

Donald Trump fiasco rolls on towards what appears to be a possible departure

After yet another week of high farce in Washington, the question of whether the Trump presidency will be cut short has grown strength.

The news Special Counsel Robert Mueller has already impanelled a grand jury and issued subpoenas as part of his probe into possible collusion between Trump's minions and Moscow, suggests investigators are making good progress.

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My most unpleasant call: Trump

A transcript of the infamous first call between PM Malcolm Turnbull and US President Donald Trump has been leaked, revealing more details about the tense exchange.

It coincides with the revelation the Mueller probe has been extended to cover business relations between Trump and Russians prior to the campaign.

This is a potential minefield where the embattled president has already warned the special investigator not to go.

Subjects of interest apparently include the sale of apartments in Trump buildings to Russian citizens, Trump's ties to Russian investors on a New York City development and Trump's 2008 sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch.

It would seem few presidents have ever made it into the White House with more questionable baggage than this one.


These developments, coupled with the slow-motion train wreck that was Donald Trump Jr's wooing by the Russians last year, have coincided with the release of what is said to be the full transcript of the conversation between Malcolm Turnbull and Trump on January 28 over the refugee deal negotiated with the Obama administration.

While, predictably, the PM's opponents have seized on extracts from the transcript to attack him, it is only fair to consider what was said in context.

Turnbull was negotiating with a man who could, at best, be described as unconventional, free-thinking and not versed in diplomatic niceties. His job, which few would have envied, was to keep the deal, which Trump unequivocally opposed, alive.

The fact the PM managed to do this suggests Turnbull, not Trump, is best qualified to write a book entitled "The Art Of The Deal".

It has been said diplomacy and sausages have one thing in common; it's best not to see either of them being made. That is why, since classical times, such discussions have been held in the strictest confidence.

Trump either colluded in the leaking of the content of his conversation with Turnbull for his own advantage or runs such a loose ship his underlings feel they can leak with impunity.

Either would reinforce the view he is neither suitable, capable nor qualified to be the commander-in-chief of the world's pre-eminent superpower.

There appears to be a growing consensus in the US in support of this view.

Following speculation the replacement of the attorney general was a prelude to the sacking of Mueller in order to stop, or at least delay, the Russia investigation, bipartisan bills to protect the special counsel have been introduced into the Senate.

America, a nation born out of its rejection of British autocracy 241 years ago, seems on the path of ridding itself of a second George III.