- published: 02 Apr 2012
- views: 8619
Domenico "Mimmo" Palmara (born 25 July 1928) is an Italian actor.
Born in Cagliari, Palmara made his film debut in 1952 as character actor in drama films by eminent directors such as Luchino Visconti, Mario Monicelli and Antonio Pietrangeli, then obtained main roles in a great number of genre films, especially adventure films and peplum films., When the sword and sandals genre declined, he took part at a number of spaghetti westerns in which he is usually credited as Dick Palmer. A close friend of Sergio Leone, he was the Leone's first choice for the role of Ramon in A Fistful of Dollars; Palmara eventually chose to star in Mario Caiano's Bullets Don't Argue and the role of Ramon was played by Gian Maria Volontè.
A film, also called a movie, motion picture or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. This optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succession. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means of CGI and computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects. The word "cinema", short for cinematography, is often used to refer to the industry of films and filmmaking or to the art of filmmaking itself. The contemporary definition of cinema is the art of simulating experiences to communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations.
The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry.
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Sergio Ciani (7 September 1935 – 5 September 2015), best known as Alan Steel, was an Italian bodybuilder and actor.
Born in Rome, Ciani started his career as a stuntman, then he became the body double for Steve Reeves in Hercules Unchained and in The Giant of Marathon, in which he also played a minor role. From early sixties he adopted the stage name Alan Steel and starred the leading roles in a number of peplum films of good commercial success. With the decline of the genre Steel thinned out his appearances, until his retirement at the end of the Seventies.
Ciani died in his sleep at his house in Ostia, Rome, aged 79 just 2 days short of what would have been his 80th birthday.
Intervista a MIMMO PALMARA (2012) | enciclopediadeldoppiaggio.it
Mimmo Palmara and Giovanni Cianfriglia demonstrate peplum swordfighting! Bonus Brad Harris!
Il figlio di aquila nera. (1968)con Edwige Fenech - Mimmo Palmara _ Film Completo Italiano
Hercules and the Masked Rider 1963 Sergio Ciani, Mimmo Palmara, José Greci Sword and Sandal
Tharus figlio di Attila Film Completo by Film&Clips;
Ursus l'invincible Film Complet VF by Film&Clips;
HERCULES AGAINST ROME- Full Movie - Alan Steel
The Two Gladiators (1964) - ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΙ ΥΠΟΤΙΤΛΟΙ.
I Due Gladiatori 1964 Giuliano Gemma Richard Harrison Mimmo Palmara
Andrea Razza intervista Mimmo Palmara, attore, doppiatore e direttore del doppiaggio. Consulenza artistica di Gerardo Di Cola. LA SCHEDA DI MIMMO PALMARA http://www.enciclopediadeldoppiaggio.it/index.php?title=Mimmo_Palmara © enciclopediadeldoppiaggio.it - Tutti i diritti sono riservati
Mimmo Palmara and Giovanni Cianfriglia demonstrate peplum swordfighting! Bonus Brad Harris in Rome tells of how he got into the sword and sandal genre. From the German documentary Hekules,Maciste and Co.
Alessio Andrejevic, figlio del leggendario eroe Aquila Nera, si mette a capo dei cosacchi per fronteggiare il tirannico Governatore del Caucaso. Caduto nelle mani del suo nemico, viene liberato dall'intervento della procace Natascia. Buona visione
Tharus figlio di Attila Film Completo by Film&Clips Italia 1962 durata 90' di Roberto Bianchi Montero Con Jerome Courtland, Lisa Gastoni, Mimmo Palmara, Rik Von Nutter, Livio Lorenzon Tharus e Gamal, figlia di Hatum, si amano. Della ragazza si è però invaghito anche un altro guerriero: Gudrum, acerrimo nemico di Tharus, che uccide Hatum e fa ricadere la colpa sull'odiato rivale. Gudrum riesce così a sposare Gamal e la costringe perfino a condannare a morte Tharus, ma... Il più bel canale di cinema gratuito e legale di Youtube! The best FREE & LEGAL Youtube Channel: movies, clips, docs, short movies from all around the world - italian, english, spanish, french, deutsch, and other subtitles available! Iscriviti a Film&Clips;: http://bit.ly/Subscribetofilmandclips Facebook: https://www.f...
