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Malcolm Turnbull's Trump call would be entertaining if it wasn't such a tragedy

  • Sarah Gill

In the wake of the latest salvo of White House leaks – the full transcripts of President Trump's January 27 phone calls with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto – it's hard to know what's more surprising: that two out of three world leaders are prepared to play so fast and loose with the facts in their dealings on hot-button policy issues, or that we're still astonished by it.

Trump – it seems – wants it to look like Mexico is paying for the border wall regardless of who actually foots the bill. And our PM is more interested in whether the US refugee deal appears to be intact – for the benefit of an uneasy public and a rancorous party room – than how many refugees America ultimately accepts. If any.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson. 

So, hey, our leaders are duplicitous when it serves – colour me green and call me a cucumber. There are plenty of other revelations in the transcripts that we should be more worried about.

Before we come to grips with the substance of those conversations, let me just say how fitting it is that Florida-based ex-golfer Greg Norman rates an early mention in our PM's first tête-à-tête with the leader of the free world. I don't know if it's Norman who Trump has in mind when he says he loves the people of Australia, but it's certainly hard to think of another individual who better embodies the US President's most defining characteristic – a heightened appreciation for his own charms. Indeed the Great White Shark's latest outing on Instagram "au naturale", bathing his nether regions in the frigid waters of the Colorado lakes, is a case in point – and should make us eternally grateful that The Donald mostly sticks to Twitter.

The gist of Malcolm Turnbull's message to Donald Trump is that he doesn't give a toss who comes to our shores, it's how they come that matters.  Photo: AAP

Moving on, the gist of Turnbull's message to Trump is that he doesn't give a toss who comes to our shores, it's how they come that matters. Worse: he doesn't care about the cost – to detainees, or the Australian public – of making the offshore processing debacle go away, as long as it does.

"If you try to come to Australia by boat," explains Turnbull to a patently baffled Trump, "even if we think you are the best person in the world, even if you are a Noble [sic] Prize-winning genius, we will not let you in."

"You are worse than I am," interjects Trump, who then goes on to complain about the deal, finally declaring, "This is going to kill me".

Let's face it: Turnbull has his work cut out for him. It's no mean feat defending Australia's draconian offshore detention regime while simultaneously insisting – to Trump's mounting bewilderment – that the people we've illegally deprived of their liberty for past four years haven't actually done a thing wrong.

The Donald wants it to look like Mexico is paying for the border wall regardless of who actually foots the bill.  Photo: AP

The conversation is peppered with Trump's references to "prison" and "prisoners". But we have treated them like criminals, so it's small wonder that Trump thinks they are. "I hate taking these people," he grumbles. "I guarantee you they are bad. That is why they are in prison right now."

"I would not be so sure about that," Turnbull says, to which Trump replies, in a moment of uncommon lucidity, ''Well, maybe you should let them out of prison".

"Suppose I vet them closely and I do not take any?" asks the Prez. "That is the point I have been trying to make," Turnbull says, to which Trump – patently unaware that the PM is tallying his political survival in terms of months or weeks, not years – responds, ''How does that help you?"

"We would have let them in,'' Turnbull laments, later. "If they had arrived by airplane and with a tourist visa then they would be here," he says, underscoring the lie behind our bipartisan support for border control, which turns a blind eye to widespread rorting across a range of Australian visa programs.

If the unfolding tragedy on Manus weren't so heartbreaking, this would make for a truly entertaining read. Trump, meanwhile, may not be buying what Turnbull is selling, but if there's something the US President ought to understand – after making it the pivotal issue of his own election campaign – it's a mendacious narrative around border security.

"People are pouring into our country," said Trump at the first presidential debate, pointing the finger at illegal immigrants from Mexico whom he collectively characterised as "drug dealers, criminals, rapists''.

In reality, Trump has scapegoated Mexicans in the same way the Australian government has targeted boat people. The number of Mexicans living illegally in the US has declined by more than 1 million over the past decade, and more non-Mexicans than Mexicans are now apprehended at US borders.

As for drugs, what keeps the Mexican cartels in clover is the unrelenting "flow of money going from north to south" according to US officials; a vaguely unpalatable fact reiterated by President Peña Nieto on January 27, before advising Trump, in unequivocal terms, that "Mexico cannot pay for that wall".

"But you cannot say that to the press," bemoans Trump to his Mexican counterpart. "The press is going to go with that and I cannot live with that." Quite so, quite so. Turnbull would sympathise.

Sarah Gill is a Fairfax Media columnist.