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'Supping with the devil': Colleagues surprised Bruce Billson received lobbyist income while an MP

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The revelation Bruce Billson received undisclosed payments from a business lobby group while still a serving MP has raised eyebrows among his party colleagues, but the former cabinet minister insists he acted with complete "transparency and integrity". 

Mr Billson, who retired from Parliament at the 2016 election after being dumped from the ministry when Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull took over as leader, has said he committed a "discourtesy" by failing to declare an income from the Franchise Council of Australia in his parliamentary register.

The former small business minister announced he was taking up the new role in March 2016, ahead of the July 2016 election, but then began receiving an income that was not disclosed on the parliamentary register, the ABC's 7.30 program revealed on Tuesday night. He is now facing demands to donate the amount to charity.

A Liberal MP, who described Mr Billson as a friend, said: "You can line a job up while you're still in the parliament but it's another issue altogether to start pocketing the coin."

The MP added Mr Billson was "supping with the devil" in his role because the Franchise Council often lobbied against the interests of small business, the cause he championed in office. 

Another former colleague said it was "unusual" to start receiving a salary from a lobbying organisation while still an MP. 


The ministerial code of conduct stipulates that former ministers "will not lobby, advocate or have business meetings with members of the government, parliament, public service or defence force on any matters on which they have had official dealings as minister in their last 18 months in office". 

MPs from both sides of politics said Mr Billson had been extremely active in lobbying them on franchising issues - which he was also involved in as small business minister - since he took on the role. 

Former Coalition ministers Andrew Robb and Ian Macfarlane have also faced questions about their respective post-political roles with Chinese company Landbridge and the Queensland Resources Council. 

Peter Strong, chief executive of the Council of Small Business of Australia, said Mr Billson had been "clumsy" and had "made a mistake".

He said he had always found Mr Billson to be ethical and thought the lack of declaration was probably an oversight. 

Greens senator Lee Rhiannon demanded Mr Billson donate the undeclared money to charity.

"Mr Billson failed to disclose that he began receiving his $75,000 salary while he was still an MP," Senator Rhiannon said.

"The former small business minister should be required by the Prime Minister and the Liberal Party to donate to charity the salary he received while breaking parliamentary rules."

Mr Billson said he had written to the Clerk of the House of Representatives to apologise for failing to update the register. 

"This was a discourtesy to the House of Representatives and an administrative failing on my behalf not to lodge a timely further disclosure statement before the parliament was dissolved," Mr Billson said in a statement.

"My appointment as the executive chairman of the Franchise Council of Australia was widely publicised and the subject of media coverage and public discussion. There is no basis for inferring my appointment was concealed or not known publicly or within the parliament.

"No conflict existed between my parliamentary responsibilities or FCA role. There were no public policy matters requiring my advocacy on behalf of the franchise community to government in the two months when I undertook my FCA role in addition to my responsibilities as a member of Parliament."

MPs who fail to properly complete their register risk being declared in contempt of Parliament and fined up to $5000.

In a statement, the Franchise Council said it and Mr Billson "have at all times acted with transparency and integrity" regarding the appointment.