How to reduce your tax bill from a property sale

If a spouse is still working and the property is owned in joint names, it may be sensible to sell the property in a year ...
If a spouse is still working and the property is owned in joint names, it may be sensible to sell the property in a year in which neither of you are working to make use of your tax-free thresholds of $18,200 each. Glen McCurtayne
by Sam Henderson

I've got a question about capital gains tax. I am 64 and retired, and my wife is still working. How much capital gains tax do I have to pay if I sell my $700,000 property that I bought for $150,000 in 1995? I also have a self-managed superannuation fund. Can I contribute some of my profit to the super fund to reduce the tax? Is there a better way to reduce the tax? Mina

Mina, let me start by saying that it's important to seek advice from your tax agent for an accurate calculation but let me run you through the layman's description. Assets bought after September 21, 1985, are subject to capital gains tax. The regime changed in 1999 to allow a 50 per cent capital gains tax discount for assets held longer than 12 months. Prior to this we had to use a complex indexing method using CPI.

The easiest way to describe your gain is as follows. If you paid $150,000 in 1995 and it's now worth $750,000 then your gain will be $600,000. Applying your 50 per cent capital gains discount ($600,000 X 50 per cent), we come up with a taxable gain of $300,000 assuming the property is in your name only. This taxable gain is then added to your annual income and subject to your marginal tax rate.

Typing $300,000 into the simple tax calculator, I came up with a figure of $108,232. So, in simple terms, you will need to pay $108,232 in tax on a $600,000 gain. It's not too bad all things considered.

If you put a $25,000 concessional (taxable) contribution into your super fund it reduces your taxable income from $300,000 to $275,000, on which you'll pay $96,982 in income tax and 30 per cent on your super contribution, or $7500, for a total tax bill of $104,482, saving you $3750.

If you have an SMSF and use a contribution reserving strategy by claiming a $50,000 tax deduction in the year in which you sell the property (but reserving one contribution for the next financial year) you will reduce your taxable income from $300,000 to $250,000, attracting tax of $85,732, plus your super contributions at 30 per cent, for a total of $100,732 in tax, saving you $7500.

From July 1 pre-tax super contributions for people earning more than $250,000 a year are taxed at 30 per cent, rather than 15 per cent for people who earn less than that.

You must allocate the reserve within 28 days, so you need to make this contribution at the end of the financial year and meet the "work test" if you're over 65. You'll also receive an excess contributions notice and your accountant will need to notify the Tax Office about how it will be dealt with. Don't try this at home, if you know what I mean.

To potentially reduce your tax liability further, it would be handy if you own the property jointly with your wife. If this is the case and you make a $300,000 taxable gain, then $150,000 is added to each of your taxable incomes in the financial year in which you exchange (not settle) contracts. You can both maximise your super contributions or use a reserving strategy, assuming you're eligible to make contributions to super and meet the work test if you are over 65.

If your wife is still working, and the property is in joint names, you may choose to sell the property in a year in which she isn't working to use her tax-free threshold of $18,200 although you will likely be over 65 and need to meet the work test.

In summary, there's a few ways to utilise super to reduce your taxable gain, as well as taking into account any capital costs expended on the property to build the cost base up from the $150,000 purchase price such as major renovations (not maintenance). Importantly you need advice to get this right.

My mother is 68. She does not work and owns her own home worth around $500,000. She never had any super and is on a full pension with about $20,000 in the bank. She is coming into an inheritance soon worth about $600,000. What should she do with that money? She also wants to gift $100,000 to each of her two children to put towards their mortgage. Is there a way this can be done in a tax-effective way? Adam

Adam, single home-owning pensioners will receive the full pension if their assets are less than $253,750 under the current rules. They will receive a part pension if they're assets are under $550,000. Importantly, if they gift any more than $10,000 a year for maximum of $30,000 over a five-year period those assets will be considered deprived assets and subject to assessment under the assets test. Therefore, your mother needs to understand the impact of giving the money away and most probably losing her pension for five years despite still having $300,000 extra in assets, assuming you and the other sibling have $100,000 each.

It might be possible to see if the executor of the Will from which your mum is expecting an inheritance could direct the $100,000 each directly to you and your sibling. Then your mum would get close to the full pension and a much better outcome. This isn't always possible but worth considering to leave your mother in the best possible position.

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