- published: 22 Jul 2017
- views: 19086
The Gurung people, also called Tamu, are an ethnic group from different parts of Nepal.
They are Buddhists and large minority of Hindus. Centuries of cultural influence from Tibet and its northern neighbours – which adopted the Tibetan culture to a heavy extent resulted in many Gurungs gradually embracing Tibetan Buddhism–particularly among Gurungs in the Manang region – over the centuries, particularly the Nyingma school.
Priestly practitioners of Gurung Dharma include lamas, ghyabri (klehpri), and pachyu (paju). Shamanistic elements among the Gurungs remain strong and most Gurungs often embrace Buddhist and Bön rituals in all communal activities.
Gurung music is one of the traditional form of music from the indigenous Gurung community of Nepal. Gurung society is very rich in its cultural heritage and music plays an important role in their everyday life. Whather it is a child's birth, a marriage ceremony or a funeral, music plays a vital role in the process.
A film, also called a movie, motion picture or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. This optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succession. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means of CGI and computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects. The word "cinema", short for cinematography, is often used to refer to the industry of films and filmmaking or to the art of filmmaking itself. The contemporary definition of cinema is the art of simulating experiences to communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations.
The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry.
Nepali or Nepalese may refer to :
Music of Nepal refers to the various musical genres heard in Nepal. With more than fifty ethnic groups, the music of the country is highly diverse. Genres like pop, rock, Nep-hop ko bato, folk, and Classical music are widely found, but many less common genres are yet to be cataloged. Rap also sometimes appears on the Nepalese music charts. Many of the country's musical bands are based in Kathmandu – especially the recent ones focused on pop and rock.
Dohori music is Nepali folk songs. Dohori means from two side or a debate. This debate is in rhythm, and involves quick and witty poetry. The two teams in Dohori usually involve boys in one group girls in the other. The song is started with a question usually from the boys' side. The girl follows the question with a quick response and continues the musical conversation.
Dohori songs can last for as long as a week. The length of the Dohori depends on the quick thinking ability of the players.
TAMU HYULA || तमु ह्युला || Full GURUNG Movie 2017 Ft. Maotse Tung 2074
KAANCHA(कन्छा)- New Superhit Full Nepali Gurung Movie || a Film by Khus Bahadur Gurung||
PHIRUMALA - New Nepali Gurung Full Movie 2017/2073 | Pritam Gurung, Deena Gurung, Tulasi Gurung
Awarded Full Nepali Gurung Movie-(छैली मुना जिन्दगी)Yestai Raicha Jindagi || Full Movie|| 2017
Chokho Maya - New Nepali Gurung Full Movie Ft. Anuta Gurung, Som, Jasu, Manoj Gurung
New Nepali Gurung Full Movie 2016 - Tadhako Maya Feat. Aaitaram Gurung, Manmaya Gurung, Sarita Gurug
Gainey Dajai - Trishna Gurung [Official Video]
श्रीमानसंगको विवाद मिलिसक्यो:रञ्जिता गुरुङ्ग| Ranjita Gurung |Bindas Guff| Interview
New Nepali Gurung Movie | Mee (Naam) Nep. Subtitle Ft. Krishna, Resham, Pritam, Sunita Gurung
New Nepali Gurung Movie TALE CROM CHU SAI Official Trailer 2017/2074 | Janak Gurung
If You Like Subscribe And Share. तमु जातिको ईतिहासमा कहिल्यै नलेखिएको दस्तावेज . Tamu Hyula - New Full Gurung Movie Tamu Hyula. New Gurung Movie Tamu Hyula Full Lenth High Defination (HD) Actors : Bal B. Gurung,Shuva Ghale,Khem Gurung, Ratna Gurung, Gaman Ghale, Asmita Gurung,BIshal Gurung, Parbati Gurung, Maotse Tung . Lyrics : K.K. Gurung, Lalit Sinjali Magar, Bishal Gurung Music : K.K. Gurung Vocal : Krishna Kumar Gurung, Uttar Ale Magar, Sharmila Gurung, Anjana Gurung, Radhika Hamal Story : Maotse Tung Background Score : Kundan Rai Art : Kishor Gurung/Amir Gurung Choreography : Bishal Gurung/Bijay Rumba Make-Up : Sangram Lama/Uttam Lama Asst. Camera : Suresh Shrestha Cinematography : Ramesh Dhamala Edit/Graphics : Sujit Tamot Post Production : Star Studio, Mahendrapool. Dubbing : Ind...
