Federal Politics

David Wroe

David Wroe is the defence and national security correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based at Parliament House

Extra security at Sydney Airport is causing lengthy waits for passengers.

Lofty ambitions persist among jihadists

In the post-9/11 era of tight security in which the so-called Islamic State has urged followers to grab whatever they can find as a weapon and just go for it, public attention has been diverted to low-tech, unsophisticated terrorism plots.

Abdul Aziz Adam, 24, from Sudan, has been on Manus Island for nearly four years.

UN says immigration officials screened refugees for reunions

Immigration officials helped conduct interviews for possible family reunions from Nauru and Manus Island, the United Nations refugee agency has said, appearing to bolster its claim the Turnbull government was considering resettling some refugees.