- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 243594
Difference between 1080p 60fps / 720p 120fps / WVGA 240fps (Slow mo)
S1 LED LCD WVGA Mini Video Projector Reviews
GoPro HERO 3+ Video Quality Test & Comparison (WVGA, 720p, 960p, 1080p, 1440p, 2.7k, 4k, SuperView)
GoPro HERO 4 Video Quality Test & Comparison (WVGA, 720p, 960p, 1080p, 1440p, 2.7k, 4k, SuperView)
GoPro: Fireworks Showdown With Jeremiah Warren - WVGA 240fps
4.0 inch WVGA Screen Z6 Android 4.2 3G Smartphone From Everbuying
e2v’s Sapphire WVGA CMOS image sensors
GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition Video Settings : WVGA, 720P, 960P, 1080P & 1440
GoPro video shot at the WVGA 240fps setting for optimum slow motion.
FOLLOW DigitalTech on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/DigiTechReviews LIKE DigitalTech on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigitalTechReviews GoPro HERO 3+: http://amzn.to/GRCtfP This is a back-to-back comparison of every different video resolution mode on the new GoPro 3+ camera. Make sure to watch in 4K so that you can really see the differences in video quality. For this video I used one camera (the GoPro HERO 3+ Black Edition) and filmed clips one after the other, only changing the video resolution and frame rate. The frames per second, or fps, of the clip was always set to the highest possible at the resolution. All of the clips are unedited (no color correction, stabilization, cropping, etc) and were captured with the GoPro in the standard waterproof case which comes with the 3+ ...
PRODUCTS USED IN THIS VIDEO GoPro HERO 4 Black: http://amzn.to/1IFnKgf This is a back-to-back comparison of every different video resolution mode on the new GoPro 4 Black Edition camera. Make sure to watch in 4K so that you can really see the differences in video quality. For this video I used one camera (the GoPro HERO 4 Black Edition) and filmed clips one after the other, only changing the video resolution and frame rate. All of the clips are unedited (no color correction, stabilization, cropping, etc) and and most of the clips were captured with the GoPro in the standard waterproof case which comes with theHERO 4 cameras. Check out my music channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/gshak33 ________ ► TWITTER https://twitter.com/#!/DigiTechReviews ► FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/Digita...
Jeremiah Warren builds his own bullet time rig and blasts off some fireworks. Shot in WVGA at 240 frames per second. Shot 100% on the HD HERO3® camera from http://GoPro.com. Get stoked and subscribe: http://goo.gl/HgVXpQ Check out more from Jeremiah: http://jeremiahwarren.com/ http://twitter.com/JeremiahJW http://youtube.com/JeremiahJW Music Courtesy of ExtremeMusic http://extrememusic.com
Product link: http://www.everbuying.com/product555613.html?lkid=87086&utm;_source=youtube_CS0103503&utm;_medium=sns&utm;_campaign=lingpeng Main Features: RAM: 512MB (468.96MB available) ROM: 4GB (1.27GB + 1.23GB available) Waterproof, Shockproof, Dustproof Gravity/Light/Proximity Sensing System FM/MP3/MP4/Bluetooth/GPS Function Supported Note: This phone will only work with GSM+WCDMA networks: GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz WCDMA
Here we go through the main video settings on the Hero 3
I put together these clips to showcase the slow motion potential of GoPro's WVGA 240fps setting. All video is shot at WVGA 240fps and slowed down to 7% without the use of a program like Twixtor. This is an excellent format for social media tools such as Instagram which has an image resolution of a couple hundred pixels less in width than the WVGA setting. All footage is straight out of the camera with no color correction. I did up the resolution to 720p. In the near future I'll be uploading a tutorial explaining the different resolutions and frame rates of the GoPro and how they can excel in different environments. So if your interested please subscribe. Thanks!
立川まつり 国営昭和記念公園花火大会
O cheiro do inverno
Entra pela pele
Frio como a neve
Que eu nunca vi
Se não chover, todos verão
O inverno no seu corpo coberto
O gosto do inverno
Entra pelos olhos
Branco como as nuvens
Que eu nunca toquei
Se não amanhecer, todos verão
O inverno nos seus braços abertos
Eu só ouço o silêncio
Quebrar o gelo do inverno
Eu só ouço o silêncio
Eu só ouço o silêncio
O cheiro do inverno
Entra pela sala
Leve como as flores
Que eu nunca te dei
Quando eu acordar, todos verão
O inverno no meu quarto deserto
O gosto do inverno
Anda de mãos dadas
Com o vento quente
Que nos envolveu
Quando eu acordar, todos verão
O inverno chegando mais perto
Eu só ouço o silêncio
Quebrar o gelo do inverno
Eu só ouço o silêncio
Eu só ouço o silêncio
Quebrar o gelo do inverno
Eu só ouço o silêncio
Eu só ouço o silêncio