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'It's a war zone out there': confronting video shows WA alcohol, drug violence

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A confronting short film that showcases the shocking alcohol and drug-fuelled violence experienced by WA's most vulnerable communities will be shown to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in the hope of prompting an expansion of the cashless welfare card scheme.

The video was commissioned by outgoing Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan, community leaders and the Minderoo Foundation.

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GRAPHIC: Shocking violence rules WA communities

A video commissioned police and Aboriginal community leaders shows the horrific reality of alcohol- and drug- fuelled violence in remote WA towns.

It uses CCTV and police footage from several WA towns to highlight what it calls "war zone" conditions experienced by children living in the regions.

One clip shows an adult male picking up a limp child by their hair and placing them in a shopping trolley.

Minderoo Foundation chairman Andrew Forrest said it was imperative to introduce Prime Minister Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten to the "horrific" issues faced in WA towns.

"We are coming to Canberra – as concerned parents and as concerned community leaders - representing the voiceless children and to highlight the daily horror of the hideous crimes that are happening in our towns right now," he said.


"These defenceless children are suffering unspeakably, because of the unabated and abhorrent violence against them… in towns right across Western Australia."

The video comes after reports emerged of adults in the Pilbara region using welfare payments to bribe children to have sex with them.

Mr O'Callaghan revealed early this month that Police had identified 124 suspects in the town of Roebourne in relation to the investigation and had already charged 36 people with more than 300 offences since the operation began late last year.

"The abuse of alcohol and drugs is out of control. It's a war zone out there and the victims are little children. Children are so scared of their families they are on the streets, and they feel safer there than they do at home," he said.

Port Hedland mayor Camillo Blanko also appeared in the video, and said the new revelation painted a disturbing picture of WA's remote towns.

"I'm a father and I just can't understand how many children are being abused in one town. Young children are being raped... little kids.

"Alcohol and drugs are killing our towns, turning adults into child rapists."

Mr Forrest said he would meet with Western Australian and South Australian elders and civic leaders, the Prime Minister, Opposition leader Bill Shorten and his deputy leader Tanya Plibersek.

The philanthropist said he hoped the video would highlight the cashless debit cards' impact on local communities, and how it had helped "bring hope" to WA's remote communities.

Cashless welfare trials have been run in the east Kimberley, Pilbara and South Australia in order to combat drug, alcohol and gambling abuse.

The system works by quarantining 80 per cent of welfare payments on to debit cards that will work anywhere but ATMs, bottle shops and casinos.

"It is not a silver bullet," Mr Forrest said. "It's not going to fix all of these community's problems. It is not going to save every child.

"But you know what, it might just give these children some protection from adults who are so drunk, so high on drugs, that they attack their own children.

"It might give families a fighting chance at building an optimistic future."

Mr Forrest said the inclusion of community advocates would send a clear message.

"As Professor Marcia Langton said... Aboriginal people are 'Royal Commission-ed out, we're panelled out, we're experted out. Enough, just do it."