Triguboff plays God

Harry Triguboff has released his book of life for apartment buyers.
Harry Triguboff has released his book of life for apartment buyers. Peter Braig

Rich List regular Harry Triguboff has released his own bible.

Or at least, that's the term Meriton uses for a 12-page report released on its website on Wednesday, guiding would-be apartment buyers through their off-the-plan journey. The book of life, if you will, but for property investment.

There was a need for a buyer's bible because the works of man (ie pesky reports by journalists about the impending housing crash) can distract buyers from their purpose. But the path to salvation is eternal. Or as the saviour (Triguboff) put it: "buying an apartment off-the-plan is just like crossing the road – it involves set steps that virtually never change.

"Buyers tread the same tried, true and uncomplicated path that has existed for decades, one that takes them from signing a contract to settlement and the full joys of ownership."

"It's far from a nightmare and the end result can bring immense happiness and satisfaction."
