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DNA found under fingernails of ex-Perth student Henri van Breda

Triple murder accused, Henri van Breda, had DNA belonging to his mother and brother under his fingernails following their brutal death, a South African court heard on Monday.

The former Perth student is on trial for murdering his father Martin, mum Teresa, and brother Rudi, with an axe in their Stellenbosch home.

And South African news outlet news24.com reported on Monday that in addition to the DNA found under his nails, there was no unknown DNA found elsewhere in the family's luxury De Zalze Estate home.

The 22-year-old's trial resumed more than a month after proceedings were adjourned with the testimony of Lieutenant Colonel Sharlene Otto, the police's chief forensic analyst.

She also confirmed that Henri, Teresa and Rudi's blood was found on the floor in the corner of the shower.

Strict and stringent quality control systems were in place and the laboratory was guided by international standards, Otto said.


Van Breda pleaded not guilty to axing his parents and brother to death, seriously injuring his sister Marli, and defeating the ends of justice.

He claimed that an intruder wearing a balaclava, gloves and dark clothes was behind the attack, and that he had heard other voices of people speaking Afrikaans in their home in the De Zalze Estate in Stellenbosch in January 2015.

Van Breda claimed that, after a fight with the axe-wielding intruder who was also armed with a knife, the man had escaped.

Otto said Martin's right-hand nail scrapings showed Rudi's DNA, while a swab taken from the handle of the knife used in the attack – which comes from the family's kitchen – only matched Rudi.

A total of 216 samples were submitted from the scene, far more than what they would usually receive, she explained.

When asked by State prosecutor Susan Galloway what the odds were of a person entering a space and not leaving any DNA, Otto said someone covered from head to toe wouldn't leave behind a trace.

She also explained the Locard principle – that every touch leaves a trace. "That is a first law of forensics," Otto said.

Advocate Pieter Botha, for the defence, is expected to cross examine her on Tuesday.

The family had lived for several years in Perth where the children had attended high school.

Henri and Rudi van Breda went to the prestigious Scotch College, while Marli van Breda is a former Presbyterian Ladies' College student.

The family returned to their native South Africa in 2014.
