- published: 08 Nov 2012
- views: 1697
The Roman calendar changed its form several times between the founding of Rome and the fall of the Roman Empire. The common calendar widely used today is known as the Gregorian calendar and is a refinement of the Julian calendar where the length of the year has been adjusted from 365.25 days to 365.2425 days (a 0.002% change).
From at least the period of Augustus on, calendars were often inscribed in stone and displayed publicly. Such calendars are called fasti.
The original Roman calendar is believed to have been a lunar calendar, which may have been based on one of the Greek lunar calendars. As the time between new moons averages 29.5 days its months were constructed to be either hollow (29 days) or full (30 days).
Roman writers attributed the original Roman calendar to Romulus, the mythical founder of Rome, though there is no other evidence for the existence of such a calendar and Romulus was often cited as the founder of practices whose origins were unknown to later Romans. According to these writers, Romulus' calendar had ten months with the spring equinox in the first month (likely based on the names of the last months of the year):
Cycle or cyclic may refer to:
Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. An easy-to-understand one-page explanation of rights, with associated visual symbols, explains the specifics of each Creative Commons license. Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but are based upon it. They replace individual negotiations for specific rights between copyright owner (licensor) and licensee, which are necessary under an "all rights reserved" copyright management, with a "some rights reserved" management employing standardized licenses for re-use cases where no commercial compensation is sought by the copyright owner. The result is an agile, low-overhead and low-cost copyright-management regime, profiting both copyright owners and licensees. Wikipedia uses one of these licenses.
A perpetual calendar is a calendar valid for many years, usually designed to allow the calculation of the day of the week for a given date in the future.
For the Gregorian and Julian calendars, a perpetual calendar typically consists of one of two general variations:
A Roman or Romans is a thing or person of or from the city of Rome
Roman or Romans may also refer to:
The General Epistle of Barnabas Exposed
Week - Video Learning - WizScience.com
The Perpetual Calendar before 325 A.D. is Incorrect.
Israelites: The 7th Day (The Sabbath) Confirmed!! Part 2: The History of The 4th Beast Calendar
Names of the days of the week - Video Learning - WizScience.com
How To Pronounce Weeks - Pronunciation Academy
Alexander Meyer: "Time and Culture in Ancient Greece and Rome" | Talks at Google
The Saturday Sabbath Story
The General Epistle of Barnabas online book http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/lbob/lbob17.htm Apocryphile1970: Epistle of Barnabas audiobook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFyj-cbc9t4&feature;=plcp Nundinal cycle is a Roman Republic pre-Julian calendar system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nundinal_cycle#Nundinal_cycle Letter of Aristeas by Apocryphile1970 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzf72MClvfKmlpRxDyKctjRB2nNwqv-0i
A "week" is a time unit equal to "seven days". It is the standard time period used for cycles of work days and rest days in most parts of the world, mostly alongside the Gregorian calendar. The days of the week were named in different languages after classical planets, various deities and heavenly bodies and other sources. In English, the names are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ISO 8601 includes the ISO week date system, a numbering system for weeks within a given year – each week begins on a Monday and is associated with the year that contains that week's Thursday . The term "week" is sometimes expanded to refer to other time units comprising a few days, such as the nundinal cycle of the ancient Roman calendar. A week is defined as ...
As we try to tag the year of the Passion the Seventy Weeks prophecy as calculated by Sir Robert Anderson in the 1870's and today using the NASA moon phase data points very definitely to 32 A.D. However, this conclusion is contested on the basis of the Perpetual Calendar declaring that the Nisan 14 Passover crucifixion date was (according to the Perpetual Calendar), a Monday. But the big caveat here is this. Can we track the weekly 7 day cycles we have on our Western Gregorian calendar back into the first Century? Or might there be a disconnect somewhere in the interim? Well, the plot thickens as we delve into this matter. The Romans in fact had an 8 day week called the Nundinal Cycle. They labeled the days A - H. A was Market Day. It was not until 325 AD when the Roma Persecutions were pr...
YAHUWAH (YHWH) prophetic messages: https://youtu.be/g_Fpx-IskqM?list=PLkgiAYYS45OoI8zmzsB6VLFA80meQX91O Part 1 Video: https://youtu.be/wJcxWHA3hrE Scripture Genesis 1:14 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Genesis-Chapter-1_Original-1611-KJV/ Links: 1. Encyclopaedia Britannica https://archive.org/stream/encyclopaediabri04chisrich#page/987/mode/1up https://archive.org/stream/encyclopaediabri04chisrich#page/988/mode/1up Volume 4 Publisher New York : Encyclopaedia Britannica Pages 1062 2. Theodosius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodosius_I 3. Constantine The Great: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_the_Great 4. Dio Cassius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassius_Dio 5. Julian Calendar: Intercalation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_calendar 6. Roman calen...
