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Greens in High Court push against One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts

The Greens believe they have the numbers to have One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts sent to the High Court, putting his political future in doubt.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale is planning to move a Senate motion on Wednesday asking the court to scrutinise Senator Roberts' citizenship status following weeks of uncertainty about whether he was constitutionally entitled to be elected last year.

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Senator's eligibility concerns

One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts won't release the documents proving when his British citizenship ceased, putting his eligibility to be in Parliament under a cloud.

Labor and cross-benchers Jacqui Lambie and Derryn Hinch are likely to support the motion, putting it within a couple of votes of success.

The Turnbull government has indicated it will not support the motion, citing a lack of evidence that Senator Roberts is in the wrong.

"The onus of proof lies on those who seek to assert they weren't validly elected to demonstrate that was the case," Attorney-General George Brandis said. "It's not a reverse onus of proof on Senator Roberts to demonstrate he was validly elected."

The motion would still succeed with the support of the Nick Xenophon Team but Senator Xenophon says he is still considering the proposal. If he refused to support it the Greens would need the votes of conservatives Cory Bernardi, Lucy Gichuhi or David Leyonhjelm.


The Greens' motion will come after new documents emerged that appeared to prove Senator Roberts knew he was once a British citizen, contradicting his repeated claims that he was only ever aware of being an Australian citizen.

The documents – published by Buzzfeed News on Tuesday – show that when 19 the Indian-born senator formally applied to become an Australian on May 8, 1974. On the form he signed that he was a "[British] UK + COLS" citizen – referring to a "British UK & Colonies citizen".

Senator Roberts has said he sent several emails to British authorities before the July 2 election asking to renounce his citizenship – despite "choosing to believe" that he never was a British citizen. It remains unclear when he went through the formal renunciation process, however he did not receive confirmation until December last year – six months after nominating as a candidate.

Senator Di Natale said Senator Roberts had not satisfactorily answered questions about his citizenship status and there were "big questions marks" over his eligibility. The Greens also want a full audit of all MPs' citizenship status, but that proposal is unlikely to win Senate support.

Opposition legal affairs spokesman Mark Dreyfus indicated Labor would support a motion to refer the Queenslander. "These doubts about Senator Roberts should be cleared up."

Senator Lambie said Senator Roberts had repeatedly changed his story and said his carefully-worded statutory declaration was worthless.

"What's the true story?" she said. "I will be supporting that motion."

Senator Hinch met with Senator Roberts, who assured him he had taken all reasonable steps to confirm his sole Australian citizenship and that he had a QC's advice it would pass scrutiny in the High Court. But Senator Roberts did not provide his renunciation documents.

Constitutional experts have said Senator Roberts should be referred to the High Court, saying he has a case to answer given the information on the public record.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson last week said Senator Roberts would provide the paperwork to chamber and Senate President Stephen Parry on the first day of Parliament. Senator Roberts did not follow through on the pledge on Tuesday.

The Senate referred Coalition senator Matt Canavan and former Greens senators Scott Ludlam and Larissa Waters to the court on Tuesday to rule on their eligibility and potential replacements.

Under section 44 of the constitution, "any person who is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power" is incapable of being chosen to sit in Parliament.