Federal Politics

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When the power goes out, so does civil society

You don't need to be one of those wild-eyed doomsday preppers who bury steel containers in their backyards and fill them with canned food to recognise we're a stalled power plant away from chaos.

The power went out at our house and across our suburb around dinner time on Wednesday.

Outside, neighbours returning home sat in their cars in a street as dark as a tomb, their garage doors refusing to answer their electronic clickers.

We searched for candles with the light of mobile phones, discovering only that we'd burned them to nothing at dinner parties.

We weren't prepared for this return to an unfamiliar era at all.

It turned out to be no big deal. The power company got the 21st century restored in not much more than 10 minutes and we finished cooking dinner and watched the TV news. Garage doors slid up and street lights rolled back the night.

Still, it was one of those little reminders. I took myself off to the supermarket and bought a packet of candles, musing about the reasons the nation's politicians get so jumpy about energy supply, the big story this year.


Tony Abbott, who seems over-keen these days to stick a burr under any blanket he can find, had been in South Australia niggling about the subject only hours before the lights went out for those few minutes in Melbourne.

He made something of a goose of himself. He went to the big Coopers Adelaide brewery and brayed about how an important plant like this needed a reliable and affordable supply of electricity.

"Y'know you can't run a business, you can't produce a great product and you can't employ people without energy, without power," he declared. "That's a real problem in our country at the moment. We need affordable, reliable power; that means policy has got to change."

Quite. But Coopers wasn't hit by last year's famous South Australian blackout, which sparked the nationwide controversy that has raged since. As everyone knows, Abbott has an intense dislike of renewable energy like wind power, upon which South Australia relies quite heavily. He's a coal man.

Thing is, Coopers has its own reliable power supply – a $7 million gas-fired set-up that produces so much electricity the company sells its excess back to the state grid. Faltering state and national power supply is the last thing the company needs to worry about.

Still, no political leader in the nation sounds much smarter because they and their predecessors have failed to prepare for a future that has been increasingly obvious for years.

No serious investor or bank, mindful of the world's concerns about climate change, is going to provide funding to save ageing coal-fired power plants forever. One by one, they're going to wind down.

Wind and solar haven't had the national support to build a big enough network to take up the slack yet, and despite Elon Musk's promise to establish the world's biggest battery in South Australia – which will hold off a blackout for all of an hour in the worst case – it isn't enough.

Enterprises trying to exploit potentially endless geothermal and tidal power haven't received anywhere enough government support to make their efforts worthwhile. Malcolm Turnbull's promises to boost the Snowy Hydro will still take years to be met.

Gas remains the would-be saviour, at least for the present. But in the mad rush to flog off Australia's national resources, we've contracted to sell vastly too much Australian gas, too cheaply, to other nations. 

The revelation earlier this year that you can buy Australian gas cheaper in Japan than in Australia caused an embarrassed Turnbull to persuade gas exporters to quarantine more of the stuff for Australians. We have yet to see how that plays out, but meanwhile, rising gas prices remain one of the big reasons consumers are getting belted with increasing power bills.

During my quest for candles, it occurred that those arguing about power supply spend more time yapping about industry's need for affordable energy than pointing out that the fabric of everyday society is at risk.

You don't need to be one of those wild-eyed doomsday preppers who bury steel containers in their backyards and fill them with canned food to recognise we're a stalled power plant away from chaos.

A few years ago when Cyclone Yasi laid waste to a fair stretch of the north Queensland coast I was holed up in Townsville. 

It was a wild night, but the next days were worse. And it was because the power supply went off.

Tempers frayed as air-conditioning sputtered out in the tropical heat, food went rank in refrigerators, parents became desperate as baby's milk heated and soured, vehicles were stranded because fuel stations couldn't pump petrol, and a lot of people couldn't buy anything because ATMs weren't operating. Pockets of looting were reported and signs went up that business operators were prepared to shoot. When an ice factory kicked in with auxiliary power, several fights broke out between large men elbowing their way to get blocks of the stuff that might otherwise have cooled tempers.

The worst of it lasted only a day or two, but you could detect, even in the normally easy-going north, the early stages of a fracturing of the civility that holds societies together. You wouldn't want to imagine a fortnight without an electricity supply.

And that's the real warning that lies within just a few minutes without light.