Don't forget to like and share with everyone if you liked this video! Sovechha Films Presents! New Gurung Cultural Nepali Full Movie "KAANCHA" a Film by Khus Bahadur Gurung Starring: Bibek Gurung, Urmila Gurung, Tara Bahadur Gurung, Khus Bahadur Gurung, Maya Gurung, Tikaram Ghale, Khem Gurung, Sitadevi Gurung. Sound Design & Mixing: Pulse Studio-Pokhara, Rodi Digital-Kathmandu. Choreographer: Oman Gurung Editor: Nabin Birahi Magar Cinematographer: Bhesh Gurung Music Arranger/ Script : Khus Bahadur Gurung Vocal: Kushal Gurung, Rajani Rai, Dhan Bahadur Gurung, Shanti Gurung, Tarjan Gurung, Bishnu Gurung, Rakesh Gurung, Durga Gurung. Exe. Producer: Bishnu Gurung, Laxman Gurung, Jaman Gurung, NB Gurung. Directed by Khus Bahadur Gurung © Sovechha Films Pvt. Ltd. To stay updated please C...
Don't forget to like and share with everyone if you liked this video! Cast : Pritam Gurung, Deena Gurung, Ganesh Gurung, Tulsi Gurung, Krishna Gurung, Janak Gurung, Nirmal Karki, Yam Gurung, Jaman Gurung, Durga Gurung, Raju Rai, Rabi Gurung, Rum Bdr Gurung Manage By : Shooting Management Committee, Lamdada/Chiuri Kharka Light : Lakpa Sherpa, Tiger Lama, Mohan Karki Trolly : Krishna Shrestha Make-up : Mohan Lama Lyrics/Music : Ganesh Gurung Post Production : Rodhi Digital 01-4356280 Dubbing : Ranjeet Rana Magar Choreography : Govinda Pravat, Yam Gurung Action : Janak Gurung Cinematography : Santosh Pithakote Magar, Chhabi Rana Magar Graphics/Mixing : Chhabi Rana Magar Producer : Tulsi Gurung Writer/Director : Pritam Gurung © Highlights Nepal Pvt. Ltd. To stay updated please CLICK HERE to ...
Don't forget to like and share with everyone if you liked this video! Sovechha Films Presents! New Superhit Awarded Nepali and Gurung Full Movie "Chhaili Muna Jindagi" a Film by Khus Bahadur Gurung Starring: Kushal Gurung, Pratima Gurung, Tara Bahadur Gurung, Ashmi Gurung, NB Gurung, Tikaram Ghale, Sitadevi Gurung, Yomaya Gurung Sound Design & Mixing: Pulse Studio, Pokhara Choreographer: Manang Gurung, Oman Gurung Editor: Chhabi Rana Magar Cinematographer: Bhesh Gurung Music: Khus Bahadur Gurung Vocal: Kushal Gurung, Khus Bahadur Gurung, Shanti Gurung, Maya Gurung, Malati Gurung Exe. Producer: NB Gurung, Gautam Gurung, Tarjan Gurung Assistant producer: Aitasingh Gurung Directed by Khus Bahadur Gurung © Sovechha Films Pvt. Ltd. To stay updated please CLICK HERE to SUBSCRIBE: https:...
