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Workers are vulnerable in the virtual workplace

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 Rosa* is a typical international student. She's 21 and in Sydney studying English. She hopes to become an engineer. To afford to live in Sydney's rental market, she has to work part-time, so Rosa responds to a notice on Gumtree for cleaning work. Via text message she is told she will be paid $15 an hour for her work and given the access code for an office that she has to clean. She is paid this time, but next time she is told there will be a delay – but don't worry, she will get paid soon. After doing several more shifts, Rosa starts asking about her pay and the employer stops responding. Rosa has nothing apart from a phone number and the first name of her employer. She's also worried because she's worked more than the permitted 40 hours within the last fortnight.

We see clients like Rosa every week at Redfern Legal Centre, where we run weekly advice nights for people who need help with employment law, and for international students with any legal issue. Both nights present a depressingly regular theme: workers with reduced bargaining power for various intersecting factors – including language, education, disability and visa status – working for little or no money and facing significant hurdles to recover their entitlements.

This targeting and exploitation of marginalised workers in Australia is now so widespread it appears to have become a business model, contributing to inequality. So how can we solve it?

Calls to introduce "wage theft" as a criminal offence are increasing, reflecting growing frustration with current sanctions protecting the legal rights of workers. Unions NSW recently released a report on the issue, Lighting up the Black Market, enforcing minimum wages. Last weekend, NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley announced that NSW Labor would make the deliberate failure to pay wages and other entitlements a criminal offence.

The vulnerable workers we see are often in a virtual workplace, where they are directed by text message to undertake specific tasks, such as cleaning or food delivery. They have little information about their employer and little contact with fellow employees. The civil remedy system is weighted against individual complainants: unless there are a number of people dealing with the same employer willing to come forward, the Fair Work Ombudsman is unlikely to investigate.

When underpaid, or not paid at all, our clients' attempts to chase up money they have earned are frequently rebuffed or ignored. Sometimes they are met with threats. While the loss of income is significant for the individuals concerned, the amount owed is often not enough to justify court proceedings – or, even if they were to proceed – to justify further action to enforce a judgment in their favour.


Compounding the problem for many international students is the possibility they have breached the 40-hours-work-per-fortnight condition on their student visa. This threat to their visa status is enough to prevent them taking any action to recover unpaid wages, with unscrupulous employers leveraging a potential visa-breach to "discourage" the worker from reporting the non-payment.

To avoid this kind of exploitation, we have proposed the federal government remove the threat of deportation when a visa breach has occurred inadvertently or via duress, and instead introduce a warning or penalty for a first offence. Our proposed new decision-making protocol would encourage visa holders to report workplace exploitation and provide an information flow to regulators, who struggle to uncover the many and varied ways unscrupulous employers flout workplace laws.

Criminal sanctions, as proposed by NSW Labor and Unions NSW, are also an option, but at this stage there are too many questions to know whether they will effectively address the problem or merely be a political "announceable". Enforcing criminal provisions will require the commitment of dedicated resources, as current investigation and prosecution work by the Fair Work Ombudsman does not necessarily meet the needs of clients such as Rosa.

The system is geared towards unethical employers and it's the responsibility of all levels of government to find solutions and fund them accordingly. While dodgy employers stay under the radar, there is little incentive for them to comply with workplace laws and this growing blight on Australian workplaces will remain unchecked.

Dr Linda Tucker is employment and discrimination solicitor at Redfern Legal Centre and chair of Community Legal Centres NSW.

* not her real name