The names of the days of the seven-day week in many languages, including English, are derived from their being named after the classical planets in Hellenistic astrology, a system introduced in the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity. In other languages, the days are numbered, depending on regional tradition either beginning with Sunday or with Monday. In the international standard ISO 8601, Monday is treated as the first day of the week. Between the 1st and 3rd centuries the Roman Empire gradually replaced the eight-day Roman nundinal cycle with the seven-day week. Our earliest evidence for this new system is a Pompeiian graffito referring to the 6th February of the year AD 60 as "dies solis" . Another early witness is a reference to a lost treatise by Plutarch, written in about AD...
A Special Revised Torahtalk from 2011 . . . . . . . . . LUNAR SABBATH: AN ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION - THE TEMPLE NOT MADE WITH HANDS IS THE BRIDE OF YAHUSHA. HE IS THE 'MASTER OF THE SABBATH', AND THE SABBATH IS THE SIGN OF THE EVERLASTING COVENANT (EZ 20). IF A TEACHING REMOVES THIS SIGN AND SETS UP AN ABOMINATION THAT "DESOLATES" THE COVENANT, AND ITS SIGN, WE HAVE TURNED ASIDE TO MYTHS AND DOCTRINES OF DEMONS. THE BEAST ALREADY TRIED THIS WITH "SUN-DAY". Has it occurred to those falling for the "lunar Sabbath" heresy that Yahusha was in perfect agreement with the weekly and annual Sabbaths practiced around Him just 2000 years ago? If there had been any previous secret knowledge (or "hidden manna" as the promoters of the lunar Sabbath claim), surely Yahusha would have made it known ...
Learn how to pronounce Weeks This is the *English* pronunciation of the word Weeks. According to Wikipedia, this is one of the possible definitions of the word "Weeks": A week is a time unit equal to seven days. It is the standard time period used for cycles of work days and rest days in most parts of the world, mostly alongside (but not strictly part of) the Gregorian calendar. The days of the week were named after the classical planets (derived from the astrological system of planetary hours), in English reflected in the names of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ISO 8601 includes the ISO week date system, a numbering system for weeks within a given year – each week begins on a Monday and is associated with the year that contains that week's Thursday (...
Dr. Alexander Meyer, University of Western Ontario Google, NYC | May 6, 2015 Prof. Alexander Meyer (Western University, London, Ontario) examines the ways ancient Greeks and Romans kept time and their reasons for doing so. He discusses various time-keeping artifacts and works of literature to show that the manner in which time was kept and tracked reflected and continues to reflect much broader cultural issues, including imperialism, commercialism, religion, and law.
"Saturday Sabbatarians" are Christians and Messianics who keep the Sabbath on Saturday. In some cases that day may be seen as running from Friday evening to Saturday evening. They usually believe in keeping the Ten Commandments, including the Sabbath, and that keeping all the commandments is a moral responsibility that honors, and shows love towards God as creator, sustainer, and redeemer. The Saturday Sabbath Story is this: Saturday Sabbatarians assume that the days of the Roman Week are the same as day 1 through 7 of the original Creation Week, and that these days have been continually cycling, unbroken, since Creation. According to that logic they say, that makes Saturday, the 7th day of the Roman Week, the Sabbath Day. Saturday Sabbatarians have also traditionally held that the ap...
A planet , meaning "wandering star") is an astronomical object orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals. The term planet is ancient, with ties to history, science, mythology, and religion. The planets were originally seen by many early cultures as divine, or as emissaries of deities. As scientific knowledge advanced, human perception of the planets changed, incorporating a number of disparate objects. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union officially adopted a resolution defining planets within the Solar System. This definition is controversial because it excludes many objects of planetary mass based on where or what they o...
The General Epistle of Barnabas online book http://www.sacred-texts.com/bib/lbob/lbob17.htm Apocryphile1970: Epistle of Barnabas audiobook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFyj-cbc9t4&feature;=plcp Nundinal cycle is a Roman Republic pre-Julian calendar system http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nundinal_cycle#Nundinal_cycle Letter of Aristeas by Apocryphile1970 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzf72MClvfKmlpRxDyKctjRB2nNwqv-0i
A "week" is a time unit equal to "seven days". It is the standard time period used for cycles of work days and rest days in most parts of the world, mostly alongside the Gregorian calendar. The days of the week were named in different languages after classical planets, various deities and heavenly bodies and other sources. In English, the names are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ISO 8601 includes the ISO week date system, a numbering system for weeks within a given year – each week begins on a Monday and is associated with the year that contains that week's Thursday . The term "week" is sometimes expanded to refer to other time units comprising a few days, such as the nundinal cycle of the ancient Roman calendar. A week is defined as ...
