School of Drama is the New School's multidisciplinary training program for theater arts, located at 151 Bank Street, and 55 West 13th Street New York City.
The graduate program was established in 2005 and grants Masters of Fine Arts degrees in acting, directing and playwriting. Its early predecessor was the Dramatic Workshop (1940–49).
The undergraduate program was established in 2013 and offers students a multidisciplinary, studio-driven program that combines courses in acting, directing and playwriting. The four-year program grants a BFA in the Dramatic Arts.
The New School's theatrical MFA program was originally founded in 1994 in association with the Actors Studio. The program existed as the Actors Studio Drama School until 2005, when the contract with the Studio came to end.
Following the split, New School President Bob Kerrey announced that the program would continue without the Studio as the New School for Drama, with Robert LuPone as Director. As a consequence, the classes of 2006 and 2007 enrolled in the Actors Studio Drama School, and graduated from the New School for Drama. 4 The program is a three-year intensive, offering Masters of Fine Arts in Acting, Directing or Playwriting. The curriculum is highly collaborative, with students from all three majors working closely together.
The New School is a university in New York City, United States, located mostly in Greenwich Village. From its founding in 1919 by progressive New York educators, and for most of its history, the university was known as The New School for Social Research. Between 1997 and 2005 it was known as New School University. The university and each of its colleges were renamed in 2005.
The university became renowned for its teaching and its open intellectual environment, especially after it set up the University in Exile in 1933 as a graduate division to serve as an academic haven for scholars escaping from Nazi Germany and other anti-intellectual regimes in Europe. It has launched or housed a range of institutions such as the international think tank World Policy Institute, the Vera List Center for Art and Politics, the India China Institute, the Observatory on Latin America, and the Center for New York City Affairs. Parsons The New School for Design is the university's highly competitive art school.
The New School is an album by The Tough Alliance, released on the influential Swedish label Service.
The New School is a New York City university.
New School may also refer to:
You can't chain us in time
The New School
We've spent our lives on the design
The New School
Break the rules
You know what they're made for
The tide is high
Let's move to the dancefloor
Causin' pure emotions
Thanks to pure devotion
The New School
We'll never fall in line
Can't classify our kind