
Dr. Patricia Wolff Visits Haiti for the First Time

Dr. Wolff, a St. Louis pediatrician, and her family first visit Haiti in 1988 with Bob & Jane Corbett’s “The Haiti Project of St. Louis.”


Dr. Patricia Wolff Returns to Haiti

Dr. Wolff returns to Haiti often over the next 15 years, volunteering in clinics and witnessing first-hand the devastating poverty that Haitian children endure.  While in Haiti, Dr. Wolff treats malnourished children who suffer from diseases and infections that their weakened immune systems cannot fight.


Dr. Patricia Wolff Visits Mark Manary in Malawi

Dr. Wolff visits RUTF pioneer and Washington University colleague Dr. Mark Manary in Malawi.  After visiting Dr. Manary, Dr. Wolff is inspired to transfer the best-practice therapy of RUTF to Haiti.


Dr. Patricia Wolff Founds MFK


Dr. Patricia Wolff Receives International Rotary Grant

This grant provides funding for a hand-grinder and production of 100 kilos per month of Medika Mamba in Haiti.


MFK Establishes Board of Directors

MFK’s first Board of Directors is led by Board President Pina Hanson. Membership includes Alice White, RN, Lisa Zarin, Barbara Smotkin and Candace O’Connor.


MFK Relocates to Home of Church Members

MFK moves its operations from a church schoolroom located in downtown Cap-Haitien to the private home of the current program manager, just four blocks away.


Non-Profit Status Awarded!

Meds & Food for Kids becomes a registered non-profit 501(c)3 corporation in the United States.


MFK Has Saved 120 Children


MFK Continues Production Despite Many Challenges

MFK continues to face many challenges including lack of water and power.


MFK Relocates to Storefront in Downtown Cap-Haitien

MFK moves its operation to a new location that will allow for increased production of Medika Mamba.


MFK Has Saved 400 Children


MFK Finds Innovative Ways to Increase Production

MFK puts a motor on the hand-grinder, which allows for increased production of Medika Mamba.


Cap-Haitien Begins Offering Cellular Service

MFK staff members are able to obtain cell phones in Cap-Haitien, provided by Haitel.


MFK Wins Washington University’s Skandalaris Center Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition


MFK Has Saved 600 Children


MFK Partners with the Ministry of Health

MFK presents the idea of RUTF (Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food) to the Ministry of Health.


MFK Moves to House in Kaite-O

MFK moves to a new location in Kaite-O, for an improved location with better access to fresh water.


MFK Relocates to House in Monbin Lataille

MFK relocates to a larger, new home in Monbin, which allows for increased production of Medika Mamba.


Winner of the World’s Bank Development Marketplace Competition


Dr. Marhone Endorses RUTF!

Dr. Joseline Marhone, Haiti’s Director of Nutrition for the Ministry of Public Health & Population, writes a letter to Dr. Patricia Wolff, endorsing the use of RUTF (Medika Mamba) in Haiti.


World Bank Study November 2007 – December 2009

MFK is awarded the Development Marketplace Award by World Bank.  The purpose of the program is to transfer knowledge of malnutrition treatment to the public health sector.  Over 2,000 children are treated in the study.


MFK Has Saved 2,000 Children


Tropical Storm Fay


Hurricane Gustav

Hurricane Gustav crosses the south peninsula, including the Sud and Grand’Anse departments, causing approximately 77 deaths and 8 disappearances.


Hurricane Hanna

Hurricane Hanna ravages the Artibonite and Nord-East departments, flooding several towns. In addition to Gonaïves, several towns in Jacmel, Nord-Est, Sud and Sud-Est experience flash flooding, killing one person.



Hurricanes Force MFK to “Improvise”

Because of the Hurricanes and flooding, there is no diesel fuel in Haiti.  Forced to improvise, MFK uses buckets and barrels to carry fuel from the Dominican Republic back to Cap-Haitien so that the production of Medika Mamba can continue.


Hurricane Ike

Hurricane Ike, a category 4 hurricane, grazes the western coastline of Haiti, leading to heavy rains in Nord, Ouest and Nord-Ouest departments.



MFK Wins Inter-American Development Bank Competition

MFK is one of four winners of Inter-American Development Bank’s Innovation for Inclusive Development competition.


MFK Receives NGO Status in Haiti

MFK receives “Non-Governmental Organization” status from the country of Haiti.


MFK Has Saved 10,000 Children


MFK Provides Medika Mamba for Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services contracts MFK to provide Medika Mamba to PEPFAR patients.


Video Team Visits Haiti to Film MFK Story

Lori Dowd brings a video team to Haiti to film the “story” of Meds & Food for Kids for the first time.


MFK Hires First Two Fellows

Fellows Jamie VanArtsdalen and Manoushka Germian join MFK as fellows.


MFK Has Saved 16,000 Children


World Bank Grant Extended

MFK receives a one-year extension of the World Bank Grant, which allows for treatment to continue at Justinien Hosptial in Cap-Haitien, Haiti.


Devastating Earthquake in Haiti

A 7.0 earthquake occurs at 16:53, local time. The earthquake kills between 230,000 and 316,000 people. Its epicentre is approximately 25 km from Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti. A dozen secondary shocks of magnitudes ranging from 5.0 to 5.9 register during the hours that follow.


