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Vale Liu Xiaobo, Chinese dissident who suffered for freedom and peace for all

Published: July 17 2017 - 12:15AM

There may be empty chairs set aside behind closed doors in Chinese households this week as tribute to Liu Xiaobo, the dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner who has died of liver cancer. But we may never know, because in President Xi Jinping's China, drawing attention to an empty chair is a dangerous political act which could get you arrested.

Dr Liu could not attend the award ceremony for his Nobel prize in Stockholm in 2010 because he was in jail in China, so the award was bestowed on an empty chair set on the stage. The phrase "empty chair" was then banned from the Chinese internet. Such was the authorities' fear of this man and the power of his words. The statement he prepared for his 2009 trial – but was not allowed to read out – was read in Stockholm instead: "I have no enemies and no hatred ... Hatred can rot away at a person's intelligence and conscience. Enemy mentality will poison the spirit of a nation, incite cruel mortal struggles, destroy a society's tolerance and humanity, and hinder a nation's progress toward freedom and democracy."

It's a tiny fraction of the academic and author's brave and brilliant output over the years challenging contemporary Chinese political and cultural orthodoxy. He was jailed for his role in the 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations, and jailed again for three years in 1996. He continued writing on democracy, rationality, freedom from hate and the need for civility and due process. He endured the constant surveillance of the authorities with resignation and good humour while resisting all entreaties from his friends and supporters that he move to safety overseas. The day before he was arrested the last time in December 2008 for "inciting subversion of state power" Dr Liu had been collecting signatures for Charter 08, a blueprint for constitutional reform and democratic change in China he co-wrote.

The mighty Chinese state feared Liu Xiaobo – why else would it lock him away and silence him? – while countries seeking to benefit from China's rise fear the mighty Chinese state. Australia did not join the handful of countries such as Canada, France, Germany, Taiwan and the US which called for Dr Liu's release so he could travel overseas for treatment. Instead the Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop has released a short statement asking that his wife Liu Xia, under house arrest without charge since 2008, be allowed to move about freely.

It is too little too late.The story of Liu Xiaobo gives the lie to the comforting platitude that democratic freedoms will inevitably follow China's economic liberalisation. The regime has become more, rather than less, repressive. Under President Xi Jinping, vague but broad-ranging new national security laws have made it easier for the authorities to lock people up for nebulous offences. The scope for civic activity in support of legitimate causes such as anti-corruption, environmental protection and women's rights has been drastically curtailed. The suppression is so effective that few ordinary citizens have even heard of the Nobel laureate. That makes it all the more important for foreign governments like Australia's to continue to press China on human rights' issues.

"To defend freedom we cannot give rein to its enemies," Malcolm Turnbull said in London this week. Making an exception for China risks eroding human rights everywhere and undermines the cause of liberals in China. Vale Liu Xiaobo.

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