Maryborough fire station

Showcasing developing local industries

The Queensland Government and Hyne Timber are showcasing the growing engineered timber industry with a new construction project in Maryborough.

Project Value

The likely cost of the project is commercial in confidence at this stage.


Hyne Timber Pty Ltd

Procurement stage

Stage 2: Detailed Proposal stage of the Market-Led Proposal process


Government funded


Government financed

Project delivery (if approved to proceed):


Hyne timber maryborough fire

Project information

Hyne Timber has received approval to progress their Market-Led Proposal (MLP) submission to Stage Two: Detailed Proposal. Their proposal is to design and build a fire station and emergency response center in Maryborough on the site of the existing facility.

The mass timber construction will be made up of 100% Queensland grown timber products; with approximately 50% GluLam and 50% cross laminated timber (CLT). The GluLam will be sourced locally from timber grown and manufactured in Queensland. CLT is not currently manufactured domestically; however the proponent proposes to manufacture the CLT in Aubury, Victoria using Queensland grown and partially processed timber which will be transported specifically for this purpose.

The project will showcase a developing building material; using Queensland grown timber to create a structure that will continue Maryborough’s historical relationship with the timber industry. Apprentice timber workers in the region will also receive education about use of the materials and employment will be provided for one apprentice from the Fraser Coast region once the project commences. It is estimated that, if it proceeds, the project would potentially support up to 50 jobs during construction.

The proponents are a partnership of forest industry and innovation experts led by Maryborough based Hyne Timber, who began in the city in 1882 and have grown to become one of Australia’s largest privately owned and operated timber manufacturing companies. The company has a commitment to sustainably grown plantation timber production and supply in Australia.

This proposal had been the result of a five year research partnership with the University of Queensland, partly funded by the Queensland Government, on emerging/advanced engineered timber products and associated building techniques. The research has helped develop processes and technology to engineer timber as a sustainable building material which will help Queensland lead the way in the increasingly competitive market for engineered timber products.

Other partners include Hutchinson Builders, architectural firm Baber Studio, and engineered timber provider Xlam.

The Stage 2: Detailed Proposal will be developed during the next twelve months and if approved, the project will commence construction in 2018-19.

MLP Strengths

Unique competitive advantage:
Hyne Timber and the University of Queensland have undertaken research over the past five years, partly funded by the Queensland Government, on emerging/advanced engineered timber products and associated building techniques. The facility will be a demonstration project for that research.

While there are other construction companies and timber product producers which could potentially construct the facility, the proponent consortium has developed expertise and a collaborative partnership.

Community benefit and government priority:
The Maryborough Fire Station site has been scheduled for major refurbishment within the next five years. Bringing the refurbishment forward through this proposal would:

  • showcase the Queensland timber industry as a provider of materials for a building of this size in Queensland that incorporates domestically manufactured CLT. Other significant timber buildings are planned for Queensland but use non-domestically sourced CLT and inter-state timber;
  • encourage the uptake of timber products grown and manufactured in Queensland;
  • support modernisation of the Queensland timber industry by establishing new building techniques associated with emerging and advanced timber products; and
  • provide a range of benefits to the Maryborough regional economy; including further developing locally based industries such as Queensland produced and manufactured GluLam.

The redevelopment of the site will create a modern, fit for purpose facility through materials which link to the legacy of Maryborough.

Last updated: 19 July 2017