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Why some women support benevolent sexism, gender hierarchy

An international study has found some women think relationships between the sexes should be based on a hierarchy rather than equality, a view one of the authors says is seen in The Handmaid Tale's Serena Joy.

More than 10,600 women across New Zealand and the United States were surveyed on their social attitudes as part of a study that involved University of Queensland researchers, including Fiona Barlow.

Dr Barlow said the project, led by former PhD student Helena Radke, sought to understand what might lead some women to support for the limitation of women's rights.

"We started by thinking about different ideologies, different people understand and view the world in different ways," she said.

"Some people live by group equality...to them what is fair and just and right is that all different groups of people are equal.

"For other people, to them what is far and just and right is that some groups of people have more opportunities than others….in short they support a world that is hierarchically structured."


Dr Barlow said while most women surveyed favoured egalitarian social systems and rejected the idea that a gender hierarchy was legitimate, she was shocked by the phenomenon that some women supported the social structure that put them on a lower level to men.

"We found these women who really support a hierarchical social structure, they thought the gender hierarchy was perfectly legitimate but this left them in a bind because they are saying a society in which my group has a lower status is fair and legitimate," she said.

"They were also more likely to say I do need protection and be looked after by the men in my life and in part through this, came to support or adopt this ideology that obligated men to revere 'good' women and protect and look after them.

"We conducted this study long before it (The Handmaid's Tale TV series) came out and while I was watching it I was looking at Serena Joy and thinking how could you do that? How could you actively work to oppress other women?

"This study does, to a small extent, shed light on that...to find out why the Serena Joys of this world act they way they do."

The first survey, conducted in New Zealand, was part of a larger longitudinal study on attitudes and values and asked 10,485 women aged between 18-91 a range of questions including  "to what extent do you support equality?" and "is it necessary for some groups to step on others to get ahead?", Dr Barlow said.

"We also asked them questions on the benevolent sexism scale...these all tap into the idea that women do have special value in very limited areas of life and provided that they adhere to traditional roles...that it is a man's responsibility to look after these women," she said.

The researchers took data from the New Zealand study and went further with another survey of 269 American women to find out whether women who support the gender hierarchy consider themselves at the top.

"We asked 'do you support women being lower status than men?' 'Does that seem legitimate and fair?' 'Is the way that gender relations set up right now OK?'," Dr Barlow said.

"It is really hard to understand women wanting to keep women down, usually we act in the interests of our own group.

"This isn't a phenomenon that affects most women but certainly we do see a lot of women buying into these benevolently sexist ideas."

Dr Barlow said there were a range of reasons why some women considered a gender hierarchy fair, including not being aware of disadvantages women suffer, facing backlash for speaking out against gender inequality and the notion feminism is a "zero sum game".

"I think we need to respect there is going to be a diversity of opinions among women, even about things like women's rights...this said, certainly even a minority of people pushing back against women's rights can have a big impact, so I certainly do think this is a real phenomena," she said.

"It is very important right now that we do begin discussing barriers to fighting for women's rights and that we remain alert to instances of rolling back of women's rights and we also think about the possibilities and capabilities that young girls growing up in our society see."

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