Logan Motorway Enhancement Project

Driving transport solutions for South East Queensland

Queensland’s first Market-Led Proposal — the $512 million Logan Motorway Enhancement Project put forward by Transurban Queensland — has been given the green light to proceed to final binding contract.

Project value

$512 million


Funded through variations to tolling arrangements


Transurban Queensland


Financed by Transurban Queensland

Procurement Stage

Contact has been executed

Delivery period

Early 2017 - mid 2019

Project information

Transurban Queensland (TQ) was the first proponent in Queensland to take advantage of the Queensland Government’s market-led proposal framework and is the first to proceed to contract close following a staged assessment process.

TQ, which operates and maintains the Logan, Gateway and Gateway Extension motorways under a long-term agreement with the State, proposed a $512 million enhancement to the Logan Motorway and Gateway Extension motorways. Queensland Treasury, in partnership with the Department of Transport and Main Roads, undertook a thorough assessment on TQ’s detailed proposal and was satisfied that the project is commercially sound and will deliver positive outcomes for Queenslanders.

Under the Logan Motorway Enhancement Project, TQ will undertake a range of improvements to the motorways and surrounding roads to improve driver safety, reduce travel times, relieve local traffic congestion, and enhance connectivity with other major road networks. Following a competitive tendering process, CPB Contractors has been contracted by TQ to undertake the works.

The project is expected to support around 1,300 jobs during the 2.5 year construction period and generate around $1 billion (present value) in economic benefits for Queenslanders over 30 years. TQ proposes to fully finance the costs of the works and will predominantly fund the project through moderate toll increases for trucks using the Logan and Gateway motorways.

There will also be a new toll facility for motorists if they choose to use new south-facing ramps at Compton Road to access and exit the Gateway Extension Motorway.

TQ undertook a comprehensive stakeholder engagement and community relations program during the project’s procurement and detailed proposal phase (October 2015 – August 2016). During this time, more than 600 individual stakeholders engaged about the project. This feedback influenced the final concept design for the project.

MLP Strengths

Unique competitive advantage:
As the operator and maintainer of the Logan, Gateway and Gateway Extension motorways, Transurban is uniquely positioned to deliver the proposed outcome.

Community need:
Reducing traffic congestion and travel times and improving safety and connectivity with other major networks.

Cost/risk allocation:
Funded through variations to tolling arrangements.

Find out more

You can find out more about the Logan Motorway Enhancement Project and its benefits on the go via network website.

Last updated: 16 June 2017