
Help us report on the class struggle

Occupy Oakland is looking for volunteers to help us rejuvenate our news reporting, making it a better resource for all of us trying to organise and fight for a better world.

West London Amazon Flex worker's report

Self-employed worker's report about the ups and downs of driving for Amazon.

UK: A Promising Hospital Strike

Cleaners manifesting during London hospital strike 2017

Since the Spring of this year in several London hospitals about 750 cleaners, security personnel and porters have been in dispute with their employer, Serco. They are part of the lowest paid workers in the U.K.

Living The Dream with Free Money #UBI

Latest episode of Living The Dream - a podcast hosted on The Word From Struggle Street blog

The French Miners Strike of 1948: Some Scraps of history

What little information I've managed to dig up on what seems to have been an important struggle in post war France.

“工人们在让统治者快滚蛋” ——细谈埃及革命

Tahrir Square 解放广场

“无阶级社会之友”(德国共产主义团队)与 贾努·沙尔贝勒(一位埃及无政府工团主义的记者)的访谈录,2011年春季

The terminal decline of the TUC

In 2016 trade union membership dipped to an all time low. Analysis by TUC officials suggests that the situation is even starker – younger workers aren’t joining unions, causing a membership crisis that could come to a head within fifteen years.

Bolivarian Venezuela: Governments Lie

Venezuelan Constituent Assembly Elections July 30 2017

President Nicolás Maduro's unpopular call to rewrite the 1999 Constitution is bringing Venezuela many steps closer to the feared civil war in the country.

Durham Teaching Assistants fight on - against Labour and their unions

Durham Teaching Assistants have remained solid in their resistance to the threats and deals done behind closed doors between the unions and the Labour Council. The fight goes on.

Stitched Up

An account of working conditions and class relations in a small business.

Grzech and Domski at the Fourth Congress of the Communist International (1922)

Monument to the Third International

In 1922, at the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, Władysław Kowalski (pseudonym Grzech) and Henryk Stein (pseudonym Domski) openly clashed with the leadership of both the Communist Workers’ Party of Poland and the Communist International. This article documents their contribution to the proceedings of the Congress to shed some more light on the Polish Communist Left. For more on the subject check the links in footnotes 2 and 3.

Music is stagnating, are neoliberalism and the gig economy to blame?

A crowd lights a bonfire of disco records at Comiskey Park

Progress in music is slowing down, a look at how neoliberalism and developments in music production and distribution may be to blame


"From now on, I decide"  今后,我来决定


Many faces! - Snapshots from distributing WorkersWildWest

During the distribution of WorkersWildWest we have had short conversations with various local workers. We collated them into a short article to be published and circulated in upcoming WorkersWildWest no.6 - we hope to be able to create a feedback loop.



On accountability

Accountability chickens

In recent days, my twitter feed has contained many calls for accountability, and a smaller number of people describing those calls as ‘unreasonable’, ‘impossible’ or ‘grotesque’. We may publish a blog post about the specific events, but for now I want to talk about a case where the libcom collective was ‘held to account’ and how we responded to it.

In the Country of Dijsselbloem - Labor Relations in the Netherlands

Billions of savings on 'social wage'

Describtion of labour relations, state-induced attacks on 'social wage', 2017 elections and formation of a new governement in the Netherlands. From a council communist view, developed by Arbeidersstemmen (Workers' Voices).

Skint Part 1: Wages and Productivity

Long read on what is happening with wages in Australia and why arguments that say increasing productivity will make us richer are wrong.

What made large scale resistance possible at the G20 in Hamburg?

Police spray protester with pepper spray laced water cannons

An on-the-ground account from the G20 protests in Hamburg, Germany originally posted by Black Rose Anarchist Federation. Similar to the impact of the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle, we may look back at the Hamburg G20 protests as a symbol of global discontent that ruling elites were not able to ignore or dismiss. Beyond the tear gas and street fights, we raise the question: What made this display of dissent possible?

"When you're done with a condom, you throw it out": New book reveals 2016 Hillary campaign was beset by vicious infighting

Hillary’s paranoid rage and the campaign’s infighting made a mockery of the slogan “Stronger Together”