5 Star
Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

Cainer Horoscopes Birth Charts.

How can you achieve what you want to achieve and be the best you that you can be?

All you need to do is supply your birth details. It doesn't matter if you don't know your actual time of birth. We will supply you with a unique and fascinating document... all about you!

On every page you'll find the advice you need to make your future, a better future.

Choose from the following:

Guide to the Future 2024

Your Guide to the Future presents your next year in amazing detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you personally. Not just for your sun-sign... but because it is based on your time and place of birth as well as your date of birth, it's unique to you alone. Armed with this precious information and new perspective, you'll feel ready to take on the world and make the changes you need to make.

Personal Profile

A fascinating, in-depth look at what those cosmic forces really did have in mind for you when you first came into the world. Your Moon sign, rising sign, Your love life, your luck, your challenges and your chances. Understand them. Make the most of them! Change your life!

Partnership Profile

What's really going on between you and your partner. How can you maximise the attraction, minimise the friction and really make your unique, special relationship as magical as it has the cosmic potential to be?

Your chart reading will be calculated and delivered online in less than an hour. You will be able to read the many pages of your detailed report via your browser and also as a high-quality downloadable file, for you to keep and enjoy forever.

Plus! Receive a FREE 14 Days 5 Star Membership token, and try out the amazing 5 Star 'Astro-Alerts', with no obligation!

Select Your Reading below:

Show prices in
Guide to the Future
Three Month Guide US$12.45
Six Month Guide US$19.95
12 Month Guide US$31.45
Personal Profile
Personal Profile US$22.45
Partnership Profile
Partnership Profile US$24.95

(Please enter the first and last names that you would like to appear in your report)
First Name
Confirm Email
Date of Birth Day Month Year
Time of Birth Hour
Minute am/pm (Midnight is 12:00 am, Mid-day is 12:00 pm)
If you only know your birth time approximately please enter your best guess... or if you don't know your time of birth at all, tick here  and we will calculate your chart using sunrise.

Place of Birth (city or town name only)  
Nearest city or town if born in a smaller town or village