- published: 08 Sep 2016
- views: 132008
NSP may refer to:
6969 - NSP
Samurai Abstinence Patrol - NSP
Take On Me - NSP
Everybody Wants To Rule The World - NSP
Dragon Slayer - NSP
NSP 2002復活ライブ
Road Trip - NSP
Attitude City - NSP
Everybody Shut Up - NSP
The Decision - NSP
Buy the song (& album) here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/attitude-city/id1011513492
Buy the song (& album) here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/ninjasexparty14 Brandon Turner's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXRyXeR2PrS2NXFVh9LvetQ Written, composed, and performed by Ninja Sex Party (Dan Avidan & Brian Wecht) Lyrics In the tall skyscrapers of ancient Japan Lived two great warriors, a dude and a man Who proclaimed "No sex until you are married!" They were Arin Neverbone and Samurai Barry 500 years later two heroes were born One cloaked in blue spandex, the other in scorn They were Ninja Sex Party, they had but one quest To bring sex to the masses, cause that shit is the best! In a super hot orgy with ten girls and a mime Danny thrusted so hard he ripped a hole in spacetime Each hump could be seen in the ancient night sky Graphic shots of Dan's nuts were in healt...
Order the CD here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/ninjasexparty17 Or on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/und... Check out more music from TWRP here: https://twrp.bandcamp.com/ Original song written by a-ha. Used with permission. Performed by Ninja Sex Party and TWRP. Director: Sean Barrett Producer: Jason Serrato Production Manager: Svetlana Dekic Director of Photography: Gordon Yould Prop Master: Ryan Kaercher If you're reading this, you're cool. We love you!
Oder the CD here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/ninjasexparty17 Or on iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/und... Check out more music from TWRP here: https://twrp.bandcamp.com/ Original song written by Tears for Fears. Used with permission. Performed by Ninja Sex Party and TWRP. Director: Sean Barrett Producer: Jason Serrato Production Manager: Svetlana Dekic Thanks for reading the credits. You're a gem!
Buy the song here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dragon-slayer/id821450225?i=821450228 Written, performed, and musically composed by Ninja Sex Party Cast: The Lady - comicbookgirl19 The Dragon - Egoraptor The Unicorn - Barry Kramer The Football Player - Ben Bizuneh The Weightlifter - Marty Benson The Naked Guy - Zan Alda The Scientist - Tyson Wheeler The Manticore - ? Ross - Ross Crew: Director - Egoraptor Editor - Kelly Brickner AD - Austin Herring Gaffer/Swing - Carman Spoto Dance Choreography by Maxine Hupy Artwork: Dragon artwork by Tom Wood - tomwoodfantasyart.com Painted backgrounds by Kovah - kovah.co.uk with permission from Centration - centration.co/ NSP Dragon Slayer painting by Katie Scott - facebook.com/katiescottart Photograph backgrounds by Zack Lyon Animated bac...
Buy the song here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/road-trip-single/id986477944 Written, performed, and musically composed by Ninja Sex Party The Cast: Steel Panther - Steel Panther Girl #1 - Katie Scott Arin - Arin Barry - Barry Weatherman - Brian Wecht The Manticore - ??? Bikini Girls - Lauren Francesca ( http://www.youtube.com/iwantmylauren ) and Kristen Ige The Previous Owner - Barry again Palace Guard - yup, still Barry Russian - Lauren Francesca Alien - Lauren Francesca The Crew: Directors - Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson & Aaron Umetani Editing & Visual Effects - Garret Fallin Assistant Director - Austin Herring Associate Producer - Jason Serrato Choreographer - Maxine Hupy Lyrics: I met a girl a few weeks ago She's so smart and beautiful When she's around I feel my heart beat Down...
Buy the song here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/attitude-city-single/id890079331 Written, performed, and musically composed by Ninja Sex Party Cast: The Lady - Emily Roche 'Tude Bro - Arin Hanson 'Tude Dude - Barry Kramer Danny's Grandma - Granny Sexbang Thug 1 - Rodrigo Huerta Thug 2 - Zan Alda Thug 3 - Ben Bizuneh Crew: Director - Egoraptor Editor - Kelly Brickner Super Awesome props and "So Tuff" tattoo - Suzy Berhow AD - Austin Herring Gaffer/Swing - Carman Spoto Dance Choreography by Maxine Hupy Animation by Gregzilla Acoustic Guitar Breakdown performed by Super Guitar Bros - www.youtube.com/SuperGuitarBros Fan Artwork: Dinosaur Laser Fight by Matt Synowicz: http://mattsynowicz.tumblr.com/ Kawaii Danny by http://sorathepanda.deviantart.com/ Buttmageddon Poster by Jay Spiwak...
Buy the song here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/everybody-shut-up-i-have-erection/id635112361?i=635112456 Animation by Gregzilla Written and performed by Ninja Sex Party Lyrics: Jenny: OH MY GOD Stacey! Did I tell you about my date with Steve last week? Stacey: You went out with Steve?! He’s so cute!!! Jenny: I know! He took me out to this little restaurant... Everybody shut up, I have an erection! It only happens 87 times a day Stop what you’re doing and witness penis perfection This is more important than what you have to say Your story can wait, 'cause I am very erect Now let’s all take a minute to watch my dick and reflect Your spirit's at peace No need to call the police Please hold your applause Defense Attorney: In conclusion, your honor, in light of this new evidenc...
Find the NSP album on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/nsfw... And if you want even more (like a LOT more) boner jokes, look for us on Facebook and Twitter! Starring: Ninja Sex Party (Danny Sexbang and Ninja Brian) Special guests: Julie Katz Mookie Thompson and Princess Tinkles as herself. Directed by Jim Turner Produced by Ninja Sex Party and Jim Turner Production Assistants: Mark Peterson and Flynn Hundhausen LYRICS: You're probably thinking to yourself "Ninja Sex Party, you're awesome!" We know But thank you anyway You're having trouble deciding Which one of us to have sex with That's natural But nice of you to say Well maybe I can help you out Clear up all of your confusing doubts Do you want sex with a ninja Or sex with a guy like me The choice should be so obviou...
Adam Ant/Marco Pirroni
You can hang me by the neck
Till I'm dead, dead, dead
Kiss my mouth until it's red, red, red
Now is the time honey, this is the place
The good and the bad guy face to face
Blood pressure up, sunlight down
Toughen up, toughen up, play tough.
Johnny can't program, sure enough
Put a leather in your cap, play tough
Sugar-boom, sugar-boom, that's the stuff
Comb your hair play tough
No zap.
You can hang me by the neck
Till I'm dead, dead, dead
Kiss my mouth until it's red, red, red
Don't play, don't sing, I don't hike
But me no buts buddy, riding my bike
Surf coming up Geronimo Joe
Toughen up, toughen up, let's go.
You can hang me by the neck
Till I'm dead, dead, dead
Kiss my mouth until it's red, red, red
Don't be a dunco, forget charts
Out of the wallet, into your hearts
Where it counts, in large amounts