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The decline in America leadership predates Donald Trump

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The other day an American friend told me something rather disconcerting: when he travels to Europe later this year, he expects to be treated like "a visitor from a planet that has been taken over by wild beasts". 

Why? Because Donald Trump – with all the chronic chaos and plain weirdness he brings to the White House – has dealt a huge blow to America's global standing.

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Officials Donald Trump has fired

The long list of staff that have resigned or been fired during US President Donald Trump's tenure continues to grow.

And yet my friend, like many friends of America, takes solace in assuming Trump is an aberration. Normal programming will resume, they say, whenever the 71-year-old buffoon leaves office and a more conventional president reaffirms American global leadership that upholds the multilateral rules-based order.

Perhaps. But what if the decline of US prestige and influence that has accompanied Washington's freak show is a sign of things to come? What if America's crisis of confidence goes beyond Trump?

Remember, America was in a seriously bad way before The Donald rudely burst onto the scene. Both his predecessors, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, left a more divided, polarising and uncertain nation.

At the turn of the century, the US was seemingly invincible. A "New American Century", the "indispensable nation'', "benign global hegemony" – these were the buzzwords of the US foreign-policy establishment. That all changed when America squandered its blood and treasure in needless wars and suffered its greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression.


Have we forgotten the 2003 Iraq invasion that enhanced Shia Iran's presence in Baghdad and beyond and helped create the Sunni jihadists who are even more fanatical than al-Qaeda?

What about those abuses at Abu Ghraib prison, Guantanamo Bay and "extraordinary rendition" of terrorist suspects? Or the 2008-09 great recession that helped dislocate workers and generate wage stagnation and greater income disparity, creating the anxious electorates that backed Trump last November?

In 2008, Bush's final year, the eminent Australian conservative Owen Harries reflected global sentiments with a cutting four-word description of America's behaviour: "Arrogance. Deceit. Ruthlessness. Incompetence." 

According to the prominent columnist Tom Friedman: "We are in danger of losing America as an instrument of moral authority and inspiration in the world." Sound familiar?

In those days, Bush was universally loathed while his successor was universally loved. But let's not forget the legacy Obama bequeathed.

Remember the 2011 Libyan mission that produced a failed state and a wonderland for Islamists? Or Syria, where Obama backed the Sunni rebels who morphed into Sunni jihadists? Or his calls for regime change in Damascus that helped prolong the civil war?

What about Russia? By trying to peel away Ukraine from its sphere of influence, Washington (and Brussels) upset Moscow's strategic sensibilities. The result: Ukraine has been engulfed in civil war and Russia and the US have descended to the lowest point in relations since the Cuban missile crisis.  

Obama was mobbed like a rock star in foreign capitals. But how well did that popularity translate into power and influence?  

At the 2010 G20 meeting in Seoul, Germany's Angela Merkel led efforts to reject Obama's loose fiscal policy and interventionist prescriptions in the wake of the financial crisis. In response, the Wall Street Journal editorialised: "Has there ever been a major economic summit where a US President and his Treasury Secretary were as thoroughly rebuffed? … President Obama failed to achieve any of his main goals while getting pounded by other world leaders." 

Could Chris Uhlmann, whose recent G20 video on the "uneasy, lonely, awkward" Trump went viral, put it any better?

Go back to the height of the Arab Spring in 2011. When US policy was unravelling throughout the Middle East, the distinguished English writer Geoffrey Wheatcroft declared: "We are witnessing an historic eclipse of US power … This is a strange new world the Americans find themselves in, and one where they are finding it harder than ever to impose their will on anyone anywhere."

Bear all this in mind when you hear the critics slam Trump for the loss of America's moral standing and his failure to exercise US leadership over a messy world. History has left American exceptionalism behind.  

None of this is to deny US strengths. It remains the world's largest economy and its lone military superpower. Its higher education system remains the envy of the world. The US stock index is up 20 per cent since Trump's election, topping 22,000 for the first time last week. The shale-gas "fracking" revolution means the US is destined to become energy independent and more energy efficient.

All this is true enough, but it overlooks a larger point: if America's leaders don't use its vast power with restraint, discrimination and prudence – and if the US President keeps acting as if he's still a reality television star – then America's prestige, credibility, influence and power are likely to further wane in what CNN host Fareed Zakaria calls "the post-American world".  

What will replace the Pax Americana? Will the US take its diminished status gracefully? Or will it lash out, as most declining great powers are historically prone to do? These are important questions for Australia, which has invested so much political and intellectual capital in our alliance with the US.

Tom Switzer is a Fairfax Media columnist and a host at ABC's Radio National.