- published: 25 Jan 2017
- views: 14342355
The Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI), the world's governing body in the sport of bicycle racing, classifies races according to a rating scale.
The rating is represented by a code made of two or three parts and indicates both the type or style of race (the first part), and its importance or difficulty (the second and third parts). The first part can be an integer or an abbreviation, and the second part, when present, are usually integers. Both parts are separated by a period or decimal point (.).
A higher rated race will result in the successful riders receiving more world ranking points.
The first part of the codes to rate a road race is '1' for a one-day race, and '2' for a multi-day (stage) race. They are separated from the second part of the classification, the ranking, by a decimal point. 'HC' (beyond categorization, from French hors catégorie) is the highest ranking category, followed by '1' and then '2'. For example, a race rated 1.1 equates to a one-day, category 1 race.
Geometry Dash is a 2013 mobile game and Steam game developed by Sweden-based developer Robert Topala, and published by his own company RobTop Games. It is a rhythm-based running game which currently has 20 levels. Each level features unique background music. Although the player is not required to complete a level to advance to the next, they increase in difficulty for the most part. Other features of the game that exist in the latest versions are a level editor, map packs, user-created levels, secret coins, user coins, a secret vault and a great variety of icons and game modes.
Geometry Dash uses a simple tapping/clicking system to control different vehicles that react when a player presses anywhere on the touchscreen (space/up key(s) or mouse if playing on the Steam version) and can be held down to constantly interact (on some vehicles). Users cannot control the speed at which the icon is moving, unless it interacts with a speed changing portal. The timing and rhythm are key parts of the game.
The EMD Dash 2 is a line of diesel-electric locomotives introduced by General Motors' Electro-Motive Division (EMD) on January 1, 1972. Designations of these models were those of the former models with "-2" added (e.g., the SD40 was replaced by the SD40-2). They retained the basic specifications of the earlier models in terms of power output and most other features, but introduced a number of improvements to the locomotives' internal systems, specifically the electrical systems. These were intended to improve availability, efficiency, and ease of maintenance.
One major improvement was a modularized electrical control cabinet, allowing maintenance by unit replacement and the use of common parts. These concepts were first tested on the DDA40X.
Minor externally visible changes common across the whole line include the following:
Geometry (from the Ancient Greek: γεωμετρία; geo- "earth", -metron "measurement") is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. A mathematician who works in the field of geometry is called a geometer. Geometry arose independently in a number of early cultures as a body of practical knowledge concerning lengths, areas, and volumes, with elements of formal mathematical science emerging in the West as early as Thales (6th century BC). By the 3rd century BC, geometry was put into an axiomatic form by Euclid, whose treatment—Euclidean geometry—set a standard for many centuries to follow.Archimedes developed ingenious techniques for calculating areas and volumes, in many ways anticipating modern integral calculus. The field of astronomy, especially as it relates to mapping the positions of stars and planets on the celestial sphere and describing the relationship between movements of celestial bodies, served as an important source of geometric problems during the next one and a half millennia. In the classical world, both geometry and astronomy were considered to be part of the Quadrivium, a subset of the seven liberal arts considered essential for a free citizen to master.
A dash is a punctuation mark that is similar to a hyphen or minus sign, but differs from both of these symbols primarily in length and function. The most common versions of the dash are the en dash (–) and the em dash (—), named for the length of a typeface's lower-case n and upper-case M respectively.
Usage varies both within English and in other languages, but the usual convention in printed English text is:
[Em dash:] A flock of sparrows—some of them juveniles—alighted and sang.
[En dash:] A flock of sparrows – some of them juveniles – alighted and sang.
The French and Indian War (1754–1763) was fought in western Pennsylvania and along the present US–Canadian border (Edwards, pp. 81–101).
10 Minute MONTAGE! + Comp 2.1 Wallbounce Ruined?! (Movement Update Discussion @3:55)
EXCESO DE VELOCIDAD 2 - "Heart Beat" [DEMON] by RyanAB - Geometry Dash 2.1 | GuitarHeroStyles
Calibre 2.1 - Teu Sabor [Prod. NeoBeats]
PhenoMz - Gears of War 4 comp 2.1 Fast Movement / Wallbounce and settings
How to unlock all 2.1 icons
3 DORITOS DESPUÉS || Geometry Dash 2.1 (Parte 3)
STEREO MADNESS 2.1 VER | Geometry Dash 2.1 : Stereo Madness 2017 - CastriX
ALERTA DE EPILEPSIA - "Titanium Buster" [DEMON] by FunnyGame - Geometry Dash 2.1 | GuitarHeroStyles
Geometry Dash [2.1] - ''Crunchy Town" by CastriX
SUSCRIBETE es GRATIS → http://goo.gl/lfsQnc TIENDA OFICIAL!! → http://fernanfloo.tgn.tv Mis redes sociales: Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/FERNANFL00 Twitter → https://twitter.com/Fernanfloo Instagram → https://instagram.com/fernan_floo Quieres ser partner con TGN?.... Estos son los requisitos mínimos que debes cumplir en tu canal: -El canal no debe ser sobre Pornografía, mujeres desnudas, temas raciales, piratería, descargas ilegales, música de terceros. -Mínimo de visitas 1,000 mensuales en totalidad del canal no por un solo video -El contenido debe ser Original. -No debes estar vinculado a otra network. -No tener STRIKES dentro de tu canal NOTA: Si cumples con los requisitos y quieres ser partner con TGN envíale un correo a mi hermano a: dflores@bbtvtalent.com Canción final pr...
