Tuesday, August 8, 2017
  1. World Affairs

    Calling the Chinese Bully’s Bluff

    Brahma Chellaney
    World Affairs

    Calling the Chinese Bully’s Bluff


     thinks President Xi Jinping could receive a bloody nose from the current border standoff with India.

    Narendra Modi in China STR/Getty Images
    The more power China has accumulated, the more it has attempted to achieve its foreign-policy objectives with bluff, bluster, and bullying. But, as its Himalayan border standoff with India’s military continues, the limits of this approach are becoming increasingly apparent. READ MORE
  2. World Affairs

    Trump and the Cosmopolitans

    Ian Buruma
    World Affairs

    Trump and the Cosmopolitans


     asks whether a White House policy adviser's use of a anti-Semitic epithet was malicious or ignorant.

    Stephen Miller Jim Watson/Getty Images
    One wonders whether senior White House policy adviser Stephen Miller had any idea of the historical use of “cosmopolitan” as a derogatory term when he used it to describe a reporter for CNN. As the descendant of poor Jews, fleeing Belarus more than a century ago, he should have. READ MORE
  3. Innovation & Technology

    Controlling Cyber Conflict

    Joseph S. Nye
    Innovation & Technology

    Controlling Cyber Conflict


     recommends against aiming for an overarching UN-based treaty to enhance global digital security.

    Cybersecurity Philippe Huguen/AFP/Getty Images
    At the annual BlackHat cyber-security conference in Las Vegas, 60% of attendees said they expect the US to suffer a successful attack against its critical infrastructure in the next two years. Can international norms governing cyberspace be developed to prevent such a scenario? READ MORE
  4. Economics

    Promise and Peril for Argentina’s G20 Presidency

    Guy Edwards

    Promise and Peril for Argentina’s G20 Presidency


     encourages President Mauricio Macri to focus on making his country a global climate leader in 2018.

    Mauricio Macri and his wife Patrik Stollarz/Getty Images
    As Argentina prepares to take over the G20 presidency in December, the international landscape is far more challenging than President Mauricio Macri probably anticipated it would be when his country was approved for the job. But there are plenty of areas where Argentina's leadership of the G20 can make a difference. READ MORE
  5. World Affairs

    ASEAN at 50

    Kishore Mahbubani
    World Affairs

    ASEAN at 50


     explains the resilience of a regional organization that few expected to survive for long.

    ASEAN AFP/Getty Images
    In a tumultuous world, Southeast Asia has achieved a degree of peace and prosperity that until recently was unimaginable. The region owes much of this success to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which marks its 50th anniversary this month. READ MORE


How Long Can the Eurozone Survive Without Greater Integration?

Kenneth Rogoff examines the long-term prospects for Europe’s single-currency.

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