
Du har blokkert @Fuctupmind

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  1. Festet tweet
    3. aug.
    Svar til

    The mark there, is where the wheel hit a curb / pot hole. There is ZERO puncture. That's an impact blow out. The tire is old.

  2. for 1 minutt siden

    I should immediately log into my Ok Cupid account to make sure I can still check out fat chicks. 👍

  3. Retweetet
    for 7 minutter siden

    . inadvertently admits: Antifa =CounterProtesters No counterprotesters = no violence Antifa = Violence.

  4. for 19 minutter siden
  5. Retweetet
    3. aug.

    I have obtained a copy of the official police report.

  6. Retweetet


  7. Retweetet
    16. aug.

    60K votes from while running bots in less than 1 hour? Nope, paid for, 5K votes for $1K US, must be pissed

  8. Retweetet

    🤬DAMMIT...THIS ONE HURTS thank u to on FB

  9. Retweetet
    for 1 time siden

    Too bad Honest Abe never got to the second half of his emancipation plan: repatriation...

  10. Retweetet
    for 5 timer siden

    A federal grand jury has indicted Imran Awan and his wife.

  11. for 1 time siden
  12. for 2 timer siden
  13. Retweetet
    for 2 timer siden
  14. Retweetet
    for 4 timer siden

    Hearing 3 custodians at US Capitol being detained for trying to remove statue of Sen. Mitch McConnell. Turns out it actually was McConnell.

  15. Retweetet
    for 2 timer siden

    No, but since you have injected race into this for no reason, you have outed yourself as a Leftist. You Leftists are obsessed with race!

  16. Retweetet
    for 2 timer siden

    Glad to see you up and about glad you are doing better!

    Dette mediet kan inneholde sensitivt materiale. Finn ut mer
  17. Retweetet

    "I Voted for Trump" Even though GOP Trump hating women tried to get Corey Lewandowski fired over a hoax by fraudster Michelle Fields

  18. for 2 timer siden hits a million dollars raised. 1:09 pm Google play store removes Gab app 6:45 pm

  19. Retweetet
    for 3 timer siden

    💥: Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal being investigated by US Secret Service. Senator Claire McCaskill has called on her to resign💥

  20. Retweetet
    for 3 timer siden

    "Nancy. Prison time is coming soon. Be ready."

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