How to apologise if you want to be a respected leader

A good apology must have ethics at its heart.
A good apology must have ethics at its heart. JULIAN SMITH
by Clare Payne

For a time, I was a marathon swimmer, swimming in the designated fast lane at North Sydney Olympic Pool. Some people don't notice the signs at the end of each lane indicating who should swim where, or they end up in the wrong lane by overestimating or underestimating their speed (usually the former).

On one occasion I had a not-so-fast swimmer in my lane, so I accelerated and overtook. I wasn't sure if I had clipped my fellow swimmer in the process. I just kept on swimming.

When I'd finished my laps and was standing at the end of the pool, the swimmer I'd passed said to me, "You kicked me before." I was quick to point to the sign: "This is the fast lane, you're meant to swim at a certain speed..." But before I'd finished, a guy in the next lane said: "All you had to do was say sorry."

I was going to get to that – an apology, after I proved my point, which was really beside the point as more to the point was I could have hurt someone.

Clare Payne: "Show you care by apologising swiftly."
Clare Payne: "Show you care by apologising swiftly."

I learnt a lesson about apologising that morning and I'm grateful it wasn't as public as some.

As we watch political and business leaders grapple with apologies, delivering them woefully, too carefully, without feeling, delayed, or not at all, it seems timely to reflect on the ethics of an apology and how we might do it better.

We may not realise it but a good apology is ethics in action. It starts with the question, "What ought one to do?" as first posed by Socrates, the founding father of ethics. Then we should ask, "What's the right thing to do?" Followed by, "Have I affected someone? What can I do to make things better? What will I do to ensure they don't feel that way again?"

Say sorry first

Some very public apologies should sound as a warning, for they can go very wrong, very quickly. What can we learn from those who have fumbled and succeeded before us?

Firstly, timing matters. Show you care by apologising swiftly (Malaysia Airlines CEO Peter Bellew now believes they have 15 minutes or less to say sorry) and take responsibility (unlike BP CEO Tony Hayward's first response to the gulf oil spill). If you don't apologise, someone else might do it for you (Kevin Rudd's apology to the stolen generation).

Say sorry first and acknowledge any impact before giving a justification and don't move from one to the other with a "but". Make sure the apology is culturally appropriate (Citigroup CEO Charles Prince bowed deeply in Japan in contrition for poor banking practices) and doesn't further exacerbate the situation (St Stanislaus Catholic School held an apology for abuse on school grounds, the site of the abuse).

Resist any temptation to promote the organisation or slip into spin and make sure words and references don't make things worse (United Airline's CEO Oscar Munoz's use of the word "de-plane" to describe staff dragging a passenger).

Of course there's a range of reasons as to why apologies have become so fraught for a leader. There's the fear it could have legal repercussions by admitting liability. But as we've seen, an unsatisfactory apology can wipe millions off a company's value ($US1.4 billion in the case of United Airlines following the "de-planeing" incident), far more than any legal action.

Then there's the raft of approvals that may be required before the CEO or an authorised representative can speak publicly. Through the process, the very reason an apology was needed and the intrinsically human element can be forgotten as more eyes pore over each word imagining possible interpretations. The result can be that good judgement is sidelined for what is thought to be good advice, when it just isn't.

Ethics at the centre

When an apology misses the mark a leader can suffer more than an organisation. The proliferation of media channels means a bad apology can stick, and it sticks to the person, not the organisation or team of advisors.

Leaders are appointed not just for their expertise and experience but also for their good judgment and they should be insistent on exercising it when it comes to an apology. If ethics, being the right thing to do, is the driver, then the apology is far more likely to meet acceptance.

Managing in good times can be done by many people, managing well under crisis by far fewer. However, if ethics is at the centre of all that one does, and apologises for, then there is a far better chance of being a good leader, be it in business or at the pool.

Clare Payne is a former employment lawyer, founding director of The Banking and Finance Oath and fellow of The Ethics Centre. 

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