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Strong or weaker every day? Malcolm Turnbull is now at the mercy of party rule

Strong leaders shouldn't need to tell you. It tends to be obvious through purpose and results, rendering any such boast unnecessary.

Which is why Malcolm Turnbull's early declaration regarding the same, stood out at a press conference he'd called to announce the conservative right's latest negation tactic - a voluntary postal poll - on marriage equality. And why it wound up conveying the opposite message.

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Turnbull's plebiscite timeframe

The PM reveals his plan to try get same sex marriage legalised this year.

"Strong leaders carry out their promises. Weak leaders break them. I'm a strong leader," Q.E.D.

This helpful clarification came as the Prime Minister unveiled what appears to be his new leadership doctrine to be known henceforth as PIS - party-insisted-surrender. The process by which any policy question that could widen the left-right fault lines running through the governing parties is assuaged, elevating internal views, and therefore leadership stability, above other considerations.

It makes for an inverse power dynamic.

As Turnbull, and his trusted marriage equality opponent Mathias Cormann, waxed lyrical on the virtues of people getting a direct say rather than through their representatives (to wit, the parliamentary system to which both are sworn and through which both are employed), others noted that their colleagues, er, government MPs, reserved the right to ignore that "say" anyway.


And they probably remembered Turnbull's previous excoriation of postal plebiscites as woefully unreliable means for gauging electoral sentiment.

They may even have noted the flimsiness of the mandate claim on which the plebiscite solely turns which (i) has been tried and rejected by the Senate (ii) had actually proved to be a vote loser for the Coalition in 2016 exacerbating its landslide losses, and (iii) had been proposed originally as a swift solution because it would be conducted in February. In other words, it has well and truly lapsed.

Turnbull himself intends to vote yes which, funnily enough, is all people want him to do - vote. Not unreasonably, they require him to do that in Parliament - the only forum incidentally, empowered to make this law. He is a parliamentarian after all.

But a parliamentary vote on this values question is not something this Liberal Party - arguably the most illiberal since its inception - will permit. And everyone knows why.

Tony Abbott insisted on the plebiscite and Turnbull acquiesced. Turnbull then promised to stick to that quaint mechanism as a way of holding his party together.

So here we are. Any of this seem inordinately "strong"?

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