7:37 I Meant NEW COMP 2.1 MOVEMENT! Yo got a little montage for yall in the beginning and plenty more clips! I had to discuss the issues I did in this video, I'm aware some people think wallbouncing is useless or lacks skill, or people who don't bounce and kill are more skillful, you're welcome to your opinion here. But Wallbouncing has become a staple in the community for players as well as content creators like my self, it's similar to quick scoping taking off in cod, we have fun doing that. The new movement is literally worst than core, I'm not sure where they plan on going with this, but I literally only came back cause of the new movement :/ So had to get this off my chest! P.S THIS IS MY OPINION, from a entertainer/content creator. How I Hold The Controller! - https://www.yout...
Hoy os traigo un Epic Easy demon en el que predomina la velocidad x4, llamado Heartbeat, con exceso de velocidad, al igual que Kamikaze, en Geometry Dash 2.1. ¡Espero que os guste! ► SUSCRÍBETE (Es gratis) https://www.youtube.com/user/GuitarHeroStyles?sub_confirmation=1 ❱❱ ID: 34210481 ❱❱ Demon Difficulty: Easy Demon ► Merchandising • http://mundotubers.com/24-guitarherostyles ► Sígueme! • Twitter ❱ https://twitter.com/AdvyStyles • Canal Secundario ❱ http://bit.ly/2l0mm73 • Twitch ❱ http://www.twitch.tv/guitarherostyles • Facebook ❱ https://www.facebook.com/GuitarHeroStyles • Instagram ❱ https://instagram.com/advystyles • Contacto ❱ advystylesgh@hotmail.com ► Canción del nivel: • http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/745508 --- Contenido creado y subido por GuitarHeroStyles. El ...
▶ Ficha Técnica : Direção/Edição: Lucas Miranda (@lucasmidi) Produção Executiva: Yuri Maia Captação/Mix/Master: Neo Records Instrumental: NeoBeats (@Neobeats) Maquiadora: Luiza Mendes (@Luizamendes) Figurinista: Lohanne Tavares (@ltproducoes) ▶ Formação: Tedem - @tedem2.1 Vb - @Vb2.1 Goathi - @Goathi2.1 Kim-Z - @dimas_kim_z CALIBRE 2.1 ▶Atrizes: Scarlaty Santos (@scarlatysantos) Melissa Lioy (@melissalioy) Mariana Pessoa (@marianapessoac) K'im Glimberg (@kimglimberg) Bruna Raphanelli (@bruuraphanelli) Julia Ferreira (@jufigueredo04) Participação Especial: Michele Russo [Dança do Ventre] (@mrussos) ▶Diretora coreográfica: Thaina Santos (@thainasantosss_) ▶FACEBOOK: fb.com/CalibreDoispontoUm ▶INSTAGRAM: @Calibre2.1 ▶TWITTER: @Calibre2ponto1 CONTATO: contato.c...
Hey everyone, as you can see I can wallbounce fast but It's harder and I don't like it, the first comp movement was better. Also I show you my settings but I often change it and of course settings is not all, take care and see you! Add me : ●Gamertag : Real PhenoMz ●Skype : Valtech.mass ●How I hold my controller : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmSwXqLvfs4
In this video I tell you how to unlock all 2.1 icons. It's mostly meant for those who doesn't have a lot unlocked! I was planning on waiting to make this video until I had unlocked everything, but it doesn't seem like that will be possible soon since we need Chaos Gauntlet, Demon Gauntlets and more to unlock all of them. It might take months to get those. So I've just added pictures of the ones missing. I know that I could have just downloaded a hacked apk or something with everything unlocked, but I rather not ;) BTW, at 1:09, the blue text saying "Video on how to unlock it" was referring to how to unlock the Chamber of Time. 👉 How to unlock the Chamber of Time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N72a-c0Ey6M& 👉 Music used Future by JJD (NCS Release) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ddqXIbp...
📹Suscribete a mi Segundo Canal: •https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClVgUy2gLWHsp1dNfCoof5A ¡Bueno chicos gracias por ver el vídeo. Espero que les haya gustado o entretenido y no olvides suscribirte a este hermoso canal! •Vídeo anterior: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br4-13clFls&t;=332s •Mas vídeos épicos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGFVgmcDPr2O_FT9GQxmfDbXAha1mKRXV ◄▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬► ★REDES SOCIALES ★ ●Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkipsDasher ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skipsdasher/ ●Facebook: https://goo.gl/V7wHi2 ◄▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬► ★INFORMACIÓN EXTRA! ★ ●Cuales canciones de fondo usas?:https://goo.gl/O1zVhE ●Edito con Sony Vegas Pro 14. ●Grabo con Action! "y aveces con Fraps xd" ●Grabo mi voz con Audacity! ●Hago Directos con OBS! ◄▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬...