As we try to tag the year of the Passion the Seventy Weeks prophecy as calculated by Sir Robert Anderson in the 1870's and today using the NASA moon phase data points very definitely to 32 A.D. However, this conclusion is contested on the basis of the Perpetual Calendar declaring that the Nisan 14 Passover crucifixion date was (according to the Perpetual Calendar), a Monday. But the big caveat here is this. Can we track the weekly 7 day cycles we have on our Western Gregorian calendar back into the first Century? Or might there be a disconnect somewhere in the interim? Well, the plot thickens as we delve into this matter. The Romans in fact had an 8 day week called the Nundinal Cycle. They labeled the days A - H. A was Market Day. It was not until 325 AD when the Roma Persecutions were pr...
YAHUWAH (YHWH) prophetic messages: https://youtu.be/g_Fpx-IskqM?list=PLkgiAYYS45OoI8zmzsB6VLFA80meQX91O Part 1 Video: https://youtu.be/wJcxWHA3hrE Scripture Genesis 1:14 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Genesis-Chapter-1_Original-1611-KJV/ Links: 1. Encyclopaedia Britannica https://archive.org/stream/encyclopaediabri04chisrich#page/987/mode/1up https://archive.org/stream/encyclopaediabri04chisrich#page/988/mode/1up Volume 4 Publisher New York : Encyclopaedia Britannica Pages 1062 2. Theodosius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodosius_I 3. Constantine The Great: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_the_Great 4. Dio Cassius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassius_Dio 5. Julian Calendar: Intercalation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_calendar 6. Roman calen...
The names of the days of the seven-day week in many languages, including English, are derived from their being named after the classical planets in Hellenistic astrology, a system introduced in the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity. In other languages, the days are numbered, depending on regional tradition either beginning with Sunday or with Monday. In the international standard ISO 8601, Monday is treated as the first day of the week. Between the 1st and 3rd centuries the Roman Empire gradually replaced the eight-day Roman nundinal cycle with the seven-day week. Our earliest evidence for this new system is a Pompeiian graffito referring to the 6th February of the year AD 60 as "dies solis" . Another early witness is a reference to a lost treatise by Plutarch, written in about AD...
A Special Revised Torahtalk from 2011 . . . . . . . . . LUNAR SABBATH: AN ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION - THE TEMPLE NOT MADE WITH HANDS IS THE BRIDE OF YAHUSHA. HE IS THE 'MASTER OF THE SABBATH', AND THE SABBATH IS THE SIGN OF THE EVERLASTING COVENANT (EZ 20). IF A TEACHING REMOVES THIS SIGN AND SETS UP AN ABOMINATION THAT "DESOLATES" THE COVENANT, AND ITS SIGN, WE HAVE TURNED ASIDE TO MYTHS AND DOCTRINES OF DEMONS. THE BEAST ALREADY TRIED THIS WITH "SUN-DAY". Has it occurred to those falling for the "lunar Sabbath" heresy that Yahusha was in perfect agreement with the weekly and annual Sabbaths practiced around Him just 2000 years ago? If there had been any previous secret knowledge (or "hidden manna" as the promoters of the lunar Sabbath claim), surely Yahusha would have made it known ...
Learn how to pronounce Weeks This is the *English* pronunciation of the word Weeks. According to Wikipedia, this is one of the possible definitions of the word "Weeks": A week is a time unit equal to seven days. It is the standard time period used for cycles of work days and rest days in most parts of the world, mostly alongside (but not strictly part of) the Gregorian calendar. The days of the week were named after the classical planets (derived from the astrological system of planetary hours), in English reflected in the names of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ISO 8601 includes the ISO week date system, a numbering system for weeks within a given year – each week begins on a Monday and is associated with the year that contains that week's Thursday (...
Dr. Alexander Meyer, University of Western Ontario Google, NYC | May 6, 2015 Prof. Alexander Meyer (Western University, London, Ontario) examines the ways ancient Greeks and Romans kept time and their reasons for doing so. He discusses various time-keeping artifacts and works of literature to show that the manner in which time was kept and tracked reflected and continues to reflect much broader cultural issues, including imperialism, commercialism, religion, and law.
