Labor Will Reportedly Block Coalition's New Citizenship Laws. Credit - The PMO via Storyful1:42

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said on Tuesday, June 20, that those seeking Australian citizenship should speak English. In a press conference, the Liberal party leader accused the opposition of “disrespecting Australian citizenship” by opposing the government’s proposed changes to citizenship laws. “They say would-be citizens shouldn’t have to speak English – well, it’s perfectly obvious: If you are going to get on and succeed and do your best in Australia, you need to have English,” Turnbull said. Also on June 20, Labor moved to block the legislation, according to the ABC, with spokesman Tony Burke reportedly saying a proposed new English test was a “bizarre act of snobbery”. Credit: The PMO via Storyful

Labor Will Reportedly Block Coalition's New Citizenship Laws. Credit — The PMO via Storyful

Irish vet slams ‘obvious flaw’ in Australia’s English test

AN IRISH vet with degrees in history and politics has been unable to convince a machine she can speak English well enough to stay in Australia.

Louise Kennedy is a native English speaker, has excellent grammar and a broad vocabulary. She holds two university degrees — both obtained in English — and has been working in Australia as an equine vet on a skilled worker visa for the past two years.

But she’s now scrambling for other visa options after a computer-based English test — scored by a machine — essentially handed her a fail in terms of convincing immigration officers she can fluently speak her own language.

Earlier this year, Ms Kennedy decided she would seek permanent residency in Australia on the grounds of her vocation, as a shortage profession.

She knew she’d have to sit a mandatory English proficiency test but was shocked when she got the results of her Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic.

While she blitzed all other components of the test including writing and reading, she failed to reach the minimum score immigration requires in oral fluency.

She got 74 when the government requires 79.

media_cameraA computer decided Ms Kennedy’s spoken English failed to meet the bar. Picture: Lucy Kennedy

Ms Kennedy went to Pearson, which is one of five test providers the immigration department uses to assess English competency for visa purposes.

But it’s the only one that uses voice recognition technology to test speaking ability, with audio recordings then marked by a “scoring engine” that has been trained to identify acceptable and unacceptable answers to questions that pop up on a computer screen.

Other test providers have told AAP they use human assessors to determine if people are competent speakers of English.

Ms Kennedy is convinced the PTE technology is flawed.

“There’s obviously a flaw in their computer software, when a person with perfect oral fluency cannot get enough points,” she told AAP.

Pearson has categorically denied there is anything wrong with its computer-based test or the scoring engine trained to analyse candidates’ responses.

Sasha Hampson, head of English for Pearson Asia Pacific, says the immigration department set the bar very high for people seeking permanent residency.

Pearson, which conducts its PTE test worldwide for a wide range of purposes, doesn’t offer a pass or a fail, simply a score.

Ms Kennedy, who is due to have a baby in October, says she’ll now have to pursue a bridging visa, while she seeks a more expensive spouse visa so she can remain with her Australian husband.

Originally published as ‘Obvious flaw’ in Australia’s English test