- published: 09 Jan 2017
- views: 259149
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. is a Dutch state-owned bank with headquarters in Amsterdam. It was re-established, in its current form in 2009, following the acquisition and break-up of the original ABN AMRO by a banking consortium consisting of Royal Bank of Scotland Group, Santander Group and Fortis. Following the collapse of Fortis, who acquired the Dutch business, it was nationalized by the Dutch government along with Fortis Bank Nederland.
The bank is a product of a long history of mergers and acquisitions that date to 1765. In 1991, Algemene Bank Nederland (ABN) and AMRO Bank (itself the result of a merger of the Amsterdamsche Bank and the Rotterdamsche Bank in the 1960s) agreed to merge to create the original ABN AMRO. By 2007, ABN AMRO was the second-largest bank in the Netherlands and the eighth-largest in Europe by assets. At that time the magazine The Banker and Fortune Global 500 placed it 15th in the list of world’s biggest banks and it had operations in 63 countries, with over 110,000 employees.
ABN or abn may refer to:
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is an international public health agency working to improve health and living standards of the people of the Americas. It was founded in December 1902. It is part of the United Nations system, serving as the Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization, and as the health organization of the Inter-American System.
PAHO has scientific and technical expertise at its headquarters, in its 27 country offices, and its three Pan American centers, all working with the countries of the Americas in dealing with priority health issues. The health authorities of PAHO's Member States set PAHO's technical and administrative policies through its Governing Bodies. PAHO Member States include all 35 countries in the Americas; Puerto Rico is an Associate Member. France, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are Participating States, and Portugal and Spain are Observer States.
ABN AMRO - Mobiel Bankieren
Interview topmannen van ABN AMRO, Rabobank, SNS en ING
ABN AMRO en het Fyra-debacle - Zondag met Lubach (S03)
Werken bij ABN AMRO?
ABN AMRO IPO shares around 40% undervalued and here's why
ABN AMRO Ambassadeurs Battle #4: Billy Bakker vs. Glenn Schuurman
2017 ABN Amro World Tennis Tournament, Rotterdam Thursday Highlights ft. Berdych & Cilic
TV commercial ABN AMRO Ondernemen
Fortis en ABN Amro - het complete verhaal
Altijd en overal contactloos betalen met je mobiel. Dat zou iedereen toch wel willen?
We zijn op een wijnboerderij in Zuid-Frankrijk en zien onze hoofdrolspeler met wat vrienden genieten van een heerlijke lunch. Heeft ‘de pot’ de financiën van het uitje op orde? Of heeft onze man het allemaal net iets beter geregeld? www.abnamro.nl/mobielbankierenapp
Ralph Hamers (ING), Wiebe Draijer (Rabobank), Gerrit Zalm (ABN Amro) en Maurice Oostendorp (SNS) vertellen in Nieuwsuur over de lessen uit de crisis, de diepe vertrouwensbreuk met de klant en de overlevingskansen voor de toekomst.
http://www.vpro.nl/zml Zondag met Lubach over ABN AMRO en het Fyra-debacle. Zondag Met Lubach. Zeven dagen nieuws in dertig minuten, satirisch geremixt door Arjen Lubach. Met irrelevante verhalen van relevante gasten. Of andersom. Vanuit theater Bellevue in Amsterdam: platte inhoud en diepgravende grappen.
Collega’s vertellen over hun ervaringen, carrière en drijfveren. Bekijk hun verhalen over werken bij ABN AMRO en ontmoet je toekomstige collega’s.
From bail out to billions in a fresh IPO, shares in the Dutch bank ABN AMRO are due to go on sale this week. The government of the Netherlands is selling off a 23% stake in the bank which it saved during the financial crisis seven years ago. Saxo Bank's Head of Equity StrategyPeter Garnryhas been analysing the bank's recent performance and comparing with more than thirty other European banks. He argues that the shares, based on the mid-price of the expected offering, will bearound 40% undervalued. The IPO values the bank at around EUR 17 billion with shares expected to be priced at between EUR 16 and EUR 20, and Peter explains why he is positive on the pricing up to EUR 25.
Na zijn overwinning op Jelle Galema neemt Billy het deze keer op tegen Glenn Schuurman. Op en rond de velden van HC Bloemendaal worden de battles gehouden. Wie gaat er winnen?
Tomas Berdych was among the players looking to secure a quarter-final berth in Rotterdam on Thursday. Cilic vs. Coric was one of the big matches of the day, while Dominic Thiem took on Gilles Simon. Watch official ATP streams all year round: http://tnn.is/WatchLive TennisTV is the OFFICIAL live streaming service of the ATP World Tour. Live streaming on PC, Mac, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Chromecast, and mobile & tablet apps on iOS & Android.