwark Town Hall to stand up for The Elephant and demand Council rejects this shoddy planning application!! All welcome!! From 5.30pm. Bring banners, waste bins, music...

  20. ретвитнул(а)
    19 часов назад

    Tell a scum landlord to fuck off. Join this telephone blockade. Post fake review. An injury to one is an injury to all.

  21. ретвитнул(а)
    30 июн.

    Call me a rabid leftist but I don't think police unions should be weighing in on high school reading lists


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