Ursus l'invincible Film Complet VF by Film&Clips Italia/Tunisia 1964 97' par Gianfranco Parolini avec Alan Steel, Mimmo Palmara, Rosalba Neri, Lisa Gastoni Un tyran imposteur s'empare du trône d'Atra, tandis que Ursus et ses compagnons sont à l'étranger. Il più bel canale di cinema gratuito e legale di Youtube! The best FREE & LEGAL Youtube Channel: movies, clips, docs, short movies from all around the world - italian, english, spanish, french, deutsch, and other subtitles available! Iscriviti a Film&Clips;: http://bit.ly/Subscribetofilmandclips Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FilmClips-1716901998587585 Twitter: https://twitter.com/filmandclips App: http://bit.ly/AppFilmandClips Tutte le playlist: http://bit.ly/FilmandClipsPlaylists Film&Clips; Movie Clips Collection: http://bit.l...
Full movie of Hercules Against Rome starring Alan Steel, Wandisa Guida and Mimmo Palmara, and a host of other actors. Fun film with Steel in top form. Exclusive to PEPLUM TV! ---- PEPLUM Blog : http://www.peplumtv.com .
ΕΠΕΞΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ VIDEO:DEATON - NIKOLAOS. The Two Gladiators (1964) - ΙΤΑΛΙΚΟΣ (ΠΡΟΤΥΠΟΣ ΤΙΛΟΣ):I due gladiatori. Director: Mario Caiano. Writers: Mario Amendola (story and screenplay), Alfonso Brescia (story and screenplay). Stars: Richard Harrison, Moira Orfei, Alberto Farnese, Giuliano Gemma,Mimmo Palmara.
Andrea Razza intervista Mimmo Palmara, attore, doppiatore e direttore del doppiaggio. Consulenza artistica di Gerardo Di Cola. LA SCHEDA DI MIMMO PALMARA http://www.enciclopediadeldoppiaggio.it/index.php?title=Mimmo_Palmara © enciclopediadeldoppiaggio.it - Tutti i diritti sono riservati
Mimmo Palmara and Giovanni Cianfriglia demonstrate peplum swordfighting! Bonus Brad Harris in Rome tells of how he got into the sword and sandal genre. From the German documentary Hekules,Maciste and Co.
The Pirates of Malaysia - Film Completo Full Movie by Film&Clips aka "I Pirati della Malesia" English subtitles available di Umberto Lenzi. Con Steve Reeves, Andrea Bosic, Nando Gazzolo, Mimmo Palmara. 91 min. - Italia 1964 A Sarawak occupata dagli inglesi, domina Lord Brooke che, spodestato ed imprigionato il rajah Mura Hassin, gli si è sostituito come sovrano del paese. Però Ada, la figlia di Hassin, è sfuggita alla cattura imbarcandosi su un mercantile olandese che al largo viene abbordato dalla nave pirata di Sandokan. Dopo un breve assalto i pirati hanno la meglio e Sandokan conosce dalla diretta testimonianza di Ada le dolorose vicende di Sarawak e di Mura Hassin. La decisione non si fa attendere: i pirati della Malesia si batteranno par cacciare l'usurpatore. Filmed in Singapore...
JONNY WEST UND DIE VERWEGENEN DREI [Johnny West il mancino] (Spanien/Italien/Frankreich 1965) Regie: Gianfranco Parolini Darsteller: Mimmo Palmara, Adriano Micantoni, Roger Delaporte, André Bollet, Mara Cruz, Dada Gallotti, Barta Barri, Roberto Camardiel, Bob Felton
Pupo ed Ernestino Schinella ospitano, nella puntata di sabato 18 ottobre 2008, Bud Spencer e Giuliano Gemma, che insieme interpretarono "Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioli". Si ammira un Bud Spencer in gran forma - www.budspencerfanclub.com
La mia intervista telefonica a Michele Gammino, attore e grande voce del doppiaggio italiano.