Chokho Maya - New Nepali Gurung Full Movie Ft. Anuta Gurung, Som, Jasu, Manoj Gurung Lamtari Films Productin Presents! Gurung Superhit Movie: Chokho Maya Starring: Som Gurung, Jasu Gurung, Manoj Gurung, Anu Gurung, Naujang Gurung, Shree Prasad Gurung, Pratima Gurung, Punam Gurung Lyrics: Manoj Gurung, Tilak Gurung, Aarju Bista Salyani Music: Manoj Gurung, Jay Kumar Vocal: Junu Rijal, Manoj Gurung, Shanti Gurung Choreography: Jasu Gurung, Manoj Gurung Action: Som Gurung Assit. Director: Rajesh Gurung, Karan Gurung Cinematographer: Yam Gurung Edit/Vfx: Karan Gurung Producers: Ram Bahadur Gurung, Hirajang Gurung, Naujang Gurung, Dinesh Gurung Story/Direction: Naujang Gurung © Highlights Nepal Pvt. Ltd. To stay updated please CLICK HERE to SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/highlightsne...
New Nepali Gurung Full Movie 2016 - Tadhako Maya Feat. Aaitaram Gurung, Manmaya Gurung, Sarita Gurug Don't forget to like and share with everyone if you liked this video! Budhigandaki Films Production Aaitaram Gurung Presents! Tadhako Maya 1 Starring: Aaitaram Gurung, Manmaya Gurung, Sarita Gurug, Khem Gurung, Khagendra Gurung, Sumina Gurung, Ujjwal Gurung, Rashmi Gurung Music Arrengaer: Krishna Pun Magar Lyrics/Camera/Edit: Man Bahadur Pun Vocal: Aaitaram Gurung, Ratna Sudha, Khagisara Thapa Magar Production Manager: Bahadur Gurung, Harka Bahadur Gurung Choreography: Arjun Gurung Excuative Producer: Khem Gurung Story/Producer: Aaitaram Gurung Direction: Man Bahadur Pun © Highlights Nepal Pvt. Ltd. To stay updated please CLICK HERE to SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/highlightsnepa...
Gainey Dajai Lyrics/Compose: Trishna Gurung Music Arrangment: Bizu Karmacharya Mix/Master: Ujwal Shreyan Mahat DOP: Balram Budathoki Colorist: Satiz Shrestha Direction: Bizu Karmacharya Actors: Sanna Tsering Gurung/ Akesh Tamrakar Makeup: Yuna Rai Barcode Productions Special Thanks: Shyam karki, Sunny Sunam, Ram Dai, Pratibha Chettri, Sumi Gurung, Rvee Khadka, Kiran Niraula (Kale Keyrun), Kamal Adhikari and all my supporters. Follow me on Fan page: https://www.facebook.com/trishnagurungofficial/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trishnagurung_official/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trishna.gurung.7927?ref=bookmarks
Bindas TV Presents :- Bindas Guff With Ranjita Gurung Host : -Chiranjibi Sapkota "Gbchiran" Guest :Model Ranjita Gurung Camera/Edit : -Bishnu Phadera "Chhetri" Subscribe us YouTube:- http://www.youtube.com/c/BindasTV Audio/ Video Available Only On Bindas Production Pvt. Ltd. All the Audio and Video rights of this Music Video is owned only by Bindas Production Pvt. Ltd. यस च्यानल मा रहेका गीत, संगीत तथा Video हरु कपि, Download गरी अन्य Channel मा upload गरेको पाएमा प्रचालित कानुन बमोजिम कडा भन्दा कडा कारबाही गरिनेछ । Embedding to a website is allowed.
New Nepali Gurung Movie | Mee (Naam) Nep. Subtitle Ft. Krishna Gurung, Resham Gurung, Pritam Gurung, Sunita Gurung Rodhi Digital Films Presents! Rodhi Digital's 5th Project Nepali Gurung Movie: Mee (Naam) starring: Krishna Gurung, Resham Gurung, Pritam Gurung, Sunita Gurung, Laxmi Gurung, Ganesh Bdr. Gurung, Sushila Gurung, Reeta Gurung Lyrics: Raju Pariyar, Surya Kumari Gurung Singers: Durga Gurung, Raju Pariyar, Sunita Gurung Background Music: Dipendra Man Singh Coreography: Raju Gurung Music: Durga Gurung Cinematography: Ram Naarayan Chaudhari Editor: Shailendra Chaulagain Producers: Mahesh Gurung, Laxmi Gurung Script & Direction: Pritam Gurung © Highlights Nepal Pvt. Ltd. To stay updated please CLICK HERE to SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/highlightsnepal2009 Highlights Nepa...
