- published: 22 Sep 2011
- views: 1224338
EA is Electronic Arts, a video game company.
EA, E.A., Ea, or ea may also refer to:
Possible meanings:
Rio de Janeiro (/ˈriːoʊ di ʒəˈnɛəroʊ, -deɪ ʒə-, -də dʒə-/; Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈʁi.u dʒi ʒɐˈnejɾu];River of January), or simply Rio, is the second-largest city in Brazil, the sixth-largest city in the Americas, and the world's thirty-ninth largest city by population. The metropolis is anchor to the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area, the second most populous metropolitan area in Brazil, the seventh-most populous in the Americas, and the twenty-third largest in the world. Rio de Janeiro is the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's third-most populous state. Part of the city has been designated as a World Heritage Site, named "Rio de Janeiro: Carioca Landscapes between the Mountain and the Sea", by UNESCO on 1 July 2012 as a Cultural Landscape.
Founded in 1565 by the Portuguese, the city was initially the seat of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro, a domain of the Portuguese Empire. Later, in 1763, it became the capital of the State of Brazil, a state of the Portuguese Empire. In 1808, when the Portuguese Royal Court transferred itself from Portugal to Brazil, Rio de Janeiro became the chosen seat of the court of Queen Maria I of Portugal, who subsequently, in 1815, under the leadership of her son, the Prince Regent, and future King João VI of Portugal, raised Brazil to the dignity of a kingdom, within the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and Algarves. Rio stayed the capital of the pluricontinental Lusitanian monarchy until 1822, when the War of Brazilian Independence began. This is one of the few instances in history that the capital of a colonising country officially shifted to a city in one of its colonies. Rio de Janeiro subsequently served as the capital of the independent monarchy, the Empire of Brazil, until 1889, and then the capital of a republican Brazil until 1960 when the capital was transferred to Brasília.
High frequency (HF) is the ITU designation for the range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves (radio waves) between 3 and 30 MHz. It is also known as the decameter band or decameter wave as its wavelengths range from one to ten decameters (ten to one hundred metres). Frequencies immediately below HF are denoted medium frequency (MF), while the next band of higher frequencies is known as the very high frequency (VHF) band. The HF band is a major part of the shortwave band of frequencies, so communication at these frequencies is often called shortwave radio. Because radio waves in this band can be reflected back to Earth by the ionosphere layer in the atmosphere – a method known as "skip" or "skywave" propagation – these frequencies are suitable for long-distance communication across intercontinental distances. The band is used by international shortwave broadcasting stations (2.310 - 25.820 MHz), aviation communication, government time stations, weather stations, amateur radio and citizens band services, among other uses.
Ύμνος του ΕΑΜ
EAM Message at 11.175 kHz Female Voice, Mainsail to Skyking
Anthem of EAM
HF-GCS EAM (Emergency Action Message)
#EAM - #Mega Revisão - Matemática - Bizus - As Matérias mais cobradas
EAM 2017/2018 - Aprendiz de Marinheiro - Gabarito Oficial Comentado (Completo)
Δημητριάδη - Ύμνος του ΕΑΜ
Exèrcit d'Alliberament Músical (EAM) - FARTS (2015) (DISC COMPLET)
EAM Message at 11.175 kHz Female Voice, Mainsail to Skyking, 05-20-14, 0035 UTC What you are hearing is known as an Emergency Action Message (EAM). These transmissions are part of the High Frequency Global Communications System (HF-GCS) run by the United States military as a way to communicate with aircraft in flight, and certain Navy vessels, including submarines. According to Wikipedia, an EAM is "a preformatted message that directs nuclear-capable forces to execute specific Major Attack Options or Limited Attack Options in a nuclear war." More information about EAMs can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_Action_Message The format for an EAM is a six character preamble, repeated once, followed by "STAND BY, MESSAGE FOLLOWS." Next, a long string of numbers or lett...