♬ Hello Everyone! Welcome to Partition Channel! Like and Sub is ♥ ♬ Stereo Madness With 2.1 Stuff :3 ◆ Level - Stereo Madness 2017 By CastriX ◆ Level ID - 31761397 ◆ Song / BGM - Stereo Madness By ForeverBound ♬ Partition More Info ◆ Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/partition0905/profile ◆ Twitter : https://twitter.com/PartitionGD ◆ Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn_9mH91rLWez9SZ6AdjfYg ◆ Google+ : https://plus.google.com/108154438910495076602 ◆ FaceBook : https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=bookmarks ◆ Discord : Partition#3951 ♬ More Video List (New) ◆ About Gd 2.2 : Geometry Dash 2.2 Info / Sneak Peek: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1gweBZLKGuSDWonlhsg3xUMPpxXMnY_Q ◆ Best Game Recreation Collection : Game Recreation In Geometry Dash: https://w...
Alerta de Epilepsia para este Easy Demon! "Titanium Buster", la nueva creación de FunnyGame, posible secuela de "Nemesis" en Geometry Dash 2.1. Volverá con su mejor creación. ¡Espero que os guste! ► SUSCRÍBETE (Es gratis) https://www.youtube.com/user/GuitarHeroStyles?sub_confirmation=1 ❱❱ ID: 36246124 ❱❱ Dificultad/Difficulty: Easy Demon ► Merchandising • http://mundotubers.com/24-guitarherostyles ► Sígueme! • Twitter ❱ https://twitter.com/AdvyStyles • Canal Secundario ❱ http://bit.ly/2l0mm73 • Twitch ❱ http://www.twitch.tv/guitarherostyles • Facebook ❱ https://www.facebook.com/GuitarHeroStyles • Instagram ❱ https://instagram.com/advystyles • Contacto ❱ advystylesgh@hotmail.com ► Canción del nivel: • http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/696406 --- Contenido creado y subido por...
Imo this is harder than the second one :p g's -Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ukDSV6v -Twitter: https://twitter.com/NexusGMD
She just turned 21,
Now she's all up in the club having hell of fun,
She says she wanna rock all night,
Go ready and give her some.
Go ready and get a chunk,
Shawty about to shut it down.
Down, down, down!
Comes in the air, we can't put them down, down, down,
We've got the pricks
It's going down, down, down!
Oh man, she looks like she's ready now,
Yes man, let's shut it down!
Yeah, shut it down like gambling,
Black Jack, show the bet, show her all the scheme,
Go in there, she...
... what's happening?
In the morning, I'm...
Half the bottle cause she's probably a woman.
Drunk up, feel better in the morning,
Drank up, ran out like oh, oh, oh,
Don't want the club to get closed,
Around like mile 24,
When she came to the door,
... what happens in the spot tonight they won't know,
The birthday girl is out of control,
Like her smile I'm sure for sure
Cause she's 21 years old.
She just turned 21,
Now she's all up in the club having hell of fun,
She says she wanna rock all night,
Go ready and give her some.
Go ready and get a chunk,
Shawty about to shut it down.
Down, down, down!
Comes in the air, we can't put them down, down, down,
We've got the pricks
It's going down, down, down!
Oh man, she looks like she's ready now,
Yes man, let's shut it down!
O.K., you know that what happens at the 21st B-Day,
Stays at the 21st B-Day,
Gotta go hard, you don't wanna take it easy,
Shut it down, get a... from the D.J,
One drop on the birthday girl,
The beat 21 is over!
Do you...
Real talk in the...
The momma don't... like it's all about her,
She don't see nobody like...
In the club telephone don't stop,
Show her love, how to stay in the spot.
She just turned 21,
Now she's all up in the club having hell of fun,
She says she wanna rock all night,
Go ready and give her some.
Go ready and get a chunk,
Shawty about to shut it down.
Down, down, down!
Comes in the air, we can't put them down, down, down,
We've got the pricks
It's going down, down, down!
Oh man, she looks like she's ready now,
Yes man, let's shut it down!
I'm spending money tonight,
Give you the time of your life,
The after party is back at my house, my house!
I've got a present for you,
It's waiting up in my room,
But I wanna give it to you right now, right now!
Who wants another round?
We're about to take them down,
I'm staying back...
How you're shaking that...?
She's turning 21, the night has just begun.
We gonna be living in a...
She just turned 21,
Now she's all up in the club having hell of fun,
She says she wanna rock all night,
Go ready and give her some.
Go ready and get a chunk,
Shawty about to shut it down.
Down, down, down!
Comes in the air, we can't put them down, down, down,
We've got the pricks
It's going down, down, down!
Oh man, she looks like she's ready now,
Yes man, let's shut it down!