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Published February 2017

Marketing strategies that integrate data throughout a campaign are better poised for success in the digital world. We’ve explored this in action with our Inside Google Marketing series and have seen what’s possible when we’re #InspiredByData

While highly data-driven organizations are three times more likely to report significant improvement in decision-making,1 ensuring that insights uncovered from raw data lead to action is easier said than done. To arm decision-makers with information they can trust, easily consume and act upon, you first need to take charge of your data.  

Below are three ways marketers can leverage their data for more effective marketing campaigns:

1. Organize your information sources

Disconnected teams or data sources create silos that stop organizations from reaching current and potential customers. Data silos obstruct a holistic view of the customer journey. Organizational silos disrupt the flow of information and ideas, and can prevent valuable insights from reaching the right team members. What’s more, organizational silos are the greatest barrier to better customer experience. 2

A clear data strategy organizes information sources to present the complete picture of your customers’ journeys. Collaboration and communication between departments is also key. When all marketing stakeholders have access to the same data sets, they have the insights needed to craft the most compelling messages. 

2. Visualize the data you gather

Good data storytelling makes data easier to process. By taking the time to visualize your data, you can identify insights — and opportunities — at a glance. This allows you to stay focused on your campaign goals and continue increasing ROI while you scale. 

A revenue chart, heat map or bar graph should simplify a complicated idea or communicate a body of information in seconds. You can make data quickly actionable by combining multiple data sources into interactive reports and dashboards. Focus on reducing misinterpretations and making it easy for decision makers to act.

3. Share data across your organization

Your team needs to understand the data to benefit from its insights. But for decision-makers to fully leverage the power of marketing data, this data has to be shared with the right people at the right time.

Real-time data is critically important. Otherwise, business leaders may be making decisions off data that is no longer relevant. The business landscape changes so quickly, and stale data may inadvertently lead to the wrong decision.

When armed with real-time data, you can evolve your marketing strategy on the fly. Creative testing leads to more advanced messaging. It’s vital to continually draw on data to see what tactics are working and what resonates with your audience most.

The companies that excel at optimizing customer experience go beyond analytics and measurement. The whole organization collaborates to connect the data dots and relay the insights surfaced.

Full-scale impact calls for more than company-wide intention to become data-driven. A system for organizing, visualizing and sharing data forms the foundation for a culture of growth — one that uses data, testing and optimization to improve the customer experience every day.

To learn more about how to turn data into real results, get #InspiredByData with our tips for data-driven marketing. 


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