The High Frequency Global Communications System (HF-GCS) is a network of single sideband shortwave transmitters of the United States Air Force which is used to communicate with aircraft in flight, ground stations and some United States Navy surface assets. All worldwide receiving and transmitting sites in the HF-GCS system are remotely controlled from Andrews AFB. Before 1 October 2002 it was known as the Global High Frequency System (GHFS). more info on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Frequency_Global_Communications_System RX: IC-R75 Ant: LW DATE: 10/07/08 UTC: 19:26 FREQ: 8992.0 kHz MODE: USB LOC: JN69PS
Nesta vídeo-aula de matemática iremos trabalhar com as seguintes matérias: soma dos angulos internos de um polígono, angulo interno de um poligono, angulo externo de um poligono, soma dos angulos externos de um poligono, semelhança de triângulos, semelhança de poligonos, comprimento da circunferencia, area da circunferencia, relações do trapézio (angulo, lado e tipos de trapezios), razoes trigonometricas (seno, cosseno e tangente), operações com angulos, complemento, suplemento e replemento de um angulo, fatoração de polinômios, simplificação de frações algébricas, sistema de 1o grau com duas incógnitas, soma das raizes de uma equação quadratica, produto entre as raizes de uma equação quadratica, equação biquadrada, analise grafica de uma função afim (1o grau). ---------------------------...
Nesta vídeo-aula iremos abordar questões da prova do concurso para aprendizes de marinheiro 2017, EAM 2017, Gabarito Oficial EAM, Edital EAM, Questões Aprendizes de Marinheiros, EAM Marinha. https://youtu.be/29rHoMQ0UW0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Materiais em PDF gratuitos: https://goo.gl/tOQVCB ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assista a playlist deste vídeo: http://goo.gl/3Rqoo3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Questões da prova de aprendizes comentadas aqui: Sendo x - 2/x=a, então x²+4/x é igual a: Analise a figura a seguir: - Calcule a soma das áreas hachuradas...
Από "Τα Αντάρτικα". Συμμετέχουν η Μαρία Δημητριάδη, η Αφροδίτη Μάνου και Χορωδία. Διασκευή, ενορχήστρωση και διεύθυνση ορχήστρας: Θάνος Μικρούτσικος. Πρώτη κυκλοφορία του δίσκου: 1981 To video χρησιμοποιείται για λόγους εκπαιδευτικούς και επ' ουδενί για κερδοσκοπικούς.
Descarrega el disc complet/ Descarga el disco completo AQUÍ: http://www.exercitam.com/downloads/(2012)%20EAM%20-%20Exercit%20d%27Alliberament%20Musical.rar ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Videoclip del tema "Ponte en pie" del primer CD de l' "Exèrcit d'Alliberament Musical", EAM, format per un grup de joves de les gavarres. Audio produït i mesclat a "Japan Records", a Palamós, per l'EAM i Coco Puig. Videos gravats en una tarda als estudis d'assaig "BCN Arts", a BCN, per Platón Buenaventura i Lluís Fonalleras. Sincronització, edició i color: Lluís Fonalleras. BONESCABRES produccions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
"A.M." by Psychefunkapus
Woke up this mornin', I couldn't find the doorknob
I tripped over the bedpost and I hit my head
I got a revelation, it struck me as funny
My baby wasn't near me, and neither was my money!
Is this what I live for?
Cheap thrills and deceit
but what the HELL is that smell?
I think I'll go brush my teeth!
I feel a little moisture in between my Jockeys
I jump into the shower and I cleanse myself
I feel a little hungry, so I eat a bowl of cornflakes
I turn on the network, oh shit! There's been another earthquake!!
Is this what I live for?
To go down with the ship?
It's almost time for the Jetsons
I think I'll go smoke that ...
Sally wants to be a rich girl
She wants a part on TV
Sally wants to be a rich girl
she don't want to depend on me
But I gave her all my love and I gave her all my time
And ever since she walked out the door the girl is always on my mind
I never had enough to buy her pearls or even diamond rings
I never had any money to buy her any of those things
I need the money
To make her happy
I need the money
To make her mine
I need the money
To make her happy
I need the money
To make her mine
Sally wants to be a rich girl
she don't want to depend on me
Sally wants to be a rich girl
When the earth stopped shakin' I heard the doorbell ringin'
I looked out through the peephole and it was only the mailman
He wants to give me a letter, it wasn't very funny
My rich uncle just croaked, but he left me all that money!
Is this what I live for?
To live life like a king?
Hey - that might be Sally on the phone right now -
I think I'll just let it ring!!
Oh Mighty Jesus!
Sally girl was walkin' down the street without a care
walkin' home with any guy she meets anywhere
Besides, your little game really wasn't very clever
next time, Sally, you should think it out better!
Oh honey!
All that money!
Oh honey!
All that money!
I'm rich!
I'm rich!