Remembering Momentum Energy's faux green credentials

Hydro Tasmania's Devils Gate Dam spill.
Hydro Tasmania's Devils Gate Dam spill.

And we thought the best thing to come out of the apple and pinot isle was MONA's David Walsh. But no. Turns out it's Paul Geason, the boss of Momentum Energy, the love-child of Hydro Tasmania, the state-owned monopoly power generator and retailer.

Before hoofing it to Canberra on Wednesday, having been summonsed along with other naughty energy school boys to meet with headmaster Turnbull, Geason got in early telling this newspaper this whole messy energy-security-and-skyrocketing-prices snafu was all the fault of the big boys. According to Geason, it was they – AGL Energy, Origin Energy and EnergyAustralia – who should be put in the naughty corner.

Setting aside for one moment the fact that parent company Hydro Tasmania has a virtual monopoly on retail in Tassie, we are reminded it was Momentum Energy that was dragged before Discipline Master Rod Sims last year and made to pay penalties totalling $54,000 following the issue of five infringement notices by the ACCC.

For what? We hear you ask. Why, falsely advertising their renewable energy credentials, of course. 

"From around September to December 2015, Momentum represented that it generated and supplied renewable electricity through phrases including 'We generate energy out of thin air. And fresh water.' and 'Powered by Hydro Tasmania, all our electricity is 100% Renewable'. Its television advertising also featured footage of a hydroelectricity dam," the ACCC report found. "Although Momentum is owned by Hydro Tasmania, the electricity it supplies comes from the National Energy Market, not from hydroelectricity generated in Tasmania. By its advertising campaign, Momentum gave consumers the misleading impression that Momentum offered a renewable energy product, when this was not the case."

We're sure he was more transparent about his green credentials when meeting with the PM.