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Divers to search creek for clues after missing far north Queensland mother found dead

Toby Crockford

Published: August 9 2017 - 6:08AM

The Cooktown community has been "conducting their own inquiries" into the killing of local mother Donna Louise Steele, whose body was found in a creek on Sunday.

Detective Inspector Geoff Marsh renewed the appeal for witnesses who may have seen Ms Steele or her ute on August 2, the day of her disappearance, to come forward.

He also revealed more residents had been coming to police with information, after being shocked by the mother-of-two's death.

Inspector Marsh said that by all accounts Ms Steele, 42, was an "exceptional mother".

"Donna never missed a school event and always put the boys first," he said.

"When she wasn't there to meet the boys when they were being dropped off by the school bus at the end of the road, the bus driver drove them to front gate of their home.

"The driver said it was the first time they could remember Donna not being there to collect the boys."

Inspector Marsh also said that Ms Steele's sons, aged eight and 10, did not raise the alarm regarding their mother's disappearance, after coming home on August 2 to find she was not there.

He said the boys took care of themselves that evening, got themselves ready for school the next day and did not mention it to anyone.

"The boys have been described as the best-behaved children at school and very self-sufficient," Inspector Marsh said.

Ms Steele's partner, who worked away from home, arrived back at the family residence on the evening of August 3 and immediately called police. Inspector Marsh said there was no evidence to indicate he was involved in Ms Steele's death.

Divers were expected to search Isobella Creek on Wednesday, where her body was found, while the scientific examination of the victim's house on Poison Creek Road continued.

Police believe Ms Steele's death was not a "random event" and the person responsible was likely someone she knew, but said they did not have any suspects.

The far north Queensland mother was last seen at an IGA supermarket about midday on August 2.

"It has devastated that small community and we are hoping that that will embolden people to come forward with information," he said.

"The fact she was missing, they might have kept it to themselves, but now they know a body has been located, it might trigger them to come forward."

Anyone with information is urged to contact police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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