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  1. Falwell Jr.: Trump praised participants at white supremacist rally because he had ‘inside information’

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  3. Educators say reactions to Charlottesville reveal need for better teaching of history

  4. hace 1 hora

    Trump repeatedly called for withdrawal from Afghanistan, now will reportedly announce troop surge

  5. hace 1 hora
  6. hace 2 horas

    Portland’s commitment to 100 percent renewable energy is already having a tangible impact

  7. hace 3 horas
  8. hace 3 horas
  9. hace 4 horas

    Falwell Jr.: Trump praised participants at white supremacist rally because he had ‘inside information’

  10. hace 4 horas

    Banning transgender troops would cost 100 times more than letting them serve

  11. hace 5 horas
  12. hace 5 horas

    The curious case of a man detained by ICE who can’t stay, but can’t be sent back either

  13. hace 6 horas
  14. hace 7 horas
  15. hace 7 horas

    The ‘ancient carbon’ of Alaska's tundras is being released, starting a vicious warming cycle

  16. hace 7 horas

    Students say evangelical college turned a blind eye to serial rapists

  17. hace 7 horas

    Our country is facing a serious OB-GYN shortage

  18. hace 8 horas

    The disturbing thread of white nationalism woven into the NRA’s rhetoric

  19. hace 8 horas
  20. hace 9 horas

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