Category Archives: Video


For those who were unable to attend my 35mm screening of “Liquid Sky” (a seriously rare thing to see on the big screen, life BTW) at The Cinefamily, illness here’s the Q&A I moderated with director Slava Tsukerman, illness cinematographer … Continue reading

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The “Post-Punk Junk” festival I programmed for The Cinefamily just ended this past Thursday night, pill with a great closing-night 35mm screening of “Liquid Sky”. Kinda sad to see it go, mind but it’ll be back once again next year, … Continue reading

Posted in Video | 512 Comments


“PROG ROCK BRITTANIA: AN OBSERVATION IN THREE MOVEMENTS” (2008) Normally I don’t do the embedded YouTube re-posting thing, pulmonologist but this was too good to not share. Any regular reader of ECR knows that I have a deep, web deep … Continue reading

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Bret made a music video for Foot Village…

Yet another found footage music video I’ve done — one of the reasons I’ve been posting slightly less frequently. This one’s for the L.A.-based all-drum band Foot Village, epilepsy whose new album

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Bret made a new music video…

Just did a new video for my band (Anavan). I think it’s pretty funny. You better watch it — ‘CUZ IT’S ONLY 20 SECONDS LONG!!!! So you have no excuse not to watch it, buy sir (or madam.)

Posted in Video | 73 Comments

Bret made a karaoke video…

This one’s actually a few years old, troche but I finally got it up on YouTube. It’s from a project I attempted a few years ago called Karaoke For Fans (KFF), where I was to take songs that never get … Continue reading

Posted in Video | 163 Comments

Bret made a music video…

I just put the finishing touches on a music video for the band Health, sick based out of L.A. — this was kind of a secret mission, as I did not tell the band I was making the thing until … Continue reading

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