Don't forget to like and share with everyone if you liked this video! Bibek Gurung Presents! New Gurung Movie TALE CROM CHU SAI Artist : Bibek, Sumin, Mika, Kom, Sujan, Sumit Cameraman : Khem Thapa Magar Choreographer : Govinda Prabhat Action : Janak Gurung Editor : Mek B. Thapa Producer : Bikash Gurung, Sashila Bhuchcha Tamusyo (UAE), Salila Gurung, Maita Kumari Gurung Writer/Director : Janak Gurung © Highlights Nepal Pvt. Ltd. To stay updated please CLICK HERE to SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/highlightsnepal2009 Highlights Nepal Pvt. Ltd is authorized to upload this video. Using of this video on other channels without prior permission will be strictly prohibited. (Embedding to the websites is allowed) Visit us @ www.highlightsnepal.com. Connect With Highlights Nepal: Facebo...
Ovo je vek medija, pa se mudar ovek nervira
Jer se ovde preferira samo ono što se servira.
Vi niste ljudi, ve serija kvazi robota
Pravih robova, a mediji kažu da si slobodan?
Baš si pogodan za sve oblike manipulacije
Dok vi trendujete, ja branim duh nacije
Krang pravi zvuk akcije, batice besnim zbog Granda
Pesnikog škarta, farme I velikog brata.
Ovce iz stada - vi ste žrtve iste taktike
Nosite iste patike, bodrite iste laike
Volite iste navike, vodite iste abrove
Imate iste strahove, praznite iste rafove
Pratite iste stavove, hvalite iste škartove
Pravite iste planove, imate iste dukseve
Dame iste bruseve, itaju iste kurseve
Slikaju iste luzere, primaju iste kureve.
Uvee uvuete bulje u iste farmerke...
Zbog iste namere, oI vam bulje u iste frajere.
Žene manje više vode iste prazne prie
Imaju iste ravne šIške I iste glatke pike.
Mediji vas ue šta je dobro a šta zlo,
Mediji vas ue šta je tuga a šta bol.
Mediju vas ue svemu,
Zdrava svest za pravu cenu.
Sve vas vole mediji,
Za vas I vama mediji.
TV ih zatupi pa ih muI vazdušni sindrom
Pa su za jadnike air max patike statusni simbol
Pritom, I vi u frci s kintom pratite modu
Najku pravite lovu jer skupo platite robu.
Shvatite foru. svuda kopije silnih zvezda
Svako bi da oseti miris keša, izgleda ko MTV gengsta.
Ti si smešan, sve što ti piješ su batine
Pa priviaš viski, kurve, kilo platine.
Sinko žalim te, pratite vaše krimi mentore
MTV trendove, Wejnove, Westove, Fifti centove
Kad vam vidim tekstove hvata me melanholija
Setim se pesama koje pisah sa sedam godina.
Svako je bleda kopija, krvopija, scena sarkazma
Ironije u balkanskom repu uopšte nema Balkana.
Jebena farma, zvezde granda, to gleda cela nacija
Retardi se smeju retardima borio bih se al nema naina.
U srednjem veku inkvizitori danas mediji vešaju
Oni ubeuju svet u ono što veliki spremaju.
Nama smeštaju, teraju proces globalizacije
Koji treba da pogazi nacije, odstrani razlike,
Postavi navike, pa se ne pije ništa sem kole I fante
Ne sluša ništa sem lejdi Gage, nose levis I najke,
Fensi marke, niko ne želi da bude otpadnik
Ne umem da budem podanik, deo kulture bogatih.
ujes, odrasti. Shvati, nije ti krek slistio pamet
Sve dok svako misli izgleda I živi k'o amer,
Oni e Ii po pare mi u steaj, brate ispaše
Da mi finansiramo njihove nove ratne igrake.
Budale klicae, na svaku bajku pristae
Kako da u klancu istraješ kad si zadnja karika u lancu ishrane?
I kad su predatori siti nastavie sa borbama
U znak zahvalnosti od srca nagradie nas bombama.