Enhancing business productivity

Enhancing business productivityFor businesses and organisations to create jobs, they must be productive and efficient. Productivity and efficiency can be improved by reducing costs, removing unnecessary regulation and supporting leadership and innovation.

Red Tape Reduction Advisory Council

The Red Tape Reduction Advisory Council (the Council) has been established to provide the Queensland Government with advice on red, green and blue tape areas of most concern to small business, and assist the state to provide a business environment conducive to strong, profitable and globally competitive businesses.

For more information visit Red Tape Reduction Advisory Council.

Queensland Productivity Commission

The Queensland Productivity Commission will provide independent advice on complex economic and regulatory issues, and propose policy reforms, with the objective of driving economic growth, lifting productivity, and improving living standards across Queensland. A wide level of open and transparent public consultation will underpin these functions. Visit Queensland Productivity Commission for more information.

Building Queensland

Building Queensland is an advisory body providing the Queensland Government with independent, expert advice on infrastructure priorities.

Building Queensland will bring a whole-of-government perspective to major infrastructure project development, ensuring the government makes better informed decisions on the projects that enhance the quality of life of all Queenslanders.

Visit the Building Queensland website for further information.

Payroll tax rebate for apprentices and trainees

Employers who hire apprentices and trainees will receive a payroll tax rebate of 25 per cent on their wages in addition to their wages being exempt from payroll tax up to 30 June 2018.

The rebate will be used as an offset against payroll tax payable on the wages of other employees, and will enable Queensland to continue developing a highly skilled workforce into the future.

The Government is providing this incentive at an estimated cost of $45 million over the next three years.

Find out more about the payroll tax rebate for apprentices and trainees.

Business and Industry Portal

The Government is providing an additional $4.7 million to continue to enhance and transform how the Queensland Government delivers online services.

The Business and Industry Portal provides a one-stop shop for business and industry to interact with government.

More information

Last updated: 22 May 2017