Federal Politics


Malcolm Turnbull makes his case, believing it or not

The Prime Minister swept in as you might imagine a barrister would, especially one trying mightily to persuade himself and anyone willing to listen that his was a righteous case, whether he believed it or not.

He gripped the witness stand with one white-knuckled hand and threw out his free arm to the gathered jurors, which is to say a roomful of media representatives and a TV audience of voters, trying to take them with him.

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Turnbull's plebiscite timeframe

The PM reveals his plan to try get same sex marriage legalised this year.

"At the last election we made a very clear promise to the Australian people…." he began, urging his facial muscles to beam with conviction.

"...That we would not facilitate the introduction of a bill to legalise same-sex marriage until the Australian people had had their say.

"And we made a commitment to give all Australians a say on the matter of same sex marriage.

"We did so again and again."


Malcolm Turnbull was, in fact, a barrister as a young man..

He would therefore be familiar with the NSW Legal Profession Uniform Conduct (Barristers) Rules.

They are based in part on the principle that "the provision of advocates for those who need legal representation is better secured if there is a Bar whose members: (i) must accept briefs to appear regardless of their personal beliefs".

Mr Turnbull, of course, is a prime minister now. He left the Bar in 1983.

In politics, you mount your argument with whatever comes to hand.

Why wouldn't he retreat to the heady days of a hired-gun barrister to advocate that his government should give one last shot at a plebiscite on same sex marriage, even in the certain knowledge that it wouldn't happen?

And he was surely entitled, in a courtroom sense, to mount an enthusiastic case - as he did - that if the plebiscite could not take place, the Australian people should be granted their say through a postal ballot.

He had, however, accepted this brief not only regardless of his personal beliefs, but quite against what we know of them.

When Tony Abbott's administration came up with the idea in 2015 of a plebiscite as a fig-leaf to its opposition to same-sex marriage, Turnbull let it be known he thought the whole idea was a stinker.

And back in the late 1990s when Turnbull was Australia's number one republican, he railed against postal ballots as a dreadful concept that "flies in the face of Australian democratic values", and which  would be "likely to ensure that not only will a minority of Australians vote, but also that large sections of the community will be disenfranchised".

But here he was in the winter of 2017, a Prime Minister besieged from left and right, falling back on that old rule from his barristery days that you're required to make an argument, even if you don't believe it.

He ripped into the opposing side, as any client would expect of their defender, declaring that Bill Shorten was the only reason a plebiscite hadn't been held.

"This is the same Bill Shorten...that went to the Australian Christian Lobby in 2013 and said he favoured a plebiscite," thundered Turnbull, quite putting aside his own history on the subject.

And he presented himself as a man of his word.

"Strong leaders carry out their promises," said Turnbull.

"Weak leaders break them.

"I'm a strong leader."


A plebiscite would have cost around $170 million.

A non-compulsory and non-binding postal vote, we learned from Turnbull's junior, acting minister of state Mathias Cormann, will cost somewhere in the region of $122 million.

Barristers never came cheap.

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