
Has blocat @DrShobha

Estàs segur que vols veure aquests tuits? Això no desblocarà @DrShobha.

  1. Tuit fixat
    9 maig

    We can only lose what we apparently have. We cannot lose what we essentially are 🌼

  2. ha retuitat
    fa 10 hores
    En resposta a

    He didn't Yusuf. It was Rajnath Singh in Sultanpur. Modi said "agar sabke account me 15 lakh as jaye, tab bhi khatm nahi hoga"

  3. ha retuitat
    fa 18 hores

    Sure. The Army and air Force must figure a way out but my objection is to the narrative that this was a deliberate disrespect to martyrs

  4. ha retuitat
    fa 11 hores

    Congress did this with VP Singh too when fake stories of his son's accounts in St Kits were planted before '89 elections.

  5. ha retuitat
    fa 12 hores

    An honest & morally courageous response by the Army. Request all sides to stop this painful polarized discussion.

  6. fa 10 hores

    The Jay Amit Shah story: Low on Facts, High on innuendo via

  7. ha retuitat
    fa 10 hores

    Day after Kerala state opposed NIA probe, mother of a converted girl moves SC, says Kerala is a hub of ‘love jehad’ & ISIS.

  8. ha retuitat
    fa 12 hores

    The Wire does not know the difference between Loan & Letter of Credit or suppresses truth. Rs25 is LC Not loan

  9. ha retuitat
    fa 11 hores

    38% Government - For nation to truly progress we shud have 55% Government. Time to end Fascist govt.

  10. ha retuitat
    fa 11 hores

    The Congress ecosystem went into overdrive to target on a false n malicious article which had no facts. Shows

    , , i 7 més
  11. ha retuitat
    fa 12 hores

    The history of the 'journalist' and the entire bunch, whose so-called story has been published today in an extremist-left rag sheet.

  12. ha retuitat
    7 oct.

    8 lakh tea workers in Assam opened bank accounts after PM Shri ji announced demonetisation & now getting wages through banks.

  13. ha retuitat
    fa 15 hores

    When the hunter becomes the hunted, that too by her own tribe..! 😂😂

  14. ha retuitat
    fa 15 hores
  15. ha retuitat
    fa 15 hores

    Rohini Singh's insinuations against Shah family biz is as true as her 'anger against DeMo in UP' reports.

  16. ha retuitat
    fa 20 hores
  17. ha retuitat
    fa 16 hores

    This is what this journo was doing before U.P. elections. Now it is Gujarat elections. Obviously a lunatic left portal would use her skills.

  18. ha retuitat
    fa 16 hores

    Unsecured Loans....hey bhagwaan. Business ko Unsecured Loan milna corruption hota hai. wow just wow. Please jaakey kuch Padho

  19. ha retuitat
    fa 17 hores

    Mark this something big against an important is coming up - Tweets against son is their attempt to preempt. But then....

  20. ha retuitat
    fa 18 hores

    Progress on River Rejuvenation Project. Scientifically designed and delivered initiatives with local participation

  21. ha retuitat
    7 oct.

    Diwali has come early for our citizens due to the decisions taken in the GST Council. We had said we will study all aspects relating to GST for 3 months, including the shortcomings. And thus, the decisions were taken with consensus at the GST council: PM

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