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David Sheen: independent journalist and film maker reporting from Israel

David Sheen is an independent journalist and film maker originally from Toronto, Canada who now lives in Dimona, Israel. Sheen began blogging when he first moved to Israel in 1999 and later went on to work as a reporter and editor at the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz. His feature documentary on ecological architecture, First Earth, was translated into a dozen languages and published by PM Press in 2010. Sheen gave a TEDx talk on the topic of the film in Johannesburg, South Africa later that year. His current work focuses primarily on racial tensions and religious extremism within Israeli society.

Articles by Date (78) | Articles By Topic (78)
Articles by Publisher: Ha'aretz (71) | Alternet (21)
Mondoweiss (18) | Electronic Intifada (15) | Muftah (14) | Al Jazeera (8)
+972 Magazine / Local Call (7) | Huffington Post (5) | San Francisco Bay View (4)

Help journalist David Sheen cover stories the mainstream media ignores

For years, Sheen has produced articles and videos focusing on race relations within Jewish Israeli society, exposing stories that are of vital importance, but are sadly censored by most of the mainstream media. He commonly turns to the smaller alternative outlets that muster up the courage necessary to publish these reports, but sadly, they often lack the funds to adequately pay for all of the work that goes into producing them. Your support ensures that these important stories see the light of day, and that this work can be financially sustainable, and continue into the indefinite future. Click here to donate.

Videos by Date (343) | Videos by Topic (343) | Videos by Popularity (343)
TEDx Talk (1) | Parliament Lectures (6) | Slideshow Presentations (8)
Media Appearances (11) | Questions & Answers (19)

Book journalist David Sheen today to speak at your campus or community

In addition to his written work and his videography, Sheen also gives lectures and slideshows on the topics that he reports on. Since 2014, he has spoken at dozens of college campuses and communities throughout the United States of America and Canada, and for European parliaments and non-governmental groups. Click here for a list of Sheen's recent speaking engagements and a list of links to videos of many of these lectures, slideshows and media appearances. To invite Sheen to give a presentation for your school or community group, contact him directly by e-mail at realdavidsheen [at] gmail [dot] com.

Netanyahu’s New Normal