Richard W. Rahn


Chairman, Institute for Global Economic Growth

Washington, DC
Дата регистрации: ноябрь 2012 г.


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  1. 17 авг.

    The flight from the liberal plantation has turned into a tidal wave to states with lower taxes, fewer & more sensible regulations, & where the Bill of Rights is taken seriously.

  2. 10 авг.

    We study history (bad & good) in order to learn from it. Statues can last 1000s of years & serve as reminders of who historical figures were, of their times & the events that even influence our present-day lives.

  3. 3 авг.
  4. 28 июл.

    The cost of riots is also the personal human & capital cost of all of those who have spent their lives to build businesses. Much of it will never be replaced, & all of the workers, customers & taxpayers will be poorer.

  5. 20 июл.

    Requiring lower standards for one group of people because of race, sex, religion or what have you will, in the real world, reduces the demand and salaries for those people.

  6. 14 июл.

    India is increasingly well positioned to replace China as part of the global supply chain, and India is now and likely will continue to be a rapidly growing market.

  7. 7 июл.

    The modern environmental movement has many parallels with the rise & fall of socialism/communism. The constructive need for action to clean up the environment morphed into a movement with radical demands & outlandish predictions.

  8. 29 июн.

    Those who sow the seeds of political chaos & econ. destruction often have an agenda whose results would be contrary to public good. They rely on the historical ignorance & naïveté of the well-meaning, poorly educated & weak-minded.

  9. 22 июн.

    Many of the leaders of high-tech & even big media companies appear ignorant of the importance of free speech & other basic freedoms in economic development & civil society.

  10. 16 июн.

    Among modern-day barbarians are also members of the political class who have been unable to acquire total power through the ballot box & have now resorted to trying to seize power by any means.

  11. 8 июн.

    Vote those politicians out of office who refuse to enforce the laws against looting & arson, but seek to restrict individual gun rights — leaving only the rich, well-connected & corrupt with personal security protection.

  12. 8 июн.

    Gov't establishment & their allies tell us it's dangerous & illegal for small businesses to open to serve the wants, needs & desires of the public, & to create jobs — but it's good for people to cluster in large numbers & demonstrate against the police.

  13. 2 июн.

    I'm for building more infrastructure. How should it be paid for and by whom? Debt financing by gov't through general obligation bonds falls unfairly on all current & future taxpayers & increases systemic risk for entire economy.

  14. 2 июн.
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  15. 26 мая

    Anne Marie Knott: Why you haven’t caught COVID-19 -

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  16. 26 мая

    Prof. Anne Marie Knott of Washington U. in St. Louis explains using data that most people, especially the young, will never contract the virus & for those who do, most will have a totally benign or mild reaction.

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  17. 19 мая

    If governments give large numbers of people money for not producing, it will discourage work, and there will be too much money chasing too few goods, leading to inflation and/or shortages.

  18. 11 мая

    An ill wind blows nobody good. COVID-19, while causing great misery, has also served to remind people as to the true nature of communists, who could have stopped it, & is becoming a global spur to constructive innovation.

  19. 5 мая

    Passing out money to offset losses stemming from the government-mandated shutdown does not create wealth. In the long run, it will make everyone poorer by debasing the currency.

  20. 28 апр.

    Free societies are in part defined by allowing individual citizens to decide what risks they choose to take or not take, whether it be skiing, or bungee jumping or going to a restaurant.


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