Local Hands Bright Future Capital Campaign

MFK launches Capital Campaign with Chair Thad Simons, CEO of Novus International and Peter Raven, President Emeritus of the Missouri Botanical Garden.


MFK Joins Nutriset’s PlumpyField Network


Cholera Outbreak

Haiti faces a Cholera epidemic that claimed the lives of at least 3,597 and affects over 340,000.


Hurricane Tomas

Hurricane Tomas hits Haiti and kills at least 10 Haitians.  The disaster worsens the cholera epidemic.


MFK Has Saved 24,000 Children


MFK Breaks Ground on New Factory

Dr. Wolff is joined by MFK staff and local leaders for the groundbreaking of MFK’s new factory.


Global Health Frontline News & CNN Heroes Recognize MFK

Global Health Frontline News and CNN Heroes recognize the positive affects MFK has had in treating malnourished children and working toward the ultimate goal of preventing malnourishment in children.




MFK Partners with Edesia and PlumpyField in a Nutributter® Study

Edesia, along with Meds & Food for Kids, a PlumpyField partner in Haiti, is awarded a grant through the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program Micronutrient-Fortified Food Aid Products Pilot (MFFAPP) to develop and test a new fortified school-feeding product for Haitian children.


Factory Fully-Funded!

MFK receives key funding from LGT Venture Philanthropy and GAIN that allows for work to begin on the planned factory outside of Cap-Haitien, Haiti.


MFK Receives USDA McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program Grant

MFK is awarded highly competitive USDA McGovern-Dole Food for Education Program Grant for the development of Vita Mamba.  The grant allows MFK to develop and implement a school snack program through Haiti’s National School Snack Program.


MFK Obtains Charity Navigator 4-Star Rating

MFK is awarded a 4-star rating with Charity Navigator!


MFK Experience Kanaval Gala & Auction

The first Kanaval Gala is held at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center.


Mamba Djanm Production Begins in Haiti


USAID Implements Agriculture Training Program

MFK has the honor of participating in a peanut production training in Limbe, Haiti, hosted by the Georgia-based non-profit League of Hope. Dr. Bob Kemerait and Dr. Tim Brenneman from the University of Georgia, both experts in peanut pathology, offer great insights and suggestions on improving peanut yields and post-harvest storage, as well as on reducing disease and aflatoxin contamination.


Ribbon-Cutting at the New Factory

MFK staff, farmers, and families are all delighted to reach this tremendous milestone.


MFK Passes Doctors Without Borders Safety Audit of New Process and Machinery

MFK is the only food producer in Haiti to be accredited by Doctors without Borders.


MFK Has Saved 60,000 Children


MFK Conducts Infant Massage Study

MFK conducts a study aimed at improving the mother/child bond and aiding in the prevention of malnutrition.


MFK Experience Kanaval: the Spirit of Ra Ra Gala & Auction

Nearly 500 friends and supporters soak up the sounds of an authentic Haitian RaRa band and sway to the rhythms of a Haitian dance troupe all evening long.


Former President Bill Clinton Visits MFK Factory

President Bill Clinton and more than twenty investors visit Haiti’s northern department to witness the positive changes occurring in Haiti and to look for potential investment opportunities.


Dr. Patricia Wolff Receives International Humanitarian of the Year Award


Dr. Wolff Receives “Most Influential Business Women” Award

Dr. Patricia Wolff is honored in the 2013 “Most Influential Business Women” awards ceremony.


Vita Mamba Production Begins in Haiti


MFK Has Saved 90,000 Children


MFK Partners with Clinton Giustra Foundation

The MFK depot becomes part of the newly launched Acceso Peanut Enterprise Corporation of the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP) network of 35 planned peanut depots.  This partnership will expand the reach of key programs to over 12,000 smallholder farmers and provide MFK with additional opportunities to purchase raw materials in Haiti.


First Export Shipment to Guatemala

Meds & Food for Kids’ Facility in Cap-Haitien, Haiti exports 40 MT of life-saving Medika Mamba to Guatemala.   Haiti, UNICEF and MFK work together to save lives in other countries.



MFK and Dr. Patricia Wolff Named Ethical Humanists of the Year

The Ethical Society of St. Louis honors MFK and Dr. Wolff for bringing compassion and technology together to save lives in Haiti. The prestigious award recognizes an individual or group in the St. Louis community that has provided courageous and dedicated service to maintaining the rights and dignity of fellow human beings in varied aspects of life.


MFK’s Invites Donors to Visit New Factory

MFK hosts donors and supporters during a week-long visit to the new factory in Cap-Haitien, Haiti.  Visitors are able to see schools, malnutrition clinics, tour the factory and meet farmers in the field.


First Export Shipments to Senegal and Chad


MFK Has Saved 135,000 Children


First Export Shipment to Cameroon


Go Nuts for Haiti! Gala and Auction

500 guests join MFK at America’s Center to enjoy Haitian-inspired cuisine, Haitian art and our new video celebrating our newest milestone, exportation!


MFK Factory Passes UNICEF Audit!