Kết quả tìm kiếm
  1. 2 phút trước
  2. 3 phút trước
    Đang trả lời

    4F - unqualified. Yeah that says it all.

  3. 52 phút trước
    Đang trả lời

    Just how far beneath the dignity of your office are you trying to get?! , , ,

  4. 1 giờ trước

    why U never debate about whatever is happening in WB but very eager 2broadcast anything,right/wrong in States

  5. 1 giờ trước

    ‼️ is at their telling-lies-to-the-American-public once again. My God, give the man a break.

  6. into Trump Admin: -Attempts to gut health care for 20M+ -Use taxpayer money for border wall NOTHING to create jobs

  7. 4 giờ trước
  8. 4 giờ trước
    Đang trả lời

    President Obama wanted to upgrade the US infrastructure & was obstructed by GOP. Trump campaigned on it, still nothing done.

  9. 7 giờ trước

    And just last week a heroic Vietnam hero finally received deserved recognition, while has stolen his glory for yrs.

  10. 10 giờ trước
    Đang trả lời

    Unbelievable! I'm so ashamed of our Government, basic human rights.

  11. 17 giờ trước

    .-rostitutes. Sell your constituents' health for campaign funds? Glad you walked the plank.

  12. 23 giờ trước
    Đang trả lời

    Well said, Arron. Sopel paid £200,000-£249,999 for us to hear his "speculation" stemming from his personal vendetta w/Trump

  13. 24 giờ trước

    This is a commentary on the USA! It's what happens when the is in office & the rich get richer Vote them OUT!

  14. 5 thg 8

    sponsored Ayesha Ahad's press conference shows that they are trying to say 'Ager hum ganday hain tuo tum bhi ganday ho'

  15. 4 thg 8

    Ridiculous seeing an entire gov't of Republicans and Democrats going after a sitting President. !

  16. Australia's Carbon Pollution Soars, Bucking Global Trend, As Government Continues to Ignore Climate Change

  17. 3 thg 8

    President Trump rally in Huntington WV. Notice the difference? Blatent disrespect for this President. 😡

  18. 3 thg 8

    Hannity falsely attacked family of murder victim. Don't support him with your $$

  19. 3 thg 8

    Johannes Leak puts the disgraced and mendacious Gillian Triggs back in the picture

  20. 2 thg 8

    Shocked that GPs claiming to be supporting patient safety are openly training beauty therapists in Botox & Fillers

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