What's good for Rupert Murdoch should be good for Chau Chak Wing

Chinese-born billionaire Chau Chak Wing has found a double standard is applied to Australians of non-Anglo origin.
Chinese-born billionaire Chau Chak Wing has found a double standard is applied to Australians of non-Anglo origin. Sahlan Hayes
by John Wallace

When a successful Australian citizen or resident of Chinese background mixes with the influential and powerful and engages in philanthropy, some of it in the form of political donations, it seems that’s venturing into forbidden territory. There’s something about the China connection that raises the hackles of established order.

In the case of two businessmen mentioned in a recent Fairfax-ABC Four Corners investigation, the key concern, according to an ASIO brief to government, is that they made “foreign” political donations. One of the businessmen, Chau Chak Wing, has been an Australian citizen for 20 years. The other, Huang Xangmo, is a permanent resident.

By contrast, Rupert Murdoch, now a US citizen, is free to travel the globe to inspect his vast media holdings, hold court with political leaders and other influentials, make donations at will, including to political parties here in Australia, and through his media rally support for favoured causes, including political parties. This behaviour is accepted as normal.

The essential proposition advanced on Four Corners – there wasn’t hard evidence – is that the businessmen’s connections in China, where they both have extensive interests, may make them a conduit for Chinese Communist Party interference in Australian politics.

Australia's interests

There has been widespread reaction in various media to this example of alleged China influence, with voices on-shore and off-shore pointing to inconsistencies. After reading some of it, I can understand why the two businessmen might be a little bewildered.

Chau has denied at length in an interview with The Australian that he ever acted as an agent of the Chinese communist party or been a member of the party or other organisations he was linked to in the coverage. If anything, he says, he represents Australia’s interests when doing business in China. He says the leaking of the ASIO brief could deter foreign investors for fear of similar treatment.

A key issue to emerge from all this is what role Chinese Australians should expect, and be allowed, to play in Australian public life. According to much of the social and online reaction, coverage of this kind brings to the surface complaints about how hard it is for Chinese Australians to participate normally in Australian society and politics.

“Every time a media story about Chinese influence in Australian society comes up, it is the ordinary Chinese Australians who ultimately cop it,” wrote policy adviser, campaigner and writer Jieh-Yung Lo in The Guardian. Others, on social media, have picked up on the idea of racism being behind the concerns raised in the coverage: “This is just an acceptable way of stating a racist position. The communist factor is used as a mask to conceal an underlying anti-Chinese sentiment.”

A clamp down on foreign donations to political parties is clearly a good thing. At the same time, there has been widespread reaction in the Chinese Australian community to the fact that it is the philanthropy of these particular men, that has prompted the current concern. This inevitably feeds the perceptions of racism.

Patriotic views

Then there is the matter of connections in China. Anyone working with China, including Australians as well as Chinese Australians, is bound to be rubbing up against members of the communist party, and not just in the Beijing subway. China is a one-party system, the communist party rules, and it provides many of the personnel who people government, other public institutions and much of the economy.

A related question raised by the coverage, and also commented on widely in Chinese language social media, is whether it is acceptable for Chinese Australians to hold views similar in some way to those of the Chinese government, and whether it is acceptable to advance those views within the Australian community.

Generally speaking, it is normal for immigrants to hold “patriotic” views. However, the dominant opinion of those interviewed by Four Corners is that, if not unacceptable, espousing these views in relation to China is highly problematic. The chilling message to Chinese Australians (and maybe all Australians) is that if you want to be involved in Australian public life, make sure you barrack for Team Australia, whatever that is.

For Chinese Australians who do want to get involved and who do have some “Chinese thoughts”, there is an obvious problem. Do they continue to do what Chinese Australians have been forced or encouraged to do for close on two centuries – keep a low profile in the public sphere, especially on matters to do with China – or do they assert their right to have their say? Judging from social media commentary, there is growing support for the latter.

John Wallace is director of the Asia Pacific Journalism Centre, which as part of its work organises international journalist exchange programs, including with China.

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