"Saturday Sabbatarians" are Christians and Messianics who keep the Sabbath on Saturday. In some cases that day may be seen as running from Friday evening to Saturday evening. They usually believe in keeping the Ten Commandments, including the Sabbath, and that keeping all the commandments is a moral responsibility that honors, and shows love towards God as creator, sustainer, and redeemer. The Saturday Sabbath Story is this: Saturday Sabbatarians assume that the days of the Roman Week are the same as day 1 through 7 of the original Creation Week, and that these days have been continually cycling, unbroken, since Creation. According to that logic they say, that makes Saturday, the 7th day of the Roman Week, the Sabbath Day. Saturday Sabbatarians have also traditionally held that the ap...
A planet , meaning "wandering star") is an astronomical object orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals. The term planet is ancient, with ties to history, science, mythology, and religion. The planets were originally seen by many early cultures as divine, or as emissaries of deities. As scientific knowledge advanced, human perception of the planets changed, incorporating a number of disparate objects. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union officially adopted a resolution defining planets within the Solar System. This definition is controversial because it excludes many objects of planetary mass based on where or what they o...
YAHUWAH (YHWH) prophetic messages: https://youtu.be/g_Fpx-IskqM?list=PLkgiAYYS45OoI8zmzsB6VLFA80meQX91O Part 1 Video: https://youtu.be/wJcxWHA3hrE Scripture Genesis 1:14 https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Genesis-Chapter-1_Original-1611-KJV/ Links: 1. Encyclopaedia Britannica https://archive.org/stream/encyclopaediabri04chisrich#page/987/mode/1up https://archive.org/stream/encyclopaediabri04chisrich#page/988/mode/1up Volume 4 Publisher New York : Encyclopaedia Britannica Pages 1062 2. Theodosius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodosius_I 3. Constantine The Great: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantine_the_Great 4. Dio Cassius: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassius_Dio 5. Julian Calendar: Intercalation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_calendar 6. Roman calen...
A Special Revised Torahtalk from 2011 . . . . . . . . . LUNAR SABBATH: AN ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION - THE TEMPLE NOT MADE WITH HANDS IS THE BRIDE OF YAHUSHA. HE IS THE 'MASTER OF THE SABBATH', AND THE SABBATH IS THE SIGN OF THE EVERLASTING COVENANT (EZ 20). IF A TEACHING REMOVES THIS SIGN AND SETS UP AN ABOMINATION THAT "DESOLATES" THE COVENANT, AND ITS SIGN, WE HAVE TURNED ASIDE TO MYTHS AND DOCTRINES OF DEMONS. THE BEAST ALREADY TRIED THIS WITH "SUN-DAY". Has it occurred to those falling for the "lunar Sabbath" heresy that Yahusha was in perfect agreement with the weekly and annual Sabbaths practiced around Him just 2000 years ago? If there had been any previous secret knowledge (or "hidden manna" as the promoters of the lunar Sabbath claim), surely Yahusha would have made it known ...
Dr. Alexander Meyer, University of Western Ontario Google, NYC | May 6, 2015 Prof. Alexander Meyer (Western University, London, Ontario) examines the ways ancient Greeks and Romans kept time and their reasons for doing so. He discusses various time-keeping artifacts and works of literature to show that the manner in which time was kept and tracked reflected and continues to reflect much broader cultural issues, including imperialism, commercialism, religion, and law.
"Saturday Sabbatarians" are Christians and Messianics who keep the Sabbath on Saturday. In some cases that day may be seen as running from Friday evening to Saturday evening. They usually believe in keeping the Ten Commandments, including the Sabbath, and that keeping all the commandments is a moral responsibility that honors, and shows love towards God as creator, sustainer, and redeemer. The Saturday Sabbath Story is this: Saturday Sabbatarians assume that the days of the Roman Week are the same as day 1 through 7 of the original Creation Week, and that these days have been continually cycling, unbroken, since Creation. According to that logic they say, that makes Saturday, the 7th day of the Roman Week, the Sabbath Day. Saturday Sabbatarians have also traditionally held that the ap...
A planet , meaning "wandering star") is an astronomical object orbiting a star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals. The term planet is ancient, with ties to history, science, mythology, and religion. The planets were originally seen by many early cultures as divine, or as emissaries of deities. As scientific knowledge advanced, human perception of the planets changed, incorporating a number of disparate objects. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union officially adopted a resolution defining planets within the Solar System. This definition is controversial because it excludes many objects of planetary mass based on where or what they o...