The Enigmatic Mr Deakin: How a handsome young man with a silver tongue became PM

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The Enigmatic Mr Deakin: How a handsome young man with a silver tongue became PM

By Judith Brett

By 2001, when the centenary of federation was celebrated, Deakin had faded to a face on an information board, one of the bearded worthies who had made the constitution and after whom things are named: a suburb, an electorate, a university, a lecture series. He no longer lived in the contemporary national imagination. Among the political cognoscenti too he had become more of a cypher than a man, as both parties turned away from the protective policies of the early 20twentieth century towards racially non-discriminatory immigration and neoliberalism's faith in open markets. He came to represent the now discarded policies of tariff protection, state paternalism, centralised arbitration, imperial nationalism and the racism of White Australia, policies which were shaped in the early decades of the 20twentieth century and all but gone by its closing.

The turn against Deakin was most evident in the Liberal Party which, under John Howard, remade itself as the joint bearer of the liberal and conservative traditions in Australian politics, reclaiming the free-trade heritage of George Reid and adopting a reactive social conservatism. With material economic issues now dominating the political agenda, Deakin, Reid and Higgins became counters in ideological arguments which had little to do with the historical context of their actions and decisions.

Prime Minister Alfred Deakin in 1905.

Prime Minister Alfred Deakin in 1905.Credit: State LIbrary of Victoria

Yes, Deakin did support protection, White Australia, an active state, centralised industrial relations and imperial nationalism; so, to varying degrees, did most of his fellow Australians. And if they were not whole-hearted supporters of all these policies, they were prepared to live with them. That is why they became Australia's shared policy assumptions for three-quarters of a century. Successful politicians in liberal democracies are not original thinkers: their coin is the currency of the age and society in which they compete for support. So it was with Deakin. It is not to the policies he supported that we should look for his achievements, but to his statecraft and the urgent energy he brought to his political work.

Deakin's greatest legislative achievements came about when he led minority governments, taking support from wherever he could get it and compromising to achieve outcomes he believed were in the long-term national interest. With almost unfailing civility and determined optimism, Deakin turned what others might have regarded as a handicap into an opportunity, arguing that his dependence on Labor to pass legislation, and sometimes on members of the Opposition or on independents, had strengthened rather than weakened his achievements, for it made his government's legislation not just the achievement of one party, but 'organic Australian policy', the fruit of wide Australian experience.

Alfred Deakin, the home handyman.

Alfred Deakin, the home handyman.Credit: Courtesy of the Harley family

Deakin assumed the existence of a consensual centre, which it was the job of politicians to realise in institutions and legislation. This was the place where politics connected with Australian experience and with the nation's practical needs – for defence, for development, for population, for workable institutions of governance, for civilised wages and working conditions. It was more like the nation's beating heart than an ideological position, and the Liberal Party was for him only ever a means to express it. 'We have consistently put our policy in first place,' he said. 'It is for that policy we have politically lived': 'The policy has made us and not we the policy.'

The political world he entered in 1879 was small and intense, animated by passionate commitments and animosities, as Graham Berry fought the conservative Legislative Council in the name of democracy and the people, imbuing this local colonial struggle with world-historical significance. Whirled into politics by chance, the ardent young Deakin felt himself to be a player in world history, an agent of progressive reform engaged in life-or-death struggles with the obstructionists for the colony's future. Had Victorian politics in the early 1880s been calm and procedural, it is unlikely it would have held him.

When the progressive spirit seemed to have deserted the colony in the early 1890s, and the pressing task was financial repair, his interest flagged until he was drawn into the great national cause of federation, where his oratory lifted it from the haggling over border duties to a test of men's souls. Always aware of how ephemeral were the moments of political opportunity, Deakin brought a sense of drama to his political work which at times seemed melodramatic but which focussed the minds of the political class – and his own – on what was at stake if courage failed, and made him ready to compromise.

During the federation campaign Deakin always argued for the broad national view against the parochial and sectional. When the constitution was finally law and the Commonwealth inaugurated, he saw it as the duty of those who had argued for federation to make it work. The constitution provided a framework for the government of the new nation – but it was only a framework. Federal institutions had to be built and federal laws passed for areas of federal responsibility. Support for the federal union slumped in the early years, once voters confronted the expense and the states realised how much they had given up. Trials of strength with the states, as well as the parsimonious, had to be won, as in Deakin's battle to establish the High Court.

Alfred Deakin in the garden at Llanarth, South Yarra.

Alfred Deakin in the garden at Llanarth, South Yarra.Credit: Courtesy of the Harley family

There was a real danger that if these early Commonwealth governments failed the new federation itself would fail, foundering on partisan differences, parochial jealousies and personal animosities. Western Australia, after all, was only just in, and thirty years later it would try to secede; and North Queenslanders had not entirely given up their desire for a separate state above the 22nd parallel. Federal sentiment and a wide federal perspective had to be nurtured. Again and again in his speeches after federation, Deakin conjured up the map of Australia, reminding his audience that they were no longer just Victorians or South Australians or Tasmanians; they were now also Australians. This was Deakin's great mission in the federal parliament – to make real the promise of a nation carried in the constitution.

This is an edited extract from The Enigmatic Mr Deakin by Judith Brett, released on August 14 by Text Publishing, $49.99.

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