Why Gladys Berejiklian should listen, at least, to Fairfield on pokies

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This was published 7 years ago

Why Gladys Berejiklian should listen, at least, to Fairfield on pokies

More than $1.5 billion will be raised by the NSW government this year through taxes on poker machines in pubs and clubs. The figure represents about 5 per cent of the state's total taxation revenue. It is more than enough to cover a year's spending on the entirety of the state's civil and criminal justice system, and more than enough to cover recurrent spending on public housing.

But the poker machine industry's power in NSW is not attributable solely to the support it provides NSW Treasury. More powerful still than that $1.5 billion is the moral suasion generated by the industry's ability, and particularly the ability of NSW clubs, to disburse the money it accrues from the machines.

More substantial poker machine reforms are merited.

More substantial poker machine reforms are merited. Credit: Arsineh Houspian

NSW clubs invariably hand a share of the money they make from poker machines to hospitals, to sporting organisations, to various community groups and facilities. The disbursement of this money helps forge links between clubs and their constituent communities. But it also creates, for the clubs, an opportunity for moral blackmail, should governments ever threaten to turn off their poker machine taps.

When the Gillard Labor government, dragged to the position by the Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie, attempted to minimise the harm caused by poker machines, the ferocity of the clubs' backlash made full use of this opportunity for blackmail. The government's proposed reforms – a mandatory scheme whereby poker machine players could limit their losses – would cost jobs, weaken local hospitals, and threaten junior and senior sports across the state, clubs declared. And declared, and declared again.

The Gillard government lost that fight in 2011, though it also might be said that its heart was never really in it. No government since then has been prepared to take on the clubs on the issue of poker machines. Indeed, when the NSW Liberal-National Coalition swept to power in 2011, it handed the clubs a $300 million tax break.

But political cowardice cannot bury social need. And the continued drain of money from the most disadvantaged areas in Sydney and NSW into poker machines continues to be an indictment on the social organisation of the state. Is it an efficient or effective social policy for clubs to be allowed to install high-intensity gambling machines into disadvantaged communities, and then to drip feed the funds raised (or lost) on those machines back to organisations that are trying to do some good?

Fairfield Council's intervention this week is a timely reminder of the absurdity – and probably the tragedy – of this peculiarly NSW arrangement. Fairfield Council, the city's most disadvantaged area and yet the area whose residents lose most money on poker machines, wants a freeze on new machine licences within its borders. As a start, it is an eminently sensible proposal.

And Fairfield also provides a good argument as to why the existing scheme, whereby funds pushed through club poker machines are redistributed in community grants, should be reformed. The ClubGRANTS scheme, as noted by the Auditor-General, is opaque, and it is prone to be exploited for political advantage. That Fairfield, an area that accounted for about 8 per cent of pub and club poker machine profits in 2015, has not received infrastructure funding from those profits is ludicrous.

More substantial poker machine reforms are merited. A serious commitment to lessening the harm caused by the 95,000-odd poker machines in the state would be welcome. But Fairfield has shown the Berejiklian government where